Funny you mention this at this time. Earlier this week, I was thinking about things that trigger me to react badly in dating relationships. That reminded me of a couple date with a promising guy. I'll cut to the chase and make my point.
The chase - After about 3 dates, he suggested that I cook him dinner at my place on a Monday night and he stay over. Stay over as in have sex. (He worked for a 4 star hotel, doing on-site IT Weds-Sunday and has Monday/Tuesday off). Anyway, I was offended and basically told him we are "not a match" just like you did. I told him, that's not the way it works. Its not something you plan, it just happens or is doesn't. When guys ask too soon, its like opening the oven on souffle, if its not fully cooked, it lets the heat out quickly.
My point - I did get triggered. I KNEW THE ANSWER to this problem, but didn't access and verbalize it at that time. We are supposed to slow them down to a rate where we are comfortable, we trust them, we are interested in the prospect etc. There are short answers that we can say that make our expectations clear things like:
*sleepovers are for weekends
*sleepovers are for girlfriends
*for me, sex is part of a relationship, not dating
*five dates, five months - good one Hops!
*Write your own explanation here.
I find these very helpful to have sorted out my boundaries and explanations before I go on dates. Younger people rush into sex because of hormones and lack of experience with dating, Older people (I mean 50 plus) rush into sex mostly because they don't have that 6months to a year, its more like, lets get physical, make this work out or move on. I kind of get where he is coming from.
I don't think its a deal breaker, but if slowing him down to your speed is a problem, then yes, you are correct its not a match.
Sorry it didn't work out Hops. Sending best wishes for better luck next time!