Author Topic: This and That  (Read 20870 times)


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Re: This and That
« Reply #105 on: March 19, 2018, 11:33:09 AM »
Lighter, that sounds huge!  What a massive step forwards.  I recognise the stoicism you describe; that difficulty with just refusing to do/worry/sort out for others.  Difficult to disengage from and to separate what must be done and what can be left for another day (or delegated.  Or left long enough that someone else does it :) ).  To hear you describe seeing it, recognising it and then just letting it be - wow.  Huge strides forward.  Equally with the paperwork.  Do you find all paperwork gives you anxiety now?  I find even simple things feel huge.  It's because it brings up so many years of fighting on paper, I think.  But you sound as if you're putting that into its proper place now - needs to be done, not a big deal, I'll do it when it suits me.  Wow.  I'm amazed and impressed :) xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #106 on: March 19, 2018, 12:47:16 PM »
Ya'know, Tupp..... I didn't used to have anxiety around paperwork.  Not like this, anyway.

It used to get done, and I can't tell you if I struggled or not, bc there's no memory of struggle.... there's nothing, outside getting my first mortgage, which was attached to my first divorce, which set the timeline for when the ex left the home...... the stress was the relationship, not getting the mortgage.

So, I've been on hold, twice, for 40 minutes waiting on Ft. Lauderdale Home Depot accounts receivable to pick up.  They're busier than any HD I've ever done business with.  I can't imagine what their pro desk folks go through.  Ours took everything in stride, and seems to have got the job done.  Will see when we unpack pallets.

There have been hiccups with shipping addresses.... on everything really.  Things exported out of the country, by this shipper anyway, have to have paperwork done just son, and I have to tell you..... I haven't let it shoot adrenaline through me while dealing with it.  Even when I receive frantic phone calls designed to panic me.... I just don't.  There's crate and freight middle men with broken down trucks, and still.... no blips on my adrenaline radar. 

I was picking up sticks and limbs while on hold, and found two piles where people left their dog poop.... and it didn't send me over any kind of edge.  I usually DO DO DO.... bag it up, hang the bags so they're visible, leave out fresh bags for people to avail themselves..... put upright sticks around the bags to draw attention, as if the bright blue bags aren't enough, lol.  It usually sends me spinning into action...... just short of making signs, and banishing everyone from using my yard as their cut through, which is has been for 40 years.  What is wrong with people?

Anyhoo..... I just bagged it up, and kept going.  I pick up my dog's poop, I'll pick up other people's poop too.  The true test will be when I'm tired, and physically straining then STEP in dog poop, which has happened.  The idea of people... US dragging dog poop INTO THE HOME brings up off the charts..... I don't know what to call it.  It's probably similar to what I think of, in my brother, as "persnickity."  So incensed, am I.  Scrub brushes, buckets of hot water, soap, bleach and finally an alcohol scrub is called for, and I'm quite certain I can hear NO ONE while going about that task. 

Oh oh.... Pro desk gal just called while I'm still holding for accounts recvbl...  now the fridge won't be in on time.  Have to figure something else out.... pick one up, crate it and deliver it ourselves after handling same with hurricane shutters.

Oh well.... ::paying attention to stress level::..
 still kind of OK. 

That the freight company can't guarantee delivery the week I've booked, bc they might deliver to my side of the island, is likely to make a dent in my chill.  They said they'd have to deliver the next week if things weren't perfect.  I see the forecast has thunderstorms and 15 - 20 mile winds broadcast.  I CAN'T BE ON ISLAND WITH NOTHING TO DO.  I can't. 


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Re: This and That
« Reply #107 on: March 20, 2018, 02:32:32 PM »
Ah, dog poo, Lighter, we've had the pleasure of running my son's wheelchair through it before now, it is the most vile disgusing stuff and why people can't at least flick it out of the way if they really can't pick it up is beyond me.

It's incredible that you're going through these (very trying) things without getting stressed and I wonder if your sub conscious bit has listened to you saying to yourself that you're going to change your pathways and not react and is just thinking "um, no point doing anything here, she's not interested in playing our old stories any more" :)  I do like thinking about the different parts of us having their own personalities and doing their own thing :)  It sounds as if you are getting plenty of opportunities to practise not getting stressed and doing a grand job with it!

I hope all the supplies got through okay and that the weather doesn't cause too many problems.  It is hard not being able to get on when there's a lot to do so I'll keep my fingers crossed for good delivery weather for you :) xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #108 on: March 20, 2018, 07:32:47 PM »
(((Tupp))) and (((Lighter)))

I am absorbing a LOT while reading up on how you each are coping with the ToDos and their various levels of urgency and built-in stress.

I don't have much intelligent to contribute to this (as my To-Dos have devolved a lot and remain unstarted in so many areas)...but just want to say it's really benefitting me a lot to read this.

Thank you both for sharing this stuff. It's daunting but exhilarating to read of your breakthroughs.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #109 on: March 21, 2018, 01:26:47 PM »
I'm still pretty chill, but notice first reactions as they come up, for instance.....

thjs morning my phone wouldn't dial out in a few cases......
first reaction was MY PHONE's BROKEN, WHATEVER WILL I DO?!?!?  ALL IS LOST if my phone won't work!

Second reaction.... maybe it's just the storm... how will that effect my next week, month, rather than gee... I hope everyone IN the storm is safe, and warm, which did come up, but geez. 

Third reaction.... Oh well.... will figure it out.

It's interesting I catastrophized it right off the bat....
hmmm..... the phone's working again, and contractor said his was doing the same weird refusing to ring thing too.  Will have a working phone with all important contacts in place during trip, whew.  I'm relieved bc it's working, and relieved I noticed the pattern, and stopped it before it changed my day. 

I picked up a refurbished computer..... bullet proof... very sturdy retro DELL, and I love it.  They keyboard is lit, if a little smaller than I'm used to.  It's loaded with everything I need, and more.  I highly recommend refurbished computers, at least from sellers who do the work themselves, and know what they're doing.  This guy had ONE computer when I called, and he's working to wipe two old ones of mine, and install Windows 7.... $50.00 total.  What a deal!   

I will say this about refusing to spin, and allow anxiety unchecked into my life....

Life is better this way. 

I want to this to last.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #110 on: March 22, 2018, 04:39:37 AM »
I'm still pretty chill, but notice first reactions as they come up, for instance.....

thjs morning my phone wouldn't dial out in a few cases......
first reaction was MY PHONE's BROKEN, WHATEVER WILL I DO?!?!?  ALL IS LOST if my phone won't work!

Second reaction.... maybe it's just the storm... how will that effect my next week, month, rather than gee... I hope everyone IN the storm is safe, and warm, which did come up, but geez. 

Third reaction.... Oh well.... will figure it out.

It's interesting I catastrophized it right off the bat....
hmmm..... the phone's working again, and contractor said his was doing the same weird refusing to ring thing too.  Will have a working phone with all important contacts in place during trip, whew.  I'm relieved bc it's working, and relieved I noticed the pattern, and stopped it before it changed my day. 

I picked up a refurbished computer..... bullet proof... very sturdy retro DELL, and I love it.  They keyboard is lit, if a little smaller than I'm used to.  It's loaded with everything I need, and more.  I highly recommend refurbished computers, at least from sellers who do the work themselves, and know what they're doing.  This guy had ONE computer when I called, and he's working to wipe two old ones of mine, and install Windows 7.... $50.00 total.  What a deal!   

I will say this about refusing to spin, and allow anxiety unchecked into my life....

Life is better this way. 

I want to this to last.


Refurbs are the best, Lighter, I just bought my son his own laptop (we've always shared before but I thought as he's 16 he should have his own now) and I bought him a new one, absolute pile of rubbish, sent it back the following day and bought him a refurb from the same place I got mine, much better spec for less money, sturdier and stronger and powered up straight away without any problems.  The new one took ages to go through set up and then kept going through it, it had a very noisy fan, kept flashing an error message saying there was no power supply (all plugged in, no loose bits) and just felt very flimsy.  Refund on way :)

Good to read that you noticed the reaction before reacting to the reaction :)  I think that's the bit, if you can catch it, question it a bit and then work out a new or different way to deal with it.  I think there's always more pressure in a situation like yours where you have a limited amount of time to get things done and various strands that may or may not cause problems.  Lots of balls up in the air.  But great that you saw what was going on and then it seemed to fix itself anyway :)  Fingers crossed for more of that :) xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #111 on: March 22, 2018, 07:17:03 AM »

I'm more and more impressed with this refurb computer by the hour.  It IS sturdier..... a Dell Latitude.... semi rugged business computer....  and it did start right up.... no problems, no adverts, nothing missing or in need of attention.  Will likely download some Malware and keep moving.  Will take it with me, I'm feeling so good about it.  I was sharing a taped together computer with oldest dd.  The screws come out of the corners, then the thing starts coming apart.  Then there's tape, and eventual sparks.... sometimes it's the charging ports.  This computer has the charger in the back... not sure how that will work out, but it never goes well on the side charging ports for us.

Figured out how to download printer software.  DD17 helped, and it went smoothly.  The mouse has fancy arrows I'm still getting used to, but all is well.

Can't wait to get my other computers back working for 50.00.... what a deal.  I don't think I'll have to purchase any computers for a very long time.

The snow largely missed us... I can see snow, but it's not covering the roads. 

And... amazingly.... my contractor is bringing up how to collaborate, rather than argue.... he's motivated to problem solve before trouble begins!  I'm bursting with goodwill, and gratitude.  I can't explain it, but something shifted, and his energy is so much better.  He's a dear man with so many gifts, and growing resilience in his life means more peace, more joy for him.  He deserves it.

Tupp... for me "noticing" negative feelings before they carry me away actually dispells them.  Sometimes I figure out what exactly the feelings are, or what brings them up, but it's usually an uber simple process without much thought at all.  Very strange.... so simple. 

We're surfing real good right now, Tupp: )




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Re: This and That
« Reply #112 on: March 23, 2018, 06:25:47 AM »
Well.... I'm feeling giddily sick as I prepare the house for departure.  So many things out of my control.  The girls have to grow up a bit.... they're almost adults and I fret like they're still small.  This trip will be good for all of us, me'thinks.

It looks like all the shipments... most of the important ones, have arrived at warehouse or here.  I'm trying to figure out whether to rent a truck, or a trailer and bring my own truck.  Parking will be a problem while I'm gone.... 20.00 dollars a day in some lots... 10 in others.  That's insane when you're looking at a month.  Heck.  Maybe we'll fly back home, so renting looks better this morning.  We can take as much luggage as we want to pay for on that particular flight.  Just doing the math in my head. 

Math isn't a strength: )

I'm very sleep as I go about my morning ablutions.  Coffee.  Give.  Me.  Coffee.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 06:29:12 AM by lighter »


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Re: This and That
« Reply #113 on: March 23, 2018, 11:51:07 AM »
So.... noticing HUGE stress, and I've made a point of seeing chiropractor to keep self care moving along before industrial month of more stress with huge physical activity on top.

The Fridge wasn't delivered yesterday at 8am, bc Sears showed up after 4pm.... THEY WERE SCHEDULED FOR A 2 HOUR WINDOW FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, and it was on the form to deliver between 8 and 4pm Mon ......

::smoothing blouse::..

so it's re scheduled fo rMonday instead of Tues, which was what a text said without saying WHY it was rescheduled... their fault, not bc of something to do with not deliverying to warehouses with loading docks, which was my fear, of all things, and

::smoothing blouse again::..

I notice how quickly I get upset, and more importantly, how quickly it goes away, and I get on with the business of rememdying situations... not dwelling on them, or transferring agression instead of problem solving.  This is such relief, and I say this as Nana called at the same time I was dealing with Sears to say my father's headphones weren't working...  neither one... and I suggested she check the batteries, rather than driving 2 hours to handle it myself, and POOF!  She changed the triple A batteries and they were miractulously fixed without my muttering all the way there, and back to change batteries myself.

This is good bc I tend to just DO things for people, instead of guide and teach them to DO for themselves.  I didn't feel anything about it... just a calm expectation that she'd handle it, and all would be well.  Typically I'd spin thinking about my mostly deaf father going without the ability to hear the TV, which is his life at this point, and it would be all despair and trauma thinking about paperwork over warranties, finding said paperwork, and trying to handle it from out of the Country while father...

::smoothing blouse again::..

And I can honestly say that not knowing how I'll get to the port today.... renta;?  My truck?  Not sure, but it isn't bothering me right now to NOT know.  I believe it will work itself out, and I'm confident it will be in the best possible way.

Now, to call the freight company and have them delivery my load next week.... they can deliver my container anytime over the next month the weather suits them.  All will be well there too: )

This being able to sooth myself stuff is SO much better.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #114 on: March 26, 2018, 11:22:06 AM »
We're a day ahead with our schedule this morning, I'm well rested and on top of things.... relatively speaking......and then the Sears delivery people called.

What's going right?

Kids to school on time.  We're loaded..... Shutter place is on our way.  Life is good: )


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Re: This and That
« Reply #115 on: March 26, 2018, 01:35:12 PM »
Wow, Lighter, what a busy few days, so much going on and all being dealt with, it seems!

Yes, making suggestions to people instead of doing it for them - some tasks are so simple.  I've lived on my own for so long that I can cope with most household situations now.  It amazes me that other people can't, simply because they haven't had to.  So good for you to save yourself the driving and good for her to now have another bit of knowledge up her sleeve :)

What happened about the fridge, did it not arrive again? xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #116 on: March 31, 2018, 05:50:58 AM »
The fridge made it BUT they jerked me around....said couldn't promise, then delivered.  They only run deliveries to Ports 2 days a week, bc it sometimes takes hours for one delivery...huge PaiTA for them.

Anyhoo, we're on the island, and things got heated the first evening, then the next morning, then one little bobble today, but I ignored it.  I'm honestly flummoxed by overt drama, and chaos manufacture.  Accepting there's nothing to be done is a relief, and after ,there's been productive dialogue.  Enough to give me hope we'll get through this.

Thank God we didn't receive the freight on time is all I have to say.  I'm sure I would have blown a gasket if I had that on my on top of me.

What's going right.....

The living room, dining room and kitchen areas are cleared out, spic and span and ready to go.

The shower drain was snaked and cleared, then bleached.  We keep leaky coolers in there now.

The toilet has water hook up, whew.  No more carrying buckets of water.

I Have air Conditioning I'm my private space!

  We've improvised food prep with a hot plate, and hastily purchased set if pans. 

We're catching fish off our beach, and I have a knife.

We improvised a fire pit from a grill top and blocks....very nice.

The boys built a lovely outdoor shower enclosure from the torn down deck boards.  Looks it.

We have a solar shower bag, so warm water showers are ours!  Yes.

Hopefully we can get the new tiny fridge working tomorrow.  Daily ice runs, and living out if coolers is something I'd rather not have to do much longer.

I've been piling rocks into cracks in my requires heaving them up and over 5 or so feet if wall.  My back is holding out.....feels fine, really. 

The ocean, finding shells, picking rocks is replacement for moss farming right now.  We're right at the ocean loud waves crashing.  The moon's almost full....very bright.

One of my companions perfoms daily rituals with candles and blessings.  We'll share a ritual at some point.... I think I have a ghost, besides this place being a time capsule from 14 years ago. 

Finding youngest DD's ducky blanket unhinged me, where..tiny shoes and sarongs husband's gray tee shirt. 

About the ghost...has anyone ever been hit with water in a very dry area....out of the water source around?  This time it was two handfulls....all down my back and left arm.  Ive encountered little spritzes in the face before, but...this was down the wall....on the floor....delivered with force.  I could see the precise direction it came from, based on the shape if the drops.  There's nothing in that came from high up...above my head.  Very odd.

The journey continues.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #117 on: March 31, 2018, 08:09:53 AM »
Glad you made it there, Lighter.
Sorry the first night was full of spats.
Glad you found yourself again in shells and rocks.
Sorry there's so much work ahead.
Glad you have companions with you.
Sorry about unexpected mementos and what they recall.

Glad you have a ghost?
Sorry the ghost has a dribble problem?

Laughter. When are the board games and laughter?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #118 on: April 01, 2018, 07:18:21 AM »

If there's a ghost, he's the least of my worries.  And I have some rather large worries at the moment.

On the upside, we cooked a chicken in foil over charcoal grill last night with Spanish seasoning, potatoes, peppers and carrots...was so good I couldn't stop eating. 

We also had a fire, beach chairs pulled around it, and the waves breaking 20 feet away.  You'd think it was paradise. 

Hops, did you read the book or see the movie Life of Pi?

Remember when Pi lived on the boat with the tiger?  All the fierceness, the pitifulness, the aggression of the tiger... the walking on eggshells Pi did to get through his days.....

I think I'm Pi AND the fish the tiger needed to live.  I'm feeling very I'm disappearing.... there's not enough of me to do this job maybe, under the circumstances.  I'm reminded of times I had to believe I could control other people's behavior.....even though it was impossible..... I can't of course, but every terrible bobble I'm deeply shamed I failed....that I will fail again.  Escalations in hostilities are shocking.  Perhaps inevitable.

Ahhh.... I have to get more yummy chicken marinade soon.

::Shaking head::.




I need an Amazon bonfire, and Amazon spirits by my side.

Picturing that actually bucked me up.

:: Sigh::

Time to start another day.  I wonder what fresh event will take place today.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #119 on: April 01, 2018, 12:08:36 PM »
Lighter, the food around the camp fire, the waves crashing under moonlight, the warm showers and working toilet all sound idyllic.  The rest of it is making my head spin just reading through it.  Big project, lots of people, egos - I honestly think the world would be a completely different place if there were no such thing as ego - and memories - baby blankets and hubby's old shirt.  Wow.  So much going on on so many different levels.

All I can say is you're smart.  You know which things are important and can't be left/delegated/patched up and which things can be put to the end of the list.  You can speak, or stay quiet, depending on what works best for you when others are kicking off.  Survival mode - this is what I need to do today.  This is who will help.  This is who will hinder.  You don't need to be perfect all the time.  It's okay if you lose your shit, too :) With you in spirit, Lighter, I really wish time travel were real and I could pop over to help you guys out from time to time and vice versa.  Wouldn't that be amazing :) I hope it's manageable.  Or bearable, whichever is more realistic.  Keep us updated :) xx