Author Topic: Just wondering how you would answer this question?  (Read 4287 times)


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2019, 08:48:52 PM »
Maybe it does buy time, and maybe there's nothing wrong with that? As long as his pain is controlled.

I hope you'll find yourself just filling up with your love for Bill, and his for you, and let those get so big and beautiful in all these moments that you find you are just not willing to give the narcissists in your past one minute more of this precious time.

If you can, Bettyanne, give this irreplaceable time to yourself and to your sweet husband. Not them.

You'll be so glad for all of the love you've felt, focused on, and expressed. It'll last you forever.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2019, 06:00:11 PM »
Your right Hopalong......
It's time to stop chasing ghosts.....and bad family relationships....
Bill has always been the sunshine of my life.....along with our kids....
When I finally see this.....and the gift I received in all our years together....55 this years married plus 4 before we were married....
WE worked on healing for years now and trying to understand the dysfunction of our when you get to see the light....
I am so so lucky to be able to say that.....
Thank you,
Bettyanne xoxo


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2019, 05:10:55 AM »
I'm so sorry, BettyAnne, that the news about Bill isn't better and more positive for you.  I do find in myself that when I'm in a bad place, emotionally, mentally, financially, whatever it might be, that dysfunction and unpleasant people and difficulty seems to be all around me.  I kind of wonder if, when we're in that raw state, we notice things that we might not have paid attention to if we'd been out having a lovely time - and sometimes it's just the physical place that we're in.  Being in a hospital or doctor's waiting room means you're likely to be around other people who are ill - it's why they're there.  And for me, that's always harder, because I end up focusing more on the things I don't really want to focus on at that time.  It's very hard.  I feel for you so much.

Many years ago, I was having a rant on Facebook about the fact that my step-dad had, once again, not even been questioned about abusing me.  I'd been blamed, again, the police had taken action against me rather than them, the walls had come back up and he was once again safe and protected and I'd been thrown to the wolves.  A friend from childhood, who I hadn't seen for many years, emailed me and said to me, "Do you know what, Tupp?  The best revenge is a life well lived.  Yes, it's shitty, yes, it's wrong, yes, it means other children aren't safe.  But you've done what you can about this and now you go out there and live your life and work on being happy".  And it is hard.  Those aspects of our past do shape us and they hold on to us, I think.  For a long time I thought I couldn't let go, but now I feel more like they won't let go of me.  I do still struggle, every day, and when something unfair or unpleasant happens I do find that a lot of other stuff falls in on me.  But I muddle through and I do tell myself, every day, the best revenge is a life well lived.

So I echo what Hops has said - live the very best life you can with this wonderful man who's given you so many happy years and shown you that there are lovely people out there in the world, even when most of the people around you have been arseholes.  Yes, move away from anyone who sets of your antennae - don't put your energy into wondering whether they are one thing or another, if they're not making you feel safe or comfortable or listened to then pick your book up and read that instead.  Don't give them another minute.  Give Bill a big cuddle from all of us.  And a big cuddle for you, too.  And do keep posting and letting us know how you're getting on xx xx xx


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2019, 03:57:28 PM »
How nice of you to write a nice response.  Yes it is difficult mentally dealing with Bill being so sick from the cancer and treatments.....for sure anything that was modeled at home as a kid was so you find yourself trying at times to figure out what is normal?? I was never showed the point no one could relate to me...but most of the time as a kid I kept my mouth shut.  Anything that was going on in my home forsure was not going on in any friends homes or neighbors it was that bad. 
So I have spent my life trying to figure out normal this is now one of the most diffiuclt times....makes alcoholism my husband had and his family look like a walk in the park!!! He has 33 years sober this year which is you think Love is the answer....I do...because what I felt as a kid was not was how can I get you into something school and  activities or being left alone with a grandmother who was out of her head and a brother who could not walk or talk as not to deal with me....yuck.
Saying all of the
 above I am grateful I came to see the light of dysfunction...not a happy situation but one since my NM is dead I don't have to get one of her phone calls ......acting so phony.....My NM diagnosed with Borderline with N traits....
I will do my best right matter how hard it is on me......because I do love my husband
Life isn't perfect and I guess as we learn and see what is important is where we should be.......but so hard when you have been hurt to your you with your step so sorry, he should have been put in jail....I know years ago kids where blamed.
I just want to share with you my NM was born on Friday the 13th of October 1911.....I have always felt it was unlucky...I feel that that was so creepy....omg.....friends she was the pitts
I will do my best not so much to stay strong as people will say....but to just be human and normal....even if I have to cry or be upset that the person who loved me and was always there for me.....has cancer and that stinks friends....
Thanks Twoapenny and friends.....Love, Bettyanne


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2019, 05:20:55 AM »
How nice of you to write a nice response.  Yes it is difficult mentally dealing with Bill being so sick from the cancer and treatments.....for sure anything that was modeled at home as a kid was so you find yourself trying at times to figure out what is normal?? I was never showed the point no one could relate to me...but most of the time as a kid I kept my mouth shut.  Anything that was going on in my home forsure was not going on in any friends homes or neighbors it was that bad. 
So I have spent my life trying to figure out normal this is now one of the most diffiuclt times....makes alcoholism my husband had and his family look like a walk in the park!!! He has 33 years sober this year which is you think Love is the answer....I do...because what I felt as a kid was not was how can I get you into something school and  activities or being left alone with a grandmother who was out of her head and a brother who could not walk or talk as not to deal with me....yuck.
Saying all of the
 above I am grateful I came to see the light of dysfunction...not a happy situation but one since my NM is dead I don't have to get one of her phone calls ......acting so phony.....My NM diagnosed with Borderline with N traits....
I will do my best right matter how hard it is on me......because I do love my husband
Life isn't perfect and I guess as we learn and see what is important is where we should be.......but so hard when you have been hurt to your you with your step so sorry, he should have been put in jail....I know years ago kids where blamed.
I just want to share with you my NM was born on Friday the 13th of October 1911.....I have always felt it was unlucky...I feel that that was so creepy....omg.....friends she was the pitts
I will do my best not so much to stay strong as people will say....but to just be human and normal....even if I have to cry or be upset that the person who loved me and was always there for me.....has cancer and that stinks friends....
Thanks Twoapenny and friends.....Love, Bettyanne

Bettyanne, I think being normal and human, in whichever way that is for us, is that bit that takes the strength, you know?  Personally I find it takes less of me to pretend to be someone I'm not.  Being 'real', especially during a tough time and saying that I'm not in a good place is the stuff that requires real strength from me - you just do what you feel like doing at the time and if anyone else doesn't like it, well, they can go suck a toffee or something :)

Yes, normal is an odd concept when you grow up in a home with odd boundaries.  I was very lucky; I had two very good therapists in the early days who kind of re-parented me and taught me what constituted normal behaviour (and by that, they kind of focused on behaviour that doesn't have an adverse effect on anyone else).  They taught me about boundaries and to listen to my feelings and my inner voice (which I'd always had to suppress) and that I had a right to think and feel the way I did and that it wasn't wrong to expect other people to treat me politely and be mindful of my feelings and just show some consideration.  That was very novel for me and is still something I have to work on.  So yes, normal, it's such a loaded word!  And very hard to find our own definition of what that is.  You are very obviously Bill's ''normal', and he yours.  You're in such a tough situation right now and I don't think there is a 'right' way to deal with it - you muddle along as best you can.  Have you got anyone else around you now who is in a good place themselves and can be supportive in a practical way? xx


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2019, 10:41:12 AM »
Oh, Bettyanne, I'm so sorry.  It's like losing a piece of your heart, and there's no pain killers for the ones sharing the journey, though I think we're entitled to them sometimes. 

I echo Hops' about contacting Hospice.  They offer help with pain medications, and emotional support in comforting unexpected ways, IME. 

My Bill had oxycontin pills that worked for 10 hours, so I didn't have to wake him up every 4 hours, then Hospice brought patches.  My mom received her pain meds and hydration intravenously, which was a huge relief.  She felt so much better, and we felt better having someone there to explain and comfort us. 

You and Bill shared a life, and brought comfort to each other.  That comfort doesn't have to end now.  It should go on in celebration of what you've shared, and still have together. No one knows when that ends.... particularly not Western doctors, who should never give days left to live, like that, IME. 

In any case, we all have the choice to live every day we have left, or die a bit every day in fear.
We have choices to make.   All of us, and no one knows when we're going to die.  Hit by a bus tomorrow..... tomorrow is promised to no man.  Choices.   

Celebrate what was, and still is.  This culture fears and dreads death, but it's just a natural part of living.  No one gets out alive.  Acceptance can be a beautiful thing, and free us up to embrace, and create what comes next,  IME.

My Bill died a little every day of his final 5 months.  I attuned to his mood, and the house was dark, and serious, and without joy. There was fear, and dread, and he clung to me like a child to his mother, speaking about what he wanted for me when he died. 

We didn't celebrate the amazing years we had together,  which would have been joyful, IMO.   He didn't recount happy stories with his friends, or tell his children what he thought the first time he saw them, held them, sent them to their first day at school.

 You can open the curtains, and windows, light candles, make sure the house is fragrant with essential oils that bring you joy... fall breezes.... the little things.... flowers, and the people Bill loves, and enjoys seeing, the things he loves doing... don't shut down, and miss opportunities for more joy, Bettyanne.  The music Bill loves.  Warm light, instead of harsh cool lighting. 

Your Bill is still here: )

Celebrate that with him every moment, and help loved ones do the same.   

There are stories to share with family, memories to whisper privately, and blessings to count.

Sometimes I dream about my Bill, and there's so much I want to say.  It always ends before I can get it out.  You have time to say all those things,  Bettyanne.  In the ways you need to say them, whatever that is, hopefully without fear, bc you do have choices.

((((Bettyanne, and family))))

This too shall pass, and it's going to be OK.  You're going to be OK.



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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2019, 03:18:25 PM »
Lighter, how lovely. Truly.

I hope I remember this in case I am in BettyAnne's situation one day, to help me keep in mind that this is one choice...a way to approach inevitable loss.

BettyAnne, I hope you will take strength from the present with all your might. You and Bill both deserve this time.

It's not for the painful, cruel people in your past.

The present moments are for you NOW. And Bill. And you and Bill.

Comfort and strength,


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2019, 08:21:08 PM »
Hi Hops....
My youngest daughter came to help me out for the past nice of her being a therapist talking on the phone here with clients while she is here helping out......
She took her dad to oncologist last Tuesday.....they are giving him an immunology type of see if it will kill off some of the cancer that has spread.....He is feeling very tired and all in since getting it....but it does have side effects.
I am so glad she took him.....I am worn out mentally we will see what will happen with this drug???
Anything is worth this point.
I will let you know how this all goes....
So grateful for your kind replies....and kindness.
Love,  Bettyanne


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2019, 08:32:02 PM »
I need to say thank you for all replies......and I am very grateful
Love you.....all and trying to keep my head on straight lately with all that is going on with my husband Bill....
All we can do at this point is continue trying.....When life gives you .....we have no choice.....
I am hoping for the best at this point and so is Bill....
Bill is a great husband has always been there for me......
he has 33 years sober coming from a family of drunks....
I have been in therapy since I was 24 with his full support....
We don't have a choice who we are born to....but we have a choice when we figure it out how we will go forth in life.....
So we giving it our all right now...
Thanks friends for all your great replies they mean a lot to me...
Love, Bettyanne


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2019, 09:39:14 AM »
Hang in there Bettyanne! Take care of yourSELF too. A day off from the doctor appt running around is such a gift. I used to make a big deal out of the hour or so I had to run out and do errands (I had a night nurse). I'd crank up my favorite radio station and drive like an invincible teenager... just to have a moment free of what I couldn't change. Later on that changed; and I could hardly listen to certain songs 'coz they made me sob.

I absolutely agree with Lighter's take on things. My late hubby only lived 3 months from the diagnosis. And he completely withdrew from the relationship and me for probably a year before that. A little at a time. I don't fault him for it, even though it DID make things harder for me. My doc friend said that he was probably trying to protect me; and I think about my kitties - how they'd go hide somewhere unusual for them, to let this life go. I think he was kind of like the kitties. It wasn't anything he could talk about and he didn't want to share it with me. I do understand that now.

And now I have a new fella, with different problems that I can't help much. YET. But we have agreed that whatever time we ARE allowed, we're going to laugh, love and dance through the days that we DO HAVE. I had pretty much stopped hoping I would find someone else - even though I hadn't ruled it out. (Hubby is for sure chasing blonde playboy bunnies in heaven with Hugh Hefner. I used to tease him about that all the time. We did talk about it before he got sick.) And this just happened after getting to know him, gradually, over years online and phone calls.

But it's different for everyone. Both before and after. Now that you've done so much work healing from the past, you can notice things about this experience that will connect you to the spiritual side of things. And maybe you'll discover too, that love is an energy that doesn't have to be created - just shared - to exist. When things get rocky, let us know and we'll have an Amazon bonfire for ya. Generating and sending you love, long distance.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2019, 12:21:46 PM »

I do hope you've contacted hospice.   

They have all kinds of information, and stories that dispell fear, and confusion, IME.

I wish we'd had them involved much sooner.



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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2019, 01:16:20 PM »
Sad update on Bill.....
Due to the chemo and other drugs used........
It really messed up him body.....thyroid for one.....blood pressure etc etc
He lost his memory and didn't know what he was doing....
two of my sons got him to hospital and he is now in ICU
He now has come out of the damage done and knows who he is.....thank God for that
But he hasn't been able to eat normally yet ..
get out of bed etc etc
So who knows??
These doctors are telling me and my kids stuff the oncologist didn't
At this point Like the prostate cancer is in his lungs...omg
I don't think there much hope for any recovery the Oncologist was saying
makes me so mad or upset etc etc
Yes they are talking hospice and will be making other decisions now..
Thank you friends for your love and support


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2019, 08:07:30 PM »
Oh (((((((Bettyanne))))))).

Here we are.
I'm so sorry, but also so full of confidence in you.

This is a very hard chapter but you've been such a champion
of love for Bill, and for yourself and Bill...

Hold on to THAT, even when you can't hold on to him.

I hope you always, always, know how worthy you have been
of all the love you've known with him.

I'm glad Hospice is in the loop now. I hope you'll find as I
did (my Dad died of metastasized prostate cancer) how gentle,
caring, and truly supportive they will be.

Oncologists are technicians and can't predict much past a
certain point; I'm sorry Bill's doesn't communicate with you better,
but I trust he gave Bill the best care he knew how to.

Sending strength...
Comfort and peace,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2019, 03:46:36 AM »
I'm sorry BettyAnne.  I've got no useful words or advice for you.  I hope they can keep him comfortable and give you enough information for you to feel you know enough.  Give him a big cuddle from us, and a cyber cuddle for you (((((((((((((BettyAnne)))))))))) xx


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Re: Just wondering how you would answer this question?
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2019, 11:05:16 AM »
I'm sorry, ((Bettyanne.))

Don't be afraid to call Hospice.  It's not giving up.  It's receiving necessary help in a time of need, and it's OK to ask for help.  Sometimes they see miracles, and they'll share their stories with you.  It helps, IME.
The simple act of sharing information with us, proactively.... compassionately, is a blessing. 

As Hops said...Doctors are technicians.  They often aren't timely with information or blurt it out, which always hit me like a punch to the gut.   

Hospice nurses are angels, and you deserve to have angels walking beside you on this journey.
