On reflection, this was the first trip where everything felt like an actual home on the island. Brother and sea captain brought 2 well sealing exterior doors, a double door air fryer and tons of groceries. They had the deep fryer going and the weather dropped into what I associate with happy Halloween weather....cool and a tad cold at times. The guys replaced the doors and I ran to the other island for lock sets early their final morning, so we had handles and deadbolts, yay!!!!!
I didn't clean, paint, fix and detail my way through this experience, though the final day did involve touching up furniture, particularly the dining chair seats, with a half gallon of Kilz. Kitchen drawer packs got a good going over. Organized drawers while wholly ignoring bookshelves. De pilled sofas and sofa covers, tightened bolt on floppy dining chair leg while ignoring the escaped springs.
Detail cleaned the bathroom, during my last shower, armed with soft scrub and a very stiff brush. Satisfying to scour gloppy drains and their screens with bleach.
The housekeeper left her job a couple hours early to sweep, mop and make beds..... hopefully dust. Current guest arrived yesterday. I think this is her 4th annual stay with a 5th week added on.
Everyone paid, new keys marked and handed out, old keys collected and in bucket with commercial lock sets....container locked as I skidded to the shuttle bus, couldn't unclip keys from belt loop so that was interesting.
Caretaker has 2 almost grown pitty girls... One apricot colored, the other reminded me of Egg, from shark lab.....white with some speckles. Those faces remind DD22 of the pug. The apricot one is feisty where the white one is so well behaved. They sparked joy for me, as did time on the boat, with the sharks and rays.
I meditated on the beach....the last week. That first week was tough.