Author Topic: Yard  (Read 42403 times)


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Re: Yard
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2019, 07:19:15 PM »
Oh poor DD with the knee, Lighter!
What an amazing thing for her to go through on her
own in a foreign country! I'll bet this matures her a lot,
despite the pain and shock. Hope she heals fast and in
the meantime, that her chin is up a notch.

Sorry you have to deal with water issues on your property,
but how much great foresight you've had to tackle it ahead
of spring rain. Hope your sister left a good space behind her.

Amber, your projects as always sound so productive and
wonderful. Love the idea of kitchen gardens, and blocks.
I have had a veggie bed plan but can't get my usual guy
to commit to particular days/times, endless frustration.
So I'm going to leave the mowing to him and find someone
else to help me with other yard stuff.

I recommended Esteban so widely he now barely has time
for me. Happy his business is booming but also...disappointed.

All is well anyway. Spring here is insanely lovely, and short lived.
So I'll focus on enjoying it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yard
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2019, 09:55:57 PM »
Today was glorious!  Just amazing... sunny and breezy, and almost cool, and almost hot.... just perfect.  Breezy.  Sunny.  So nice!

I hope it lasts a while.


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Re: Yard
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2019, 01:26:26 PM »
OK, the weather here is bananas gorgeous.... and just right for planting.

Of course, I can't just plant.  I have to think, and research, and think some more.... move plants around the yard... in this case rock gardens, and think some more.  My sib would have had those puppies in the ground days ago, but I'm concerned about the "Plant in well drained soil" part of instructions.

The soil around the rock garden is still sopping wet.... ZERO drainage, which means I'm planning to put in some raised stone beds..... a couple medium sized, and many very small ones. 

The idea of covering them with moss, and ferns makes me swoon with anticipation. 

Yesterday's yoga therapy session is bringing some relief.... just having the appointment made me feel better, honestly. 

Tupp... I think lots of people are somewhere on the spectrum.  I'd be shocked if I wasn't there, somewhere.  I also think ADD is common in my entire family, though no one's dx'd with it.  We're more the gutting it out sort. 

Here's to asking for help, and receiving it....Hear! Hear!

Another step in noticing what I want to change, and embracing what I really want.



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Re: Yard
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2019, 03:38:15 PM »
I have many more plants to build raised beds for in the dry river beds.  That's slow work, and I feel the need to order more rocks so as to prevent moving them round more than necessary.  I need more rocks.  I might seek out another company, as the one I've been ordering from can't provide anything larger than 5"-9" rocks.  I was thinking 2 more tons of the smaller, and one crate of the larger.  There's a few 

The day's been blowing rain one minute, then calm sunny cool the next.  Perfect for planting terrariums on the back porch, which is what I've done.  Three of them.  It wasn't the most enjoyable thing I've ever done, but I do adore looking at them.  There's a few large rocks.... smallish boulders, I have my eye on by the side of the road.  Will have to see.



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Re: Yard
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2019, 01:24:01 AM »
You're getting so much done, Lighter, it sounds like a real oasis.  I'm the same with checking where best to put things, light, soil, how big will it grow and so on - mostly because I've spent years living in houses where I'm stuck with the after effects of poorly completed DIY jobs, shrubs that are far too big for the spaces they are in, lovely garden areas that no-one wants to sit in because they get so little sun.  The planning is important, for many reasons :) xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2019, 09:20:38 PM »
I'm doing more planning than planting right now, Tupp. 

Youngest dd and I went to BB Barnes Nursery today... so many lovely things.  We bought a few small things for the stone gardens.  I love to see her eyes light up.  We sat in the sun, and drank cool beverages.  Not a cloud in the sky... almost too hot, but the shade was perfect. 

I guess I planted 4 things today, and have so many to go.  Creeping Jenny from the neighbor's yard, hosta, Scotch Moss, and something I've had sitting in pots for years..... they really need care, and they'll get it tomorrow.

The soil, for the most part, needs to be well drained, and it's not.  I add sand, and Nature's Helper to the soil.... lots of soil coming from leaf piles... dark, lovely stuff, that.

The Pug is in the yard, off leash, when big black dog comes by with neighbor.  Pug learning better manners, and it's good she's motivated by treats. 

Ahhh.... I

We had roast Cuban pork for dinner.  The roast marinated 2 days in the fridge.   I like it with black beans, and raw sweet onions doused in lemon juice/bitter orange, oregano, then oil, just at the smoking point, poured over in a big sizzle.... I do that outside.   It's a really nice meal, and just as nice without rice.   I like lots of jalapenos int he beans, and a bit of tomato paste with caramelized onions, and garlic.

We all enjoy that meal, and it's reasonable if I have all the spices on hand.  Aldi's has nice veggies, and meats are good too.... organic black beans inexpensive... fresh jalapenos.  They have a tart lime seasoning called Tajin.  The leftovers are just as good the next day, and beyond.  It's nice having mommy food w/o blowing up the kitchen. 

About shared housing.... there are large houses I've read about where people can rent single rooms, and share common meals and food.  If someone wants meat, they have to bring their own in.  It sounded good to me.  I think you'll find a better living situation, and garden to play in, Tupp.

What a beautiful day.... I'll sleep well.




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Re: Yard
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2019, 01:14:18 AM »
Lighter, your posts about food always make me feel hungry :)  It's breakfast time here, so I'm just about to head downstairs for a bowl of healthy muesli - whilst thinking about Cuban pork and sizzling onions.  Lol.  Sounds so yummy, as does planting in the lazy heat.

I think the planning should take longer than the actual work - the devil is in the detail, as they say.  Better to plan, get the soil right, get the positioning right and then sit back and watch the rewards, rather than bunging them in and then wondering why they're not growing too well.  It sounds like a beautiful oasis for Pug to be Lord of the Manor over.  Lol.

Yes, a house where people rent rooms is what I have in mind, rather than a group living together, if that makes sense?  Just people like me who manage on their own but who don't have anyone else in life to think about them.  I think the Easter holiday brought it home for me - a four day Bank Holiday, I did have a couple of friends who texted but the majority didn't give us a thought and there's no-one in my life I feel comfortable phoning during a holiday because I feel like I'm intruding on their family time.  And I know there are other people out there who are in similar situations.  So some sort of situation where there are people living closely enough together to be around and yes, sometimes have a meal with instead of always eating alone.  The sort of people who would normally spend Christmas indoors by themselves - not that joining in would be obligatory, but if people wanted to share in putting up decorations or having Christmas dinner together it would be nice for me to have other people like that in my life.  It would be nice for son as well.  Just an idea for now.  Lots of research and planning ahead ;) lol xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2019, 12:44:52 PM »
90% reseach, Tupp.

10% execution: )



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Re: Yard
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2019, 02:06:20 PM »
That's exactly the right amount!  Lol, I think whatever you do knowing the pitfalls gives you a better chance of avoiding them, however big or small the job is :) xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2019, 02:08:28 PM »
I'm about to go into the yard, and check out the lovely pile of rocks neighbor dumped.  And he dumped them in just the right place!

This is hard.... to STOP, assess my back/hip/leg/knee, and not do do do do.... bc that's what I've always tended to do.... just get after it, and get it done.

In martial arts.... in everything, and I know it leads to injuries I could have avoided.  I do it bc it's easier than paying attention, measuring out what's going on, and taking precautions I have to measure, and pay attention to.

So, THIS is where I STOP, and figure out a better way. 

I don't have to worry about what others think, and I can believe in myself.... I'll do what I can as it's prudent, and wise. 

That has to be enough.

Whoo..... that felt amazing: )

Now... to the rocks!

ps  Everything is feeling good right now with hip.  The fatigue is gone, as is the twinges of muscle tension.  I stretched, and walked, and did yard stuff today...... I won't overdo. 


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Re: Yard
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2019, 12:36:53 AM »
I'm about to go into the yard, and check out the lovely pile of rocks neighbor dumped.  And he dumped them in just the right place!

This is hard.... to STOP, assess my back/hip/leg/knee, and not do do do do.... bc that's what I've always tended to do.... just get after it, and get it done.

In martial arts.... in everything, and I know it leads to injuries I could have avoided.  I do it bc it's easier than paying attention, measuring out what's going on, and taking precautions I have to measure, and pay attention to.

So, THIS is where I STOP, and figure out a better way. 

I don't have to worry about what others think, and I can believe in myself.... I'll do what I can as it's prudent, and wise. 

That has to be enough.

Whoo..... that felt amazing: )

Now... to the rocks!

ps  Everything is feeling good right now with hip.  The fatigue is gone, as is the twinges of muscle tension.  I stretched, and walked, and did yard stuff today...... I won't overdo.

Difficult not to overdo it, Lighter, especially on a 'good' day - really easy to keep going and enjoy getting a lot done, only to suffer for it the day after :)  I'm glad the garden is coming on so well xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2019, 10:18:32 AM »
Tossing 3 tons of rocks yesterday, and both shoulders feeling strong.

Nothing pulled.

Everything loose, and happy: )

Company coming this weekend, so I'm in the house right now.  Will toss more rocks, but first laundry, bathrooms, and kitchen.


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Re: Yard
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2019, 11:10:56 AM »
Tossing 3 tons of rocks yesterday, and both shoulders feeling strong.

Nothing pulled.

Everything loose, and happy: )

Company coming this weekend, so I'm in the house right now.  Will toss more rocks, but first laundry, bathrooms, and kitchen.

3 tonnes?!  Oh my days, Lighter, you'll be the strongest lady around :)  lol, good to hear that it's all done and nothing has popped out of place.  You're such a busy bee :) xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2019, 07:23:36 PM »
I had 6 tons dropped last week, and a ton of gravel dropped today.  I'm pretty strong, and getting stronger by the day, Tupp!

I really want the yard in shape by the time oldest dd graduates.... will have lots of company in town: )


Will go out and move a few wheel barrows full of gravel, and see how hard that is. 

I've never moved gravel around before.



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Re: Yard
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2019, 01:28:27 AM »
It sounds as if it will look amazing, Lighter :)  I've never been great with wheelbarrows, I find it difficult to move them around, I think they're designed for people taller and stronger than me (blokes, basically!).  Lol.  When son was small he had a little plastic wheelbarrow which he filled with sand and wheeled indoors, then emptied on the carpet in front of the telly so that he could build sandcastles whilst watching TV.  So cute, the things they do when they're little.  Probably not a good idea to do with your gravel!  Hope you can get it moved alright. xx