Author Topic: Yard  (Read 42407 times)


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Re: Yard
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2019, 03:50:05 PM »
I move things around on sleds, Tupp.   I have one poorly designed wagon, I never use. 

A neighbor brought a shiny new wheelbarrow with 2 wide front tires for me to use..... it's a dream to use!  I filled the entire walk, in the dark... worked till 9:30 watering, moving gravel, and tossing rocks.... whatever I felt like doing.  It was magic, and just enough ambient light to be safe. The bugs finally drove me inside.... I hate them buzzing around my face, and ears.

There were two men who came through my yard.... I didn't recognize either of them.   I was on the path, and they were on the path, so they headed straight for me.  Literally.... straight TO me, as one guy snatched the shovel from me, as I picked it up thinking... if they're bad guys at least I'll have the shovel........ and SNATCH, he took it, and began shoveling the wheelbarrow full.  He said "I help" in a thick Russian accent, which was interesting bc I've had KILLING EVE playing in the background while doing housework lately.  Lots of Russian accents in that show. 

THIS is information... not sure what information it is, but I didn't clobber him for coming right at me, which might have been the case a few years ago.  He entered my space, and I felt calm enough to let him actually take the shovel...... huge progress.  I think.

He actually wheeled the gravel to the walk, and emptied it for me.  They were headed a couple miles into the forest to watch the lightning bugs at the lake..... I think one of the guys must live around here, but maybe they were Airbnb folks.  Not sure.

THE WALK IS FULL! The gravel is beautiful!  I just have to arrange larger and medium sized rocks around about half to finish.  I have another hour or so to finish the front rock garden.  Will likely use the rest of the gravel on a path from the stairs to wherever I want them to lead. It's a work in progress.

There's a pile of rocks in the wrong spot, right where I want to put in the stairs, so that's a problem right now.  My BIL can explain how to build the stairs the best way when he arrives for graduation.   

It makes me very happy to picture your son happily wheeling his little load of sand into your LR to build sand castles. 

Children are lovely..... I think my youngest should be a mad scientist, bc she spent so much time mixing bathroom liquids when she was small. 

If you ever get another wheelbarrow... get one with two fat front tires; )



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Re: Yard
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2019, 10:37:35 AM »
I've laid out the weed blocking fabric to the road, in prep for true grid arrivals... I ordered 4 boxes, and they're huge and heavy things.  I can't wait to snap them together, and fill with gravel.  I think I have just enough to do everything.  Will see.

I've moved enough rocks from the rock pile to line the entire path. They're all lined up along the weed barrier edge.... waiting.  That was one of the hardest jobs... moving the rocks.  My sister will puzzle them into place.  That's her thing.

Craftsman double fat tired wheelbarrow is working like a charm.  I really like it.  Will order one for myself. 

I hope my brother brings something... heavy equipment wise.... to help me put stairs down a hill, from driveway to trail.   BIL is engineer, and I know it'll get done right if we do it while they're here.

I'll pick out the steps... stone... sometihng thick..... and have them delivered.   Maybe 3 feet wide. 
Maybe to look like tree stumps..... or something kooky.  Will see.  Maybe the girls will do it.  They're amazing artists. 

I've weed whacked the natural area around the shed..
:: scratching 2 patches of poison ivy on forearms::.

I think my sleeves rose up, and mistakes were made.


I haven't worn my biker boots in a while, and threw them on this morning.  It became obvious they're part of the problem with my hip.... my body wanted to drag the left foot immediately, zombie style... they aren't good for my alignment, so they have to go.  I really loved those boots. 



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Re: Yard
« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2019, 12:01:46 PM »
100 feet of eco grid will arrive by this evening!  I can have the boxes in recycling this week, yes!


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Re: Yard
« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2019, 04:16:51 PM »
That sounds like fun Lighter. As for the unexpected help - sounds like someone just wanted to be useful, as they happened by. Not that you couldn't do it on your own, but things like that are a bit easier for some guys. I'd be curious tho, if they live around there. Might be an interesting friend to make?

I've been bushwacking along the driveway the past two days. My hands get sore, I'm itchy from no-see-ums and hot & sweaty and my brain gets stupid. Thought the battery was dead on the ranger, until Rick was ready to tow me to the garage - and I realized - you put foot on BRAKE to start it, dummy. I don't know where my brain is these days.... LOL.
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Re: Yard
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2019, 10:30:52 AM »
Oh, the bugs, Amber.  I had a knot under my chin from a spider bite.... so itchy and looked dreadful.  It was almost gone before DD's grad, thank goodness.

I have trouble remembering how to start the different  4 wheelers, and such too.  Sometimes getting into reverse is painful... have to relearn every time.  We used to have a hum v.... like an old one from the army, and it was always something to remember what was what.  We just have other important things taking up brain space... that's how I look at it; )

The neighbor is a stay at home dad.... SO nice, and he and his wife use my trail daily so.... help is appreciated, and kind of warranted, IMo.  They gave us lovely gift cards to a nice coffee shop at Christmas.  It's nice when people are considerate.  And helpful.  He's young enough his wife might not mind our getting friendlier.  He really likes helping out.

We've had a weekend of rain to test the stones.... it's working out great.  Stones were in all the wash areas, and they look great around the house where there was just dirt.  Now everything seems tied together.  The moss is lush, and amazing with all this rain! 



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Re: Yard
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2019, 12:13:18 PM »
OOOOH I bet the moss is stunning.
So exciting to think of that fruition!


Beauty everywhere.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yard
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2019, 09:52:08 AM »
Yesterday I went into the yard, barefoot, looking for weeds, Hops.  I think I found 3 very tiny clover.  The moss is at the point where it's crowding out weeds!  So thick, like a happy carpet!



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Re: Yard
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2019, 01:30:48 AM »
The moss sounds amazing, Lighter, it's great that this is all coming together so well and giving you such a good space to be outside in.  Your neighbours sound nice as well :)  I've a teeny bit of moss growing on our wall - small amount just now but I'm going to leave it be and see if it spreads :)  Would be nice to have moss walls to look out on instead of the horrible breeze block type stuff we've got now xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2019, 10:22:11 AM »
You might try scraping some of the moss, and mushing it up with a bit of mud, Tupp.  Spread it on the parts of wall you want it to grow, then spritz a couple times daily till you see a green film.

 Moss covered knee walls grow very well in my neighbor's drive.  They have a spring that constantly keeps that area wet.  They don't have to do anything, and it's thick and lovely.

They also have a lovely mossy grotto, they never have to weed, or water.  It's consistently wet, and shady... ideal for moss, and I'm a tad jealous.   

Do consider expanding your moss wall, if conditions seem good.  That bit of moss might be easy to cultivate if the wall stays pretty moist.  I wonder if you could grow ivy on that wall, if not moss?
Some vine that covers?




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Re: Yard
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2019, 10:24:19 AM »
I cut all the beautiful flowers from the Hosta this morning.  Barefoot.  In the early morning hours between 7:30 and 10am.  I also pulled up lots of Hosta for a neighbor.... there's plants popping up in the middle of the moss yard, and have to go anyway.  With all the rain, many pulled out easily.  Nice.

I cleaned up ornamental grasses around drains at yard's edge, then went ahead and cut back all Hosta there too.  It's neat, and there won't be any dead and dying plants to clean up from moss later. 

I still have planting to do, but that's OK. 

When I went into the shed I really saw it, maybe for the first time.  At some point I'll turn it into a SHE SHED, and maybe put oldest dd out there with her Pug.  It's exciting for both of us, and youngest DD17 wants to wield power tools.  Woo hoo!



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Re: Yard
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2019, 02:43:27 AM »
I cut all the beautiful flowers from the Hosta this morning.  Barefoot.  In the early morning hours between 7:30 and 10am.  I also pulled up lots of Hosta for a neighbor.... there's plants popping up in the middle of the moss yard, and have to go anyway.  With all the rain, many pulled out easily.  Nice.

I cleaned up ornamental grasses around drains at yard's edge, then went ahead and cut back all Hosta there too.  It's neat, and there won't be any dead and dying plants to clean up from moss later. 

I still have planting to do, but that's OK. 

When I went into the shed I really saw it, maybe for the first time.  At some point I'll turn it into a SHE SHED, and maybe put oldest dd out there with her Pug.  It's exciting for both of us, and youngest DD17 wants to wield power tools.  Woo hoo!


The whole garden sounds like a little slice of Paradise, Lighter.  It's so lovely that you've got that escape on your doorstep, quite literally.  Amazing to be able to go outside and destress like that.  A she shed sounds like a great idea as well.  It's great to have a place to go off and just do stuff, isn't it?  I hope it all carries on growing so lovingly; you've put so much work into it, it's great that you're getting such rewards from it now xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2019, 12:54:25 AM »
SIb and I lined one of the trails with segments of the HUGE pine tree cut down a while back.  It looks really nice, IMO.

There's still a pile of wood to deal with.  Lots of stumps for stools, and plenty to burn. 

The moss is pretty happy after the recent rain, but I thought there'd be more of it.

I have lots of little ferns to plant, and some larger ones.... some new moss found moss.  Just lovely stuff. 

How's your garden coming, Tupp?

Amber, did you plant your beds?  What did you plant?  How did that go?



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Re: Yard
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2019, 03:51:59 PM »
I planted, onions, garlic, oregano and a couple tomatos; some raspberry canes. Onions & garlic, total crop failure. They were planted too late, because I was so behind on filling the beds. They'll stay in the ground until next spring. Oregano is happy and tomatoes producing fruits; but not ripening as fast as I'd like. Hear the grand solar minimum might be responsible for that. :shrug: maybe, I dunno. The raspberries are super happy, and so am I.  :)  I love these expensive little bites full of glory.

Next up on my priority list is getting the disc on the ranger and beginning to turn over major garden beds for next spring. If I break ground now, mother nature will help me "sweeten" and loosen that dirt even more. I need Buck here to help fix the things we keep breaking. LOL. I'm told "Patience, Grasshopper..."

Yesterday I just moved the last of the topsoil pile to on top of the propane tanks. There's a pretty steep bank there. The vinca I intended to plant there in MAY... is barely hanging on. I may plant it anyway if we get any rain. Or I'll reorder the vinca again. I am no longer in control of my time/energy/schedule completely - having to supervise or lend a hand or be involved with other people's projects. That's what happens when you let other people share your space. So I've tried. But the stuff I wanted has languished; my plans get superseded by someone else's needs... and it all feels like boundary issues... and my fantasies turn toward running away and escaping all this. And it's not all their fault; I got really busy with the legal/financial stuff this year too. That's taken way more time than I expected.

Anyway, it's all getting sorted out. Until I have to do it again with Buck. LOL. I'm just a glutton for punishment.
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Re: Yard
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2019, 05:41:41 PM »
I want Buck there too now now now now now now!

My brother's been working around the edges of Dad's lake property, and the island cottage to great effect.  He's amazing, does the work of 5 men, and I almost forgot what it was like to have a capable, competent man in my life. 

You'll be back on track when you guys join forces, me'thinks, Amber. 

And I agree your putting off your needs, in order to help others accomplish what they need, is about boundaries.  Being mindful, not judging yourself or others...  helps along IME.  Not that I've been at it long, but I can really feel the difference when I'm being mindful, and noticing how it happens, and when it happens.

I have some things to plant too.  Not many.  A neighbor's garden items are all over my garage right now.  I have to decide what to keep.  She gave me her little wet dry vac, tons of really nice thick coated gloves, some great wellies, and other boots.... 2 trimmers (1 electric 1 battery) and lots of shoves, and what'not.  Vole stuff to keep them away, and plant foods, and just so much!  I'm excited to have it,  but a bit overwhelmed, but that's OK too.

Tupp?  Hows your garden doing?  Get any moss to grow on that wall yet?



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Re: Yard
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2019, 11:24:33 AM »
I want Buck there too now now now now now now!

My brother's been working around the edges of Dad's lake property, and the island cottage to great effect.  He's amazing, does the work of 5 men, and I almost forgot what it was like to have a capable, competent man in my life. 

You'll be back on track when you guys join forces, me'thinks, Amber. 

And I agree your putting off your needs, in order to help others accomplish what they need, is about boundaries.  Being mindful, not judging yourself or others...  helps along IME.  Not that I've been at it long, but I can really feel the difference when I'm being mindful, and noticing how it happens, and when it happens.

I have some things to plant too.  Not many.  A neighbor's garden items are all over my garage right now.  I have to decide what to keep.  She gave me her little wet dry vac, tons of really nice thick coated gloves, some great wellies, and other boots.... 2 trimmers (1 electric 1 battery) and lots of shoves, and what'not.  Vole stuff to keep them away, and plant foods, and just so much!  I'm excited to have it,  but a bit overwhelmed, but that's OK too.

Tupp?  Hows your garden doing?  Get any moss to grow on that wall yet?


I'm so far behind on threads that I think there are some from beginning of September that I haven't caught up on yet.  Not quite sure how I got this behind!  I feel like I'm always on here, lol, perhaps I've just been reading more than posting :)

Very nice of your neighbour to give you all that stuff, Lighter, is she moving away or did she just have loads she didn't need.  Hope you've been able to sort through it all and get it all put away - I love being given a load of stuff and then just sifting through it all to see what's what.

I've not done much to my garden yet, but the moss is starting to spread by itself even without me doing anything to it.  Because we're not planning on staying here too long (I hope!) I don't want to put too much time into it but if it's doing it by itself then I'll leave it be.  A creeping Jenny started growing up across the back fence which I've just been trailing up and over to cover up the wood a bit (the fence is old and rickety and looks really tatty so a big of green across it is a help).

There is a lovely carpet of moss growing across the path that runs along the side of the houses but unfortunately it's where everyone keeps their bins so it doesn't look as magical as it could do.  But nice enough when you just catch a glimpse of the first part of it before all the bins start.  Lol xx