Author Topic: N's in healthcare  (Read 1845 times)


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N's in healthcare
« on: December 19, 2004, 07:00:10 PM »
I work in healthcare at a specialized facility caring for the chronic disabled aged 12 years and up.  I noticed that the residents are either selfless and inspiring or total N's.  I am sure that being disabled is a contributing factor, but that doesnt explain why so many are polar opposites.  The problem that is occuring is if the N resident does not gain total control and dominance over the staff member, that staff member becomes subjected to a malicious sabatoge of their employment.  I have seen spirits broken of fabulous caregivers after being reported for made up charges.  I have urged some to go to HR and file harassment charges.  They are too wounded to stand up for themselves and won't.  It is causing moral to decline as well as people resigning.  When I tell them that we are dealing with N's they have no clue what I am talking about.  I have been on the mission to bring awareness to the staff in hope of empowering them. This has been allowed to go on for so long that it seems like a monstrous task.  This link has been helpful for me, so I would like to share it.