Today is "intermission" between white sticky stuff falling from the skies. Couple little errands to run on my side of the mountain today; couple things to order too... and I need to check in with my shop.
Baking continues; Holly requested I make the gingerbread marshmallows yesterday - and they are currently setting up to get cut & dusted with powdered sugar today. Planning for hot chocolate & homemade marshmallows tomorrow. At some point today, I need to get the snow plow on the ranger, too. Or we'll be trying to do it - when it's warmer tomorrow - while snow falls at a rate of 2" per hour (according to some forecasts). Neighbors goodies delivered over the weekend.
My big Bunn coffeemaker died again; the hotplate doesn't like being cleaned. But the morning has been saved by my Secret Squirrel gift - a french press. I have an old Melitta (and filters) too - that I've managed not to break in 3-4 moves through 2 husbands.
Hol's going to be "over the mtn" all day today, dropping one of her kittens off to be neutered - Peter is the biggest tom out of Stinker's litter - and he's quite the terrorist. So she's visiting a friend, shopping, and generally hanging out all day till she can pick Peter up and head back. I've heard nothing so far from surgeon vet. And given how happy and mobile Stinker is right now - I doubt I'm going to put him through that close confinement for a month. It involves more painkillers too - and while he's good at taking the liquid meds, painkillers mess with brains. I don't want to take that chance with him. His personality is just quirky enough right now.
Got enough kindling split to get me through till it stops snowing. And now for the daily woodstove cleaning chore. LOL. Unless last night's fire burned hot enough, I always have to clean the glass and scoop the ashes out.
Buck went looking for a power steering pump for his truck yesterday at a junkyard (auto parts store ordered the wrong one). Ended up getting hired part time (2 days a week + commission) until he moves. Coz he "knows stuff" like how to remove windshields without breaking them, and other tricks of the trade. And he's been gettiing boxes delivered with some little luxuries... since he can't be here. He's been having trouble finding one brand of socks he likes... so I'm going to use those as padding around his cookies when I ship them. MAYBE get out by Saturday; MAYBE. Propane tanks got filled yesterday. Reminded me to have Hol check hers; she should be OK. Solar panels weren't getting much sun lately - and Rick came and pushed down some bigger trees that were shading the panels. I think she's going to hear her generator a lot the next few days.
I need to order snowshoes; I think we might get as much as 2 ft of snow out of this storm. Definitely over a foot. Everything the other side of the mountain will shut down (if they aren't already from the virus); already planning for it - a couple inches of snow is enough for them. I imagine my side of the mountain will shut down by noon.
I might have a sewing commission; another parka like the one I made for B. But the guy currently has his hands full, taking care of his business'es crew; several of which have tested positive or are sick from virus. I'll contact him later when he's not so busy. So far - all my presents that were shipped have arrived except one item for B that's backordered.
Almost time for me to order seed starting stuff. The wheel keeps turning around here... and I need to think about a canning kitchen, too. A lot more jars & lids; and a few odds/ends. I was going to try to move my garden implements out of the space where the metal shop's going... but now the barn is full of Buck's stuff and the jeep; and the plan to move the mower to the other garage isn't going to work, coz Hol wants to put the pontiac in there before it snows. If it fits - LOL.
I WILL get my rip van winkle time, seriously, I WILL. It'll start in a week or so, I hope.