Well, dang. Another episode of aphasia this morning (detected by confusion when I went to make breakfast and was a bit lost, plus aphasia--difficulty word-finding). It did not last more than a half hour or maybe 45 minutes, but it was the same symptom I had before the stroke in June 2019 so I knew I had to go to the hosp.
Long story short, long day in ER (emergency room, now called ED, for dept). As ever most of the time was waiting but the staff were wonderful. Tired but caring and very careful about Covid. And it wasn't crowded or overrun. So I had a CT and an MRI and bunch of blood work, and the upshot was no stroke. Best news possible. No brain bleed visible either. Vague possible cause, not confirmed, is cerebral vascular spasm.
Not a good thing to have with family and my own history of stroke, but to me seems a clear risk if I get too busy or emotionally stressed (which I have been, along with half the planet).
M was very kind and drove me both ways, and now I'm tucked up with Pooch and going to sleep my troubles away. All is well, I am grateful, and am ready to calm down with politics news and do more simple, slow, self-nurturing things. No more friend drama either...we've all got our limits and I hit mine I think.
I also have over-volunteered lately. New connections and meetings actually made me very happy but I get quite over-stimulated and evidently, dammit, that's not good for my brain. I need a slower mental pace and simple rhythms. AND more discipline about walking, wine, diet and ... damn damn as it's worse than heroin, my faithful nicotine gum.
(No advice needed on that one, it's painful to admit what a junkie I am. It's one of the things that ain't good for hearts, though nowhere as bad as smoking. Sigh.)
Pooch thinks the only thing wrong with me was that her dinner was hours late. She's sulking. LOL.