Hi Seeker, you wrote
Ns won't get help until they hit bottom. Rescuing vs. tough love is really a rotten decision to have to think over.
Your are right on target as far as the radio guests were concerned (except for Valknin who is clearly in love with the problem not the solutions, what would he be after all without the problem? Sad.).
The radio show is still free on line this week. There is poetry and mythology and excellent suggestions.
Regarding your point, Seeker, Dr. Jeffery Young said that N's seek treatment only when "deflated" in some way. Divorce, job loss,
an ultimatum
that threatens their N supply. That is the tough part I suppose. There is a lot of variability in what is "rock-bottom" and how NS is defined.
The "love" part, as I understood it, was what Dr. Jeffery Young spoke about as N's getting in touch with their vulnerabilities.
Last year, after doing lots of things that didn't work, I began employing some of the techniques noted on the radio program. I was not doing so very consciously though. Getting confirmation about possible solutions and hearing it organized and articulated on the radio show (and here)is very helpful as was rediscovering the problem in an organized way, it had a name etc.
When my husband lost his job last year I employed a mix of focusing on his vulnerabilities & setting limits (like mentioned in a very general way in the radio show). (By the way, it took a male therapist’s "permission", a father figure sort of experience, for J. to hear and begin to consider vulnerabilities were an ok thing to acknowledge having).
Ella wrote
at his lowest point ever as far as self esteem goes, as he's been looking for work for over a year
Work is such an ego hub! (Perhaps that is why I am still searching for a career/job? Hummm.

) J. (husband with N traits) lost his job last year & weird but true it was very good for both of us. Hard in many ways too of course & yet so far, given the circumstances, the losses were worth the gains - in many ways the most direct route to them.
In retrospect what worked for me, for us was to:
1) Acknowledge & even morning a way, the loss of his imagined self - the image that went with the job but that he could have turned his energy toward redeeming through a different job. Work is
all in J's family.
2) Support his search for even a shred of his true or truer self. Micromovements are key here. Patience, appreciating what may appear to be small clues and gains.
3) Not become a martyr (at least not more of one) and keep clear about my wants & needs. Say no to meanness and yes to vulnerability.
(Not necessarily in that order 1-3 & in fact necessarily often in the reverse order 3-1 especially in my head.)
It is like Ella noted:
a "legitimate" source of NS has had an effect on him.
What I have found most tricky is (all of the above actually

but )#2 especially. J.'s not having had a true sense of self makes it hard to give legitimate support to "him" as he doesn't & so I don't know who/what to support. He has a lot of work to do on his inner self I on the other hand have work to do on my outter self, meaning I don't interact with the world. This forum is a start..training wheels for the ride of my life. Yeeesh. Gotta get a job.
Seeker wrote:
Funny how we take all this stuff on ourselves!
Yeah, we are the first to ask if we are narcissistic and to apologize for our voices:
(wow, i'm really droning on here!)
As a somewhat shame drenched long poster myself I am trying not to feel bad about the length of my posts. After all there is a scroll bar. I notice so many apologies here for the length of posts...sorry this is so long etc. etc. Well at least I, for one, don't desire you to apologize for droning.

I enjoy reading as much as I can when I can. If some one has a problem with posts they can and have said so. I trust you all will do so regarding my posts too. Anyway, I have to focus on choosing and pursuing a career and job soon so life will edit the lenth of my posts soon enough!