Author Topic: Farm Doin's - 2020  (Read 50588 times)


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #525 on: October 30, 2020, 11:52:10 AM »
He's out working for a bit; rain stopped. But it's getting chilly - I'll be laying a fire from the kindling he split yesterday.
Yes, all is happy out here. So far. Only seen Holly briefly the last few days; she picked up some extra veggies for me at the store.

I'm finally getting rested. He induces the relaxation reflex for me.  :D  Even when he's doing something that I don't think he should attempt by himself. But, he's already proven that he CAN do it by himself - and as long as I'm paying attention, I can only speed up the job - my help is limited because I'm not strong enough or smart enough (on my own) not having attempted such things by myself before - but I can follow what he's doing and be that 3rd or 4th hand.

No med devices, except the cage that stabilized his spine. Pain is well under control... sans pharma... and even the infection markers are down by half now. He's probably going to try to put on a little more weight/muscle and get his strength/stamina back where it works for him. But this is the healthiest he's been in years.

He tossed me a future curveball idea to chew on last night. Talk about out of left field (yes, I was a left field outfielder)... it's wild & crazy, but rather than saying anything now, I said I'd have to think about it.* The last move isn't going to happen until after the first of the year. I've been able to say my piece about that and he's heard me. It's not "excuses" - it's life and the way he wants to do things, for his own peace of mind.

*more on this later - because it's such a huge deal and something that was totally off my radar screen; I was stunned speechless and I really DO have to think about it before I have any idea how I feel about it.

Life with this man is going to be a constant adventure. But his priority is taking care of me. Hell, that's unusual enough that I'm going to need months to process all differences I'm seeing... and how I feel (which is mostly cozy & comfortable & open enough to just spit things out for a change).

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #526 on: October 30, 2020, 05:28:44 PM »
That was an amazing update, ((Amber.))

Good on' ya for taking time to process before commenting.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #527 on: November 03, 2020, 08:49:43 AM »
WARNING: before settling down into this & successive posts - which might take all day, given I gotta vote & meet with contractor this morning - grab your tea & biscuits and get cozy. Verbosity forthcoming; processing is much simpler than usual for some reason - but still LOTS.


B took off yesterday afternoon, to make it back in time to pick up D at college in NC and take her back home to SC to vote (her first election; that state's rules) and the worst of the wind storm around - allegorical and meteorological - is starting to die down.

It was well after midnight when he pulled in last Tuesday. Then, after 12 hrs on the road - the last 6 after dark when it's hard for him to see - it took a couple hours to unwind enough to try to sleep. I had kept the sheherd's pie warm for him - but he couldn't eat at that point. So "fortified" coffee was substituted instead. I know better than drinking coffee any time other than in the morning... but by then, my nerves were shot too. It was almost noon before we started getting motivated the next morning.

This was the first time he's been here without the kids in the house. So when he was sufficiently awake, he started unloading while I futzed in the kitchen, to feed him. Then, I went out to help him finish up. Once he starts a task - he'll stick with it - no drink, no food until it's done - and that could be 3 am. So I kinda have to put my foot down, bribe him, and otherwise get his attention off the task enough to realize he has other needs. This is not a bad thing, per se; it just needs moderation for his own good.

I realized that "arrival day" that life with this man is going to be a constant adventure. LOLOL. He calls it needing adult supervision... but it's clear we can decide what needs doing and he doesn't need or want me around to do it. (Sometimes the two sets of hands is safer or easier or faster.) This lets me use the "divide & conquer" strategy that works so well on a farm. I wasn't that successful at getting Hol to see how it worked. Took longer. B just knows that system works real well.

Communication, privacy, time-outs/downtime vs togetherness... all that just naturally is a good fit between us. We are the same way as far as organization and habits. Because one of his eardrums is punctured (product of his work)... he is hard of hearing. That's kind of frustrating; plus he talks to me when I'm doing/listening to something else - so I don't hear him all the time either. But he isn't resistant to hearing aids. I spent too much time close to those big Marshall amplifiers back in the day but my problem is just focus. LOL.

We were watching some tv after dinner, and he just came right out with - "if you want to, we could adopt another kid". I was a tad STUNNED; coming out of the blue like that... my intuition tells me it's something he's given a lot of thought to and is drawn to and then waited to see whether that felt right, when he was with me.

So I told him as much of the truth as I knew right then - the thought had crossed my mind but I didn't know how I felt about it. I'd spent my 20s as a mom, and with Hol boomeranging several times - was still kinda looking forward to being footloose at this age. I can definitely see us parenting together; again that's just something that's naturallly there between us even though my experience is that my ideas on parenting aren't exactly compatible with many men's ideas. So, I told him I couldn't decide that on the spot and needed to think about it.

Explained how Hol and I have talked about it for a long time; not just since the miscarriages. And how sensitive that topic was for her. I can just imagine her reaction to an announcement like that! Even though I know she'd do her best to be happy for us, it would be a constant thorn in her side. My lips are sealed on that topic (with her) until I have sorted out his/my feelings on this. I'm picking up an inkling of an impression that he thinks women are always looking for the next little one to raise - and his nurturing side, goes there too. I want to untangle this some more and won't "decide" anything until he's been here awhile. It would make more sense, to perhaps educate Hol on the process and help her through her own decisions. But we'll see. That idea would take a major adjustment on my part; my previous planning.

So, he's used to shouldering massive responsibilities after raising his own adopted daughter as a single father in this society. (Lots of horror stories with the system in that experience. Tupp could relate.) Now that she's beginning her own life - he's facing the same kind of empty nest issues moms do. The "needing to be needed" is painted large there, I think. Plus he's a very active personality; prefers to constantly be engaged in something all-consuming.

----------flash forward to yesterday; leave taking -----------

He was getting awake after a rough night with his back pain, and intent on finishing one more job around here when he said he had something weird to ask me. I was already doing my organizational flitting around; tidying up. So, I stopped in mid-flight and said, "what's that babe?" He asked if I still wanted to do this. I had to sit down.

Halloween night, we'd built a fire pit blaze... and both of us relinquished some important aspects of our past that we'd been identifying with, clinging to for definition. And lots of truth spilled out - both the stories and the emotions. I didn't want him to leave so soon. The connection between us is that strong - but we're still just beginning to learn to adapt to each other and having someone like the other in our lives again. So there are strong feelings there.

He wasn't looking at me, so I put my hands on his face and made him look at me and said yes. The tears started to roll. The depth and kind of betrayals and abandonment he's suffered make what I've been through look like a cakewalk. The details about that came out after that, later in the day. He wasn't looking for a relationship when he came here to fix up my jeeps a year ago; after 20 years his life seemed all sorted out to be some solitary journey. But he's been strong enough to walk out of his own darkness toward the light and get physicallly more healthy over that time too.

Hol is already looking for a version of the "gory details" of what our visit consisted of... and she's bewildered by how mum I am. I haven't come up with a "reader's digest version" yet for public consumption and I don't know how much he's willing to be open about with anyone but me. So I don't feel at liberty to blab much about it.

Suffice it to say, that we both stripped all the ego-narratives away from our images (to the best of our ability right now) and showed each other exactly who we were hoping that we wouldn't be rejected. And we're both unbelievably shocked and immensely grateful that we found the opposite of rejection.

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #528 on: November 03, 2020, 10:37:57 AM »
Just popped in, ((Amber)) so happy to read your update.

1st.....the sharing and time alone sound amazing and I know long awaited. Keep those moments as close to yourself as needed.  You don't owe anyone any version...none at all, imo. 

THIS is your journey.  Your relationship.  Private and intimately your own.

About adopting a child together,
there's much work, joy and discovery for B and you before adding another person to this great unfolding, imo.

I imagine empty nesting will be super hard, for B and me and so many.  I will try not to touch the frog here.....take your time.  You have a relationship to build.  Yourself IN that relationship to get to know, and B has the same mission.

I imagine the lack if chaos in his life is a bit jarring...maybe scary to face.  Throwing himself into another war might actually feel comforting to contemplate for him....dealing with the social services, a child's pain and trauma, would take everyone's eye off the ball, and onto a great unknown focus.

However maternal and amazing that is...
you have unfinished business to tend to.

I do worry a bit about B standing still for a moment.....I wonder if he can. 

He deserves to stop and breathe and ficus on who he is now, with you, and as empty nester warrior learning to join with an amazing peer companion warrior....

and just BE, for a while.

I sense he's grounded in protecting and saving others.  Maybe exploring that aspect, a bit, through the lense of codependence and having more choices, if it seems appropriate.

I'm very excited for you both, Amber.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #529 on: November 03, 2020, 10:38:02 AM »
That is lovely, Amber. And moving.
Thanks for sharing this.
Love is in the room.

As to adoption, yikes. My brain came up with:

Start a metal shop apprenticeship for young teens.
Foster dogs.
Mentor/help a kid or sibling pair in a local public school. The poorest two.
Figure out an entrepreneurship idea and teach it locally to a kid.
Give free drawing/painting lessons to poor local kids.

Find out where the greatest local need is that you and B could
volunteer for together that affects children, and do that. If he's craving fathering.

Dunno, but a man with great physical challenges who's retirement age
might be getting on a bit to be weighing adoption? Fostering, though,
could make a lot of sense, imo. He could explore foster grandparenting.

This is the time when a couple in love just lets the wild ideas rip. And needs most
to hear anything and let it all fly. However....whatever the emotional bonding ideas/dreams are, keep those toes muddy.

Last thought: I would worry if you get A&B involved with adoption. And why is a plan for Hol coming up? Boundaryboundaryboundary. I wouldn't bring it up, press it forward, or come up with workarounds or strategies why y'all can be exceptions to the usual screening expectations. Just because Hol might want a child doesn't mean it's a great idea for her to acquire one. Remember her actual mental health and addiction risks and judgement and reactions to things. She might not be stable enough even if she did pass screenings. Nothing evil about that but lord...adding in that "project" might be not good for her or for you or A&B, much less for a child.

hugs and happies,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #530 on: November 03, 2020, 04:27:03 PM »
Hey Hops.... slow down. We are a long ways away from all that. I think B was just testing the waters with an idea. Stinker was being his sweet little self and super cuddly on my lap. Seeing me that way - likely popped the idea in his head. As for Hol - I meant my comments in relation to the age difference. She would be just as likely to vigorously reject and criticize any such idea suggested to her - and certainly is beyond being persuaded or pressured into anything. (Albeit there is still the S situation for her to sort out.) At least, that was the only time adoption was brought up/discussed... so while I intuit a lot of things about why it did... I fully understand I could be wrong in it. I just know now, that there might be some past experiences that might've prompted the question of me. And it's part & parcel of the relationship shifting into more serious territory. (Love some of those ideas on your list!)

Lighter, I think I can negotiate him into moderating this habit of his that he's gotten into, living alone. I made a point to let him know, that I'm needing some maintenance, too.  ;)  He's receptive and sweetly responsive when I say things like that - without any weirdness tacked onto it.  He might be afraid of what would run through his head or what he'd feel... if he didn't stay busy. He might not too. Some people just like being constantly busy; it's their style of being - it's not good or bad - and there isn't any need to change it UNLESS it does result in neglecting a partner's need for connection. It's a good sign that he welcomes my participation and responds to my prompting him back from "the zone". He's absolutely unused to having to consider his partner in the balance & rhythm of work/leisure. It feels awkward for him a bit; that's obvious. I'm pretty flexible these days - but with age comes that need to eat/sleep on a fairly regular schedule. So we'll see how flexible he is, too. OH... and I have my own things like that, that need to adapt out of consideration for a partner too. I've rather enjoyed the years I could just suit myself, but not enough that I need to make it an issue. There will be some definite "me breaks" with B; and that will be fine with him. As much as we enjoy being together - we each have some strengths that were developed in solitude.

All my impressions and intuitions are just that - based on what I perceive, in some cases confirmed by direct communication - but perhaps not everything, in detail just yet. The validity of the relationship doesn't necessarily hinge on those impressions/intuitions... because eventually we DO end up talking about everything; it's just a little at a time. I'm trying to keep those things I might intuit in the "not yet validated/proven" category. Even when a lot of the time, it does bear out. But for myself, I can't let myself think that my intuition is absolutely spot-on, without that verbal confirmation. I've been wrong ENOUGH times I won't let myself believe I'm right just on the basis of perception/intuition.

Oh - who mentioned physical challenges? He's been without the pain mask (stimulator/pump) completely for a couple weeks now. I didn't notice it being an obstacle for him at all. He said there was one point, his leg gave out on him and he is going to begin lobbying DOD - who wrote him the Rx - to also supply the recommended knee brace that no one else has available. He's almost completely off pain meds, too. There was one night his back flared up and he took something and slept on the couch instead of tossing & turning. He doesn't realize I'm not that easy to wake up.  ;)
And his infection markers are down 50% now too - and he's still taking the antibiotics. I honestly can't keep up with the man. Wears me out.
IMO, at his age, he is the furthest thing from decrepit I've seen in a LOOOOONNNNNNNGGGG time.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #531 on: November 04, 2020, 09:42:48 AM »
Rereading all this...

first description of the visit/occurances... is me just beginning to "think" about things. Telling the "what" was said/happened... all the various thoughts (which are not the same as actual decisions which are also a long way from action)... and trying to find ways to describe the feelings. There was no time to think when he was here; too busy "being" and "doing". There was plenty of time to talk, which I pretty much required, but didn't demand.

In the wide open space of solitude, one thinks all kinds of thoughts. Like what would I be doing if I were single, 25, looked like that again... etc silly day dreams - but FUN day dreams. So yes, I have thought about parenting again, and there is a special feeling when a partner will at least entertain the idea. It's not something I've experienced before. It's like an additional connection between us... a node of compatibility maybe.

Ex #1 tolerated my first pregnancy; didn't want me to go through with the second (Hol). Ex #2 was completely uninterested in being a parent - with 4 kids around. He tried, but only achieved part of the role of a father. Michael only had adult kids to interact with so it wasn't exactly "parenting" - except with his adopted D. So, when B brought up the idea, after me being stunned...

what's left in feelings is that he finds me worthy of the maternal role; he respects in me that innate characteristic. Because his former relationships didn't provide that perhaps?. And maybe that explains better what I mean about an extra connection; extra dimension to the emotions between us. That was the LAST thing I expected him to bring up. So there would be a lot of talking/discussion before any decision would be made - and it's not a requirement for him. In fact I almost expect him to be kind of relieved at not having that role forced on him - once we have a chance to revisit it. I'm pretty sure curiosity about my feelings on the topic doesn't equal ONLY something he actually WANTS to do; so this is just where I'm thinking all the thoughts about what see, hear, sense, intuit, and can piece together about the topic. And yes, I'm wild & crazy ENOUGH to at least consider why it would/wouldn't be a good idea in reality. And my feelings? Yes.... those too. (Most of our conversations are about lots more pragmatic/practical things.)

A LOT of what we talked about this trip will be revisited more than once.

Words are so damned inadequate (for me) for describing feelings. And I don't have Hops' knack for poetry which can get a lot closer; more accurately. I think in terms of processes, systems, interactions of words, gears, chronologies... which are all linear. Emotions are more like water, which can spread in all directions at once.

Yes, I'm pretty bowled over by how intense this emotional connection with B is. But my logical, practical brain hasn't stopped working leaving me a mere puppet with no autonomy. And I'm not expected to be either. In fact, that equality between us just intensifies the feelings. I don't NEED him financially, for emotional security, for anything really. And he doesn't NEED me either for all those things that indeed, truly matter, when people are younger.

What we're finding, I think, is the freedom of being together and loving and respecting each other without all those pressures added into the mix. It can be confusing and scary; it doesn't fit the programmed & conditioned patterns we grow up with. So the traditional "structural framework" of relationships to be X, Y, and Z is just irrelevant. Our roles aren't as rigidly/clearly defined out of necessity... we can take turns, there are things that individually one of us is better at - but the other CAN do almost as well. And we can enjoy the hell out taking turns and being who we are - without also having to fit into any pre-defined patterns or molds.

There is a strong healing aspect for both of us, in this. But that's still out in fuzzy feeling territory; potentially very hopeful and not actualized fully yet. He is aware of that; acknowledges it too. I fully expect we'll butt heads on some things; it's pretty much a given since we're both strong independent (read: hard-headed stubborn) cusses. But it hasn't happened yet and I'm not walking around waiting for that to happen, expecting it or testing it.

I never expected that we would "get" each other - the inner workings of each other - like we do. But it's a real thing and it's amazing. I feel different; like a weight is off my shoulders almost. It's a huge thing and my theory is there's probably a lot of moving parts to it. Yeah, it's taken time. We've sorted through a few verbal misunderstandings. Comparatively easily. This is an adventure I never really saw coming.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #532 on: November 04, 2020, 03:12:43 PM »
I'm really happy for you, (((((((Amber)))))).
So very very glad.

You deserve love.
You deserve a partner with strong arms and a good heart.

You deserve to experience trusting and being trusted.

When your world is aligned with love and goodwill, beauty comes.

I'm just so glad for you. And for B too.
The abstractions aren't telling me much (they might Twiggyize, which you don't need in this context), save that you are feeling something you have hoped to feel, receiving and giving, and not afraid.

Big smile here. Your hopeful, happy energy comes through.

Give that B a big smack on the cheek from a far-off admirer. (Or not!)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #533 on: November 05, 2020, 06:04:36 PM »
What Hops said. 

Really happy for you, Amber.


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #534 on: November 10, 2020, 07:11:09 AM »
Things are as good as a person could imagine out here on the farm. Except Buck's not here and we're back to our normal distance communication routines again.

I'm fighting a cold, allergies and/or sinus crap due to the cold/windy weather we had - and now this gorgeous weather due to a high pressure system that's been parked over us. It's not horrible, but the first day of it I did just allow myself to lounge all day in my jammies in bed. Hot medicinal tea, and all the yummy food I could scrounge to shove in my face. Including the last quart of homemade chicken noodle soup I had in the freezer.

The weather - while lovely - seems weird, since a week ago when Buck was here, we had a fire going in the stove at night. Stinker is going through a growth spurt and poor Freddy has lost his patience with the little terror.

New gate is up for the driveway; he'd forgotten to make a way to latch it... found 2 horseshoes in his truck and welded those on. I like it! It's a real nice touch. Now I need some signage to orient people to the new address.

Hol has been working on the hut; painting her flights of fancy in color... dealing with 3 other kittens (one has found a home). She is kinda thinking about what her options are for employment since it appears there won't be any long enough stretches of work in production for another year yet. The job is physically/mentally taxing and she took note of all the people she worked with who were dealing with broken bodies at 50. So this "respite" at the farm to regroup has turned into a mid-life course correction.

She helped me finally hang my stained glass wolf way up high over the front door in a window and Buck's Red Deer skull & antlers he took in Scotland.

It's the time of year to deal with both my jeeps for winter; and get ready for snow season - if it ever comes. Buck filled my kindling rack when he was here... So except for cleaning up that patio there isn't much to do. I looked at the push mower Hol said was making a weird noise... and the oil is really low. I hope that's all it is. All the gas tanks on equipment need treatment for the winter; and stowed away; tires inflated, etc.

And I'm wracking my brain trying to choose presents for people for the holidays already.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #535 on: November 10, 2020, 12:36:18 PM »
I just picked up the Yukon ,break work, and my water pump sprung a leak as I drove into my driveway.  Had to have it towed right back to the mechanics.

Your maintenance seems to be going more smoothly, Amber.

I my list live reading about your full wood rack, and hanging beloved things that bring you joy. are you feeling about separation from B now?

Is it easier now you have a set timeline?

You seem really relaxed in this last post to me, Amber.

I'm glad Hol seems to be focused on herself, and not S.  I hope that's true.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #536 on: November 10, 2020, 08:00:33 PM »
I still don't like the separation. I know he has to have time to tie up his years there and make sure his D is settled. It's different this time - because we have had time to talk; openly and without reservation - or fear. Lingering questions have been answered - removing my over-active imaginations tendency to doubt.

And we spoke our truth about wanting to be together. It's simple and unadorned. He had the same kinds of fears I did; the same doubts. That this was just too good to be true; we were waiting for something that just doesn't exist to show up and blow the specialness of the connection to smithereens. We've both been burned that way in the past. And neither of us is willing to sacrifice our self-reliance or independence again BUT WE STILL WANT THIS CONNECTION, so we're having to invent our own way forward. No programmed conditioned "roles"... except what each is good at. Wants to assume responsibility for. And that also takes time.

The mutual respect - for the things we've been through, how we perservered, and who we are as a result of all that - is brand new for both of us. The more mundane reasons people "need" another within relationship don't exist for us. Security, a co-parent, even companionship... just don't figure here. For me, it's who he is all at once - the many many things. For him, it's similar - but he's blown away by me being able to express affection for him. (And the story that explains the reason why is heartbreaking to me. I know how that feels.) Yet he's not stuck in that. He's funny; insightful; creative; and sweet & kinder than almost anyone I've known previously. And I don't know exactly how I knew it was within him... but he's able to show it easily these days.

Sometimes you get lucky; and sometimes you hit the lottery.

We stay in contact all day long; unless one of us is working... and even when we are there is a maintenance "ping" that doesn't need an immediate response... just hi, what are you doin? In the mornings, and evenings, communication picks up. And now that the anxieties we had have been brought out into the open, they've dissipated. So we're both kinda resting in just being this connected. Example:

I was grocery shopping; picking out canned food for Stinker. He texted to remind me that Freddy likes the soft treats. And he is as mystified as me, how he knew I was in the cat food aisle right at that moment. LOL. There are LOTS of things like that. Hol & I kinda have that level of connection; but I've not known a man that had that much intuition/sight before. Maybe it's a function of the connection; I dunno.

But we seem to be able to give each other what we need on the emotional level (another first for me) and so I let myself half-believe that we were brought together just for that reason. He's not comfortable with very many people... yet we were instantly comfortable with each other. Too many people have tried to take advantage of his inherent kindness.

The timeline remains flexible. Too many things we can't control. But he'll be as frustrated as I will be if that happens. And he's worth the wait.  ;)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 08:06:11 PM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #537 on: November 12, 2020, 07:17:21 AM »
What an amazing unfolding, Amber.

Don't forget to dance on this comfortable, happy glow.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #538 on: November 12, 2020, 09:56:03 AM »
Well, if the rest of the world would sort themselves out and people would act with some sense... THEN, I could dance. And I will dance with him. Regardless.

Yeah, I'm setting conditions again. But it honestly does "intrude" unnecessarily (and uninvited) into our lives.

I'm grumpy. Been fighting a head cold - sinus involved - for a week, and disappointed Hol who hoped I'd hang out at the hut while she had a visitor last night - and chicken & dumplings - for making my own chili (extra spicy) and going to bed at 9.

She and I have been cleaning house. My friend Deb is coming for a short R&R visit Friday. I am horrified at the state of the room she & S were in. No wonder he kept fighting allergies/colds/flu. It's really a simple equation...

Then, I've done something to my ipad. Only 1 cable will charge it - while the others did just yesterday. I can't get the plug in the socket... hmmm. I don't think I have the patience to deal with that today. Buck is suffering through another round of meningitis - altho less than a month ago his bloodwork showed a 50% decrease in infection markers. He's complaining he didn't get a toaster for having it 10 times in 4 years. LOL. Other than that - it's the same old same old for him.

And it's raining; and getting cold. Time to start the D3 vitamins.

I'm either going to make an appie pie or hot apple dumpling w/honeycomb ice cream for Deb's & my birthday treat this weekend. Being grumpy means I'm getting over my cold. Kinda. (I've been sleeping VERY well this week, so it's not that.)
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #539 on: November 12, 2020, 12:05:18 PM »
Sunnex Biotechnoligies, Amber. I swear. (I have one tower model that is life-changing.)

I hear you about it all. And I'd bet just having to say good-bye was rough.

You and B will figure this out. I'm glad Hol is finally in her hut.

SO nice that your friend can come. Has she quarantined/tested?
I would love to have another friend in my "pod". Just don't know anyone other than M who's as careful as he and I are.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."