Hi, Tupp:
T said that most people experience their thoughts as
not being solid or real. They dissolve away when one focuses intensely on one thought.
My experience is more of moving away from the thought, judgment or feelings of other people. Moving back into my head and heart. Turning away from.... turning back to myself. There's joy and ease in this lately.
Today I observed the deepening levels of healing and being present... like a door opening.
More an observation of leaving behind old limited thoughts. Of having more spaciousness available to me. Of having unlimited ability to create and experience after years of feeling very limited and crushed into a small space with repeating thought patterns I wasn't aware of.
I'm hoping this passes and continues expanding into what comes next.
I've noticed my mind hasn't been able to rest for many years.... 15 years maybe.
When I first began seeing this new T there was lots of amazing work done. I assumed that was the goal.... and it seemed like my goal at the time. To FEEL better.
Once I felt better, which I hope I wrote down, bc it's gone and I can't recall that particular shift..... once I felt better, once I could get myself out of a hole with breathing and everything I've been posting about..... I didn't understand what comes after.
Once the tension and weight of repetitive thoughts are relieved.
Once there's room for other things.
Once the brain calms down, learns to calm down, begins laying down new pathways and strengthening them.
Once there's distance and rest, for a period of time, for the brain to make lasting change.
It felt very mechanical, at first. It felt like... picking up a tool, that felt unwieldy, and ill fitted to the hand, and using it, despite the whonkiness.
It feels more fluid and internal now. It feels streamlined... like the gloppy parts and edges have been smoothed away. More useful. More comfortable, requiring less bandwidth on my part.
Like rusty old wheels have been ground down and oiled.... able to move freely again. I feel there's momentum, and I'm not attached to continued momentum. I expect and will embrace forward, backward and sideways movement in this process.
I won't judge it. I'll strive to embrace it and marvel at the process, knowing I'm moving toward more spaciousness, more ease, more joy.... even if it's not OK all the time. It's OK.
REaaaaaallllLy trusting is different than trying to trust, of feeling I trust, IME. Internalizing trust, that all will be well, is an unexpected shift I didn't see coming.
I wonder what's next.
I look forward to experiencing it.