Ya'know, Tupp..... I didn't used to have anxiety around paperwork. Not like this, anyway.
It used to get done, and I can't tell you if I struggled or not, bc there's no memory of struggle.... there's nothing, outside getting my first mortgage, which was attached to my first divorce, which set the timeline for when the ex left the home...... the stress was the relationship, not getting the mortgage.
So, I've been on hold, twice, for 40 minutes waiting on Ft. Lauderdale Home Depot accounts receivable to pick up. They're busier than any HD I've ever done business with. I can't imagine what their pro desk folks go through. Ours took everything in stride, and seems to have got the job done. Will see when we unpack pallets.
There have been hiccups with shipping addresses.... on everything really. Things exported out of the country, by this shipper anyway, have to have paperwork done just son, and I have to tell you..... I haven't let it shoot adrenaline through me while dealing with it. Even when I receive frantic phone calls designed to panic me.... I just don't. There's crate and freight middle men with broken down trucks, and still.... no blips on my adrenaline radar.
I was picking up sticks and limbs while on hold, and found two piles where people left their dog poop.... and it didn't send me over any kind of edge. I usually DO DO DO.... bag it up, hang the bags so they're visible, leave out fresh bags for people to avail themselves..... put upright sticks around the bags to draw attention, as if the bright blue bags aren't enough, lol. It usually sends me spinning into action...... just short of making signs, and banishing everyone from using my yard as their cut through, which is has been for 40 years. What is wrong with people?
Anyhoo..... I just bagged it up, and kept going. I pick up my dog's poop, I'll pick up other people's poop too. The true test will be when I'm tired, and physically straining then STEP in dog poop, which has happened. The idea of people... US dragging dog poop INTO THE HOME brings up off the charts..... I don't know what to call it. It's probably similar to what I think of, in my brother, as "persnickity." So incensed, am I. Scrub brushes, buckets of hot water, soap, bleach and finally an alcohol scrub is called for, and I'm quite certain I can hear NO ONE while going about that task.
Oh oh.... Pro desk gal just called while I'm still holding for accounts recvbl... now the fridge won't be in on time. Have to figure something else out.... pick one up, crate it and deliver it ourselves after handling same with hurricane shutters.
Oh well.... ::paying attention to stress level::..
still kind of OK.
That the freight company can't guarantee delivery the week I've booked, bc they might deliver to my side of the island, is likely to make a dent in my chill. They said they'd have to deliver the next week if things weren't perfect. I see the forecast has thunderstorms and 15 - 20 mile winds broadcast. I CAN'T BE ON ISLAND WITH NOTHING TO DO. I can't.