Author Topic: This and That  (Read 20742 times)


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Re: This and That
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2017, 11:43:52 PM »
Well, Hops I didn't get all the moss planted, but I got two trays down.  It was wonderful.  There was more time spent weeding and picking up leaves and sticks..... planting was my treat at the end.

What you said about cherishing your Independence, on your thread..... I'm so in that space.  I'm not sure I have it in me to receive a wonderful man.  Anything's possible, I suppose.

The journey continues.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2017, 03:30:22 PM »
You're right.
The mystery is not knowing when or if a good surprise may come.

Just that they might. And meanwhile, the beauty of moss...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2018, 09:36:33 AM »
DD15 is now referring to the boy as her boyfriend.... they're officially dating, and he's just lovely.

He's kind, and talented, and patient, with a good sense of humor.  That means he's not what we call " a giggle boy", but he's quick and can be funny..... it's not his natural state.  He's too busy being devoted and earnest, which DD recognizes and appreciates very much.

DD's best friend is a giggle boy.....Uber funny, and entertaining....friends with the bf too.....
We call him the gremlin.

DD is content with her social group, and experiencing a very happy time right now.

This young man, her bf, played his guitar and sang for the 5 women in my house last weekend.  He was poised, and sang
Let Her Go by Passenger.  Look it up.  I liked the bf's version a little more.

:: nodding::.

BF is also brave.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2018, 01:14:50 PM »
Wow. How wonderful to have the privilege of watching an early love relationship.
Your attitude to him sounds so kind, respectful and appreciative.

Kudos, and best to your DD as she navigates her sense of what this means to her...happiness, I hope!
Whether short- or long-term, it'll be lovely if what's happening now might always be, in her future life,
good memories.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2018, 03:09:09 PM »
Aw, Lighter, he sounds lovely!  And singing and guitar playing, too!  He sounds like a perfect intro to the world of romance, and long may things continue to be so much fun :) xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2018, 02:32:19 PM »
D D15 still enjoying the boy's company.  I'm astonished by her boundaries and basically stick to what appears to be the 51% rule..... I'm in awe.  She's so smart.....truly an old soul, with a tremendous talent for physical comedy.  A lovely combination.

On the Little cottage in the Bahamas... It's time for repairs and researching the next steps.  Contractor went on day trip and has materials list.  Need to order new metal door with tamper proof hinges and an inside screen door.  Need to order hurricane shutters for doors and windows still lacking them.  Electric has problem but not sure how bad it is. 

Basically we get it in shape to sell or keep.  Not sure which.   We bring an electrician the  first planned trip, then ship major supplies for longer least 2 weeks.

I'm getting along with the contractor fine..... he's basically my father, same make and model.  An angry white man with mad skills.  Lots of opportunities for boundary work, and he likes me bc I work hard, no whining, beside him. 

I admit I worry all that together time could render me one water bug in the ear away from going over the edge, but....

The journey continues.


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Re: This and That
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2018, 08:09:55 PM »
My contractor is doing well, as we mull over window security.

New windows?  Exterior mounted burglar bars?  Hurricane shutters?  Right now we're leaning toward 3M security film with interior mounted burglar bars that can be opened in case of fire.  I get excited about ideas then demoralized when remembering  thieves will get in no matter what, if they really want in.  This is a herky jerky emotional rollercoaster for me.  I haven't been to the cottage in over 10 years.  It's a good chance to work on awareness and letting memories go by without latching on, kwim?

So,Amber, what solutions did you have on your beach windows, and do you have any advice?

We have some accordian hurricane shutters I'd like to secure from interior of house.  Maybe put them over the remaining 10 windows while replacing a few.

The ocean front wall needs lots if work....metal studs and new windows for sure.  Some kind of water proof interior finish as water gets in during hurricane season and has seeped up the paneling...thinking stucco.....maybe stone tile , at least at the bottom of the wall.

We ordered new kitchen cabinets, and will close off the little secondary kitchen in favor of creating another bedroom....maybe with built in bunk areas that feel very private.  That's where I'd sleep.  The back bedroom is over the old cistern, and I always disliked that room.  Have to figure out how to deal with that.

  No lower cabinets....all drawer packs.  I won't ship another full size fridge again....too hard to have it stolen, so planned on 2 under counter fridges on one wall.  Solves nothing, I realize, but less expensive, and easier to replace.  Will bring something for on counter to cook more ranges or ovens either.  I wonder if I could find a safe place to store small appliances it if it's possible.  Probably should just carry on and off island every trip.  Huge PITA.

If I can find someone trustworthy to manage the property I could rent it out, and that means leaving the place stocked with appliances... At least minimally.  I'd love to have an ice maker, but so would the thieves.  I'm so suck of schlepping thing on to the island then getting broken into.  It felt like stocking a store.

Optimally I'd like to get the place cleaned up and refreshed so it can be listed.  Maybe find folks interested in living there from the US several months out of the year....maybe several people taking turns so it's occupied. 

I'd like to spend some time there not working every second.  If the girls and I could fish and harvest seafood ourselves...maybe have a little garden with fresh veggies, that would be nice.  Tai Chi on the beach.  Rest and restoration.... learning to do something else there besides struggle, and feel lost.  That would be nice.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2018, 08:50:01 AM »
There's a reason a lot of beach houses have the appliance level on the 2nd floor. Even a lot of the OBX concrete block flat-tops, are getting a 2nd floor these days... except when there is historic value in keeping them, as is.

Tough call; steel studs which rust in salt air or wood that rots & molds from sea water exposure? If the contractor is local, I'd tend to lean on his experience and preference. If you accept that things need replacing on a shorter time-line in that environment then he'll likely go with what is easiest to refresh. Stucco is also susceptible to mold; it's holds pollen and sand in it's little pores and requires regular power washing with chemicals to keep it looking "clean". Tile might be the better option.

Windows are probably the most important part of a structure, as they are the most aesthetically pleasing but structurally weakest element. I like exterior, steel, roll down hurricane shutters. The slats fit into an enclosed track and will discourage the thief looking for an easy target - it would take tools and make a lot of noise to get through them. And the shutters can also cover doors. Steel won't get mishaped in the heat as quickly as aluminum, and will survive impacts better. These are typically rated to a Cat 3 hurricane. (All bets are off, when it's a more intense storm.)

The shutters on the exterior, also helps preserve the integrity of the mechanical functioning of the window, not just the glass. And the insulation - which is important if you're running a/c. Do you have power at the cottage? Those shutters are extremely heavy and hard to crank open manually. But it's easy to add a power switch to operate them. (You MIGHT be limited by your breaker box however.)

Power would also let you use one of those high-tech induction hot plates, instead of gas. I would prefer gas, and the 1 qt propane cylinders/camp stoves last a lot longer than one might think - but yes, you would need to stock back plenty of these cylinders - or get the adapter that would let you hook up to a 20 lb propane tank, like you use for a grill. Camping supply places will even have stove top ovens that seem to work well. (Like Cabelas...)

As for not schlepping all this stuff back & forth - it's extremely common to have an "owner's closet" in beach cottages to store your own bedding, appliances, cleaning/paper supplies, emergency kit, etc. It stays locked until the owner is there, all the time. Could be interior - or on the exterior of the house - but for say propane storage would need to be insulated and vented.

As for the theft problem... outside of an alarm system and a caretaker who's on the call list, along with the authorities... I got nothin'. I'm not sure which is worse - theft or vandalism - the latter being completely incomprehensible to me. This is one of two huge issues with owning property at a distance from "home base". The other issue is maintenance.

I didn't want to have to deal with either of those issues at two other properties. Ack - the opposite of simplifying my life! - so I decided to let both go. I might have kept the little cabin, if the opportunity to buy the land behind me didn't show up. But it did, and apparently someone had been watching for this cabin to get listed for awhile.

I'm still letting all that sink in and adjust myself into understanding that the property line isn't where it was anymore, when I bought this place. It's a huge adjustment for me... and I'm still basically thinking "small"... this one little spot I can see from the front porch and I'm just not able to really get out in the back 40 much yet. Too wet, too cold, and probably not very good cell signal if I get myself in trouble. (I don't think I will, but crap happens.)
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Re: This and That
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2018, 12:23:15 PM »
Amber, we're mostly thinking accordian shutters at this point.  Bolted from interior of wall is only way I can real my mind around it.  We need to replace some windows and yes, there is power.  I'm walking electrician's passport through tomorrow....huge PITA.  They don't say you still need appt at post office even though working with super expensive expediting company.  Errrrr.

Electricity went out at sundown when contractor was putting materials list together.  Could be small or large problems.  Won't be sure till we have professional on it, and there's wires everywhere.... exposure to sea and sea air not helpful to the cause.

Owner's closet is same as house to people willing to break in, and cause destruction.  We had a fake wall they figured out pretty quick once.  I think security has to come from caretakers who carry respect and clout in the community.

Good thought about stucco collecting dirt and dust etc.
I like tile.  I hate mildew.

My contractor is same one who worked on my house.  Getting island labor is worse than getting help on Beech Mountain.... a nightmare I'm not up to. 

Thanks for the input.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2018, 12:51:36 PM »
Good luck! It sounds like a worthwhile project. I think it maybe helps to keep things as simple, in as many locally available materials as possible in that situation. Keep things simple; even primitive - and it'll be more cost-effective when you have to replace things later... and be less attractive to the takers of the world. (Maybe; I have no experience whatsoever in that part of the world. No idea what society is like.)
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Re: This and That
« Reply #55 on: February 10, 2018, 10:13:02 AM »

I feel like I'm on a roller coaster..... one minute I'm hopeful about making improvements and long overdo repairs, enjoying it, letting friends and family enjoy it, and then my stomach flips thinking about wasting time and money.  I don't have either to waste any more. 

I'm truly conflicted on this one. 



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Re: This and That
« Reply #56 on: February 12, 2018, 08:23:40 AM »
Hi Lighter,
The island cottage sounds exotic, lovely, arduous, and exhausting.

I keep fantasizing about your capacity to RENT a place like that when you crave the geography, climate, escape....

Owning sounds like such an absolutely enormous hassle to me. Where do you find the value in it?
(Not saying you should feel the same way...I just don't quite understand the appeal. I love the freedom and escape of being in such a place, though. I just barely keep up with my own wee house and yard, and am hooked on the whole Voluntary Simplicity idea of a better life. Not minimalism, as I'm incapable, but owning less.)

Fill me in, I'll get it!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #57 on: February 12, 2018, 11:12:56 AM »
Let's play a little "what if" game... the only "rule" is that you're allowed to make the wrong decision, because except for only one of these scenarios you can change your mind (and even then, you still have some "outs" if you change your mind.

What if... you put it on the market & it sells? What benefit would the proceeds be? Would it simplify your life? Would you regret it? How much "improvement" do you think you'd have to do to ask a decent price for it? Have you discussed that with a realtor? You know you can do that - without being obligated to list?

What if... you do list it and it doesn't sell for awhile?

What if... you only do the minimum improvements to list it... and then just keep it -- leaving the option to sell later, open?

Do you know what your liability/loss would be if a storm completely wiped it out? What if that happened? Does that open up some new possibilities?

What if... for some other reason, your health - other's health, the local crime rate, whatever you hang onto it and now it's become a major millstone around your neck... what are your options then?

Just remember: run through the imaginary options... knowing full well you're allowed to make the wrong the decision. NOW, what's the worst that can happen?

Then, revisit what you REALLY WANT.

Hope that helps.
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Re: This and That
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2018, 10:02:47 AM »
D D15 still enjoying the boy's company.  I'm astonished by her boundaries and basically stick to what appears to be the 51% rule..... I'm in awe.  She's so smart.....truly an old soul, with a tremendous talent for physical comedy.  A lovely combination.

On the Little cottage in the Bahamas... It's time for repairs and researching the next steps.  Contractor went on day trip and has materials list.  Need to order new metal door with tamper proof hinges and an inside screen door.  Need to order hurricane shutters for doors and windows still lacking them.  Electric has problem but not sure how bad it is. 

Basically we get it in shape to sell or keep.  Not sure which.   We bring an electrician the  first planned trip, then ship major supplies for longer least 2 weeks.

I'm getting along with the contractor fine..... he's basically my father, same make and model.  An angry white man with mad skills.  Lots of opportunities for boundary work, and he likes me bc I work hard, no whining, beside him. 

I admit I worry all that together time could render me one water bug in the ear away from going over the edge, but....

The journey continues.

Lighter, I'm out of touch with what teenagers are up to - what's the 51% rule? :) x


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Re: This and That
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2018, 10:08:59 AM »
I think we will be seeing a Lighter and Skep building company before long :)  I love reading all this stuff whilst being aware most of it is going completely over my head :)  Lol.

Lighter, I know nothing at all about the situation with this beach house and what the practicalities/financial implications are - but if it's a pain and is mostly just a safe for people to break in to when they want some new stuff, could you cut your losses and just sell, as is, and let someone else sort it all out?  It sounds like it would be a lovely holiday home for family and friends whilst you have all the hassle of sorting everything out?  I've no idea what your current options are but as I am in my decluttering mode at the moment and ruthlessly shedding years worth of all sorts of things (even photographs - I never thought I'd get rid of photographs but shredding up ones that don't make me smile when I look at them is very satisfying).  I'm looking forward to the next instalment on the beach house story, whatever it may be :)