I remember things you post about..... they're familiar in some of my own stories. The unwanted stomping into my physical space followed by his being good enough long enough....but then.....he switched from physical boundaries to emotional ones....the"I love you" all up in the mental space.
You ask for space and he steps back, circles around and steps back in....all close up and faaaaaaast again. . It's not true space, is it? It's more infringement, mascarading as less, IME.
I'm back to asking....is it protective leaning ng in to reciprocal care, or.....
something else?
Tupp brings up his tidy controlling/controlled personality, and your relaxed style. Whoo boy..... Been there, done that. Maybe I could have handled things better, but my drive to please.....
it drove me to my knees, though I blamed the man.... The blame was mine. Later I realized I knew it intuitively, before it came to pass. Huge lessons learned well. I should have cared more about myself,and less about him. I gave myself away and depended on his approval, rather than my own.
Later, my beautiful B would be a healing, giving spirit, teaching different lessons. Learning to receive was harder than I thought it would be. After B was dx'd with cancer, and died 5 months later....the week we planned to marry, I accepted I'dlost the love of my life. I didn't expect to find that kind of love again.
I consciously dropped my standards, bc..... I figured it was necessary. Someone like B seemed an impossible ask. I'm not greedy. I had one true love. It could be enough. Right?
The trouble with lowering one's expectations....standards.....
in my experience, it's a slippery slope. I slipped all the way back to my default status of pleaser, bc .....the personal dynamics involved were tougher than I was.....and I started out Uber tough. I slipped into keeper of peace mode, eggshell walker, eyes closed, screaming in my own head to avoid acceptance of what I'd done to myself and 2 little children. I was dependent on a certain outcome....a safe, protected outcome. I was willing to put up with a lot to keep the illusion alive. At least till our children were old enough to protect themselves.
So, here you are....a benevolent, giving spirit practicing boundaries, and holding your ground. Your B is privileged, has always belonged to that group, and has pressed one boundary while relaxing another, to my eye, at least.
I recognize moving too fast. The breathless flush of feeling adored......for better, and worse. It's a giddy, amazing thing..... intoxicating.
:: nodding::
Part of me wants you to just HAVE that. Experience it. Make it yours, if only for a short while. Roll around in it taking big bites as you go.
Part of me wants you to make sure he wants the best for you, before giving him the best of you. His saying he loves you doesn't give him any rights.....
You said you wanted to move slowly....
he's actually moving faster, and....
With that said, please remember I regretted moving so slowly with my beautiful B. Had I known who he was, it would have been easier to move more quickly, but getting to know someone takes time. No getting around it, and my B insisted we move slowly once he understood why. We pays our monies,and we takes our chances, as the saying goes. You may have regrets, and that will have to be ok too. You shouldn't freeze up with dread and doubt. Assess, Accept and Act.....AAA's of life and making informed choices, right there.
I sense you're tempted to be swept up in these moments.....maybe....a bit?
Be that the case, be swept without reservation....
wholly, and with great joy, but with eyes wide.
Faint heart never won fair maiden.... So true. Maybe B's heart is fierce, and good, and wants to help you be good, kind, benevolent in this world, in all the ways you require. In ways he's not particularly driven to be himself.
My B was that, and so much more. He gave $15k to charitable causes yearly as required by every partner at his firm. He only said it once, and there was no resentment or regret....no desire for admiration for it either. There was a grace about him, and doing for others. He never would have diminished me. He didn't ever say that. His actions said it all.
The one man who said it out loud was lying to me, laying traps, planning ahead to crush me. I don't want to trust words as a consequence. I want to trust what I see with my own eyes.
Remember there can be degrees of giving the best of yourself. It doesn't have to be completely, and irreversibly.
It can be gifted with abandon.... but,
without expectation and blinding need for this to BE something in particular.
Maybe expectation and desire is the part that hurts when things go sideways. If we're open to what comes next, come what may, we're less likely to fool ourselves when we need clarity and power to discern the most.
This man will tell you who he is..... eventually.
When he does you're going to believe him, and you'll be ok no matter how it goes.
:: nodding::.
Enjoy this jellymoon stage, but I encourage consistent focus on yourself, and your separate life.
Men like women who have other things, anything, going on. You deserve your own life, and sense of importance. If you don't value yourself, why should anyone else? If B cares about you, he'll be patient.... he'll make sure you're ok too.