Thank you, dear ((((Sea)))).
I am doing much better. My depression has lifted about 90% and I think it's because instead of being the scared child about my church family, I am now deeply engaged with the group that's trying to coordinate a democratic and well conceived move to ask the Board (at some point) to go through the approved procedures to eventually (likely this fall) bring it to a vote. We are sending a letter directly to every member around the first of July to outline our concerns, and have collected a list of supporters already committed to signing that letter with us.
So I no longer feel alone and scared, I feel like an adult who is doing what she can to change the situation. If we do not prevail (a definite possibility, as he has fans) that is okay. I will have done what I believe is right, and would then maintain my involvement at the level that works for me. IOW, do not attend on the days he preaches, keep up by reading all sermons online, and attend on the 1-in-4 when our positive assistant minister preaches, and continue to work on committees that have goals I share, stick with my 2x/month Covenant Group involvement, etc. And then just...wait him out. Eventually we will have a minister who does minister to me. And I can still be well and have church family in the meantime.
The difference between being scared and frozen and concerned but taking action is big. Duh.
The injuries (ankle and knee) were a wakeup call about fitness/wellness. I can't take long walks now and doc sez to take it slowly, wear braces (I am), use NSAIDs, and be patient. My next big step will be to coax my long-time-avoidant lardass into the pool. So that's on my agenda. Don't ask, I'll feel guilty, but you can be sure I'll bray about it here once I DO go!
Much love to you, that more good dreams will come and also manifest in your life. (My latest good dream was a surprising erotic one about my yard guy...real chemistry there, but he's married.)

Lots of love and gratitude for you,