Ahh, sorry about your sister's news, ((Tupp.))
I'd like to believe that it's just an empty poke at you, and maybe it is. In any case, you might want to jot down thoughts about this on a new pad of paper, process what you need to about this, review it, then burn it, or shred, whatever feels best.
Once you process it, you'll have more room to relax into the knowledge these people don't have power over you any longer, and you can take back the power they do have. The mindful practice, cultivating curiosity, and compassion for yourself and situation, refusing to live with the knee jerk fight or flight reaction you've always suffered..... maybe this event... or the threat of the event, can lead to huge growth, and realizing for you. And that knee jerk reaction is a terrible way to live. It was installed by the PDs, and it's necessary to uninstall it, and reprogram our responses.
These people are elderly, have little time to poison people, they don't KNOW who to seek out and tell lies to, they're elderly and can't sit outside your home for long waiting for you to come and go... they'll likely appear insane if they go to the college, and start spewing accusations that don't jibe in any way with who you are, and what you're doing for your son.
They're very sad, broken, elderly people, and they no longer have the power over you and your son they once had. The truth is they certainly did, and you've suffered terribly. That's your reality THEN, but it's not your reality now. Your brain doesn't know the difference. Time to internalize that reality, maybe.
You've broken away physically, and now you can break away emotionally.
As difficult as it is to have criminals come back and attempt to harm you again, which stirs up the original injustice, we have a choice to limit that emotional vomit, IME.
Take back your power. Even though the PDs have intention to harm and do trauma to you.... they no longer have the ability to do so. Internalize that, and claim that power for yourself. With curiosity. With compassion for yourself, then and now. No judgment. Just notice what comes up.
I hope you can reach out to your good friends, get some feedback. Hit on it, with notes, then put it down. I find my most pragmatic friends have very good insights, and I always benefit from short discussions about the PDs.
Perhaps visit the local police station, and give them a heads up regarding the possibility your pedophile sf will confront you at your home, or in your community, and ask them to keep an eye out. MEET your local police officers, and get to know them. You have court documents alleging those assaults. The police can be on your side this time if your calm, and to the point, IME.
Then put the PDs away, and channel peace around the situation. Maybne write your mum a letter you don't send, but have it clear in your mind what your feelings are now, so you aren't confused if she shows up. Your wish to see her again might happen, as you say. What would you truly wish for that moment? You can't control her, or what she does, but you can do and say the things that are important to you, and that's all that really matters. What you can control.
THIS can be a triumphant experience of reclaiming your inner world, and limiting any future harm from your past.
I love the list of things to do before you die. We call it a bucket list here, and it's about focusing on what you want more of, and cultivating it, which is the mission, right?
I also love the memory book for son's 18th birthday. Just the idea of doing that makes me feel relaxed, and happy for you.
You're a hero, and we know that truth about you, ((Tupp.)) You're an Amazon of the first order.