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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #90 on: April 01, 2020, 06:09:03 PM »
Buck absolutely knows I want "just us" time - because between my zoo here and his Ds - we're like "instant Brady Bunch". Being family oriented, I suppose it's natural - but I'm really most interested in the dynamics between the two of us... by ourselves. There have been hints, clues, teases on both sides... and I understand he's shy, self-deprecating... kind of for the same reasons I can be that way sometimes too. Out here - it is possible, even under stay at home orders - for us find a place to go and just be us for awhile.

I know I can ask for privacy for a specific amount of time from everyone here, too. And we're not going to need total seclusion... just time by ourselves, to ourselves. There's plenty of hiking, fishing, places to go and see... and the kids already spend a day every so often hiking.

I've been reading that colleges are a bit panic'd about whether they'll even be able to open next fall - that will definitely change his D's plans if her school is one of those. Buck's appts are in limbo, due to the virus. His shop is closed. The D in London - he found out through back channels is NOT on a ventilator; she is in guarded condition because of the meds she takes for Lupus. There should be another update this afternoon -- he's told me more about the "back story" with her too. It's been 8 days since he first spoke with her. The Navy thing is still on, for this summer. He will want to sell his house and end all connections in his state before coming here. And so far, not even the virus has thrown up anything major in the way of obstacles.

So, I'm just waiting for him to tell me when. He knows if finances are an issue I'll help. But I also know he's sensitive about that - so following his lead there.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #91 on: April 01, 2020, 10:07:46 PM »
Asking far away is Buck?
NO chance of him coming for a week's visit, or does the house sale etc. have to happen even before that can take place? (Much less all the medical stabilizing, I know.)

Just so would love to hear that you and he are at last cozied up (ahem--it's YOUR house so you guys should have it all to yourselves for your first week or so, imn-ho...)

Damn, you're patient. I'm so eager for you two to find the path open.
I hope you don't have to wait until fall. But I grok that if you have to, you'll manage it.

Big hugs,
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #92 on: April 02, 2020, 08:19:07 AM »
Well, until the Holly Hut is completed, to a functional point - she & Steve ARE in the house. Along with both dogs. Absolutely nothing to be done about that right now. Work is definitely progressing there and hopefully, she'll make a decision on flooring so it shouldn't be MUCH longer.

Buck is probably a 12-14 hr drive away - unless he brings the bike. He promised a week; but then that fell through. He is still talking about this... and WANTS to make it happen. So, fingers crossed, between us we can figure something out. "Soon".... LOL. I'm starting to hate that word.

Both of his ex's have done some serious injury to him. I didn't exactly get off scot-free in my relationships either. So in one way - this long-distance relationship has been perfect, in it's pacing and nurturing of an emotional and mental space that is "us". I think it's been there a lot longer than a year - back to when I was nursing Mike. So, we started as friends... and that's always a good starting point, IMO. I'm not really into the "Prince Charming" myth. If I can't have a deep, totally honest and trustful connection with someone... all the charm & suave in the world won't make it work.

We both want companionship; mirroring - of that deep friendship kind; and a true, equal "partner". Someone who has our back, can work well side by side, to pull together in the same yoke - not in different directions. He wants the woods & peace and quiet... but knows we can't be all things to each other. We both worked through accepting we might be alone all the way to the end of our lives. And when the incendiary spark went off between us, it surprised both of us.

It could just be a "question mark" inquiry of each other based on a long-denied need on each of our parts that we recognize in the other. That happens. And it's why I've insisted on "no strings, no harm no foul" terms so we can REMAIN friends, without regrets. Leaves us both with agency; equally. I ain't gonna do all the work in a relationship again. And he's tired of betrayals and wants to maintain his personal independence; his own space. And while we can each be just fine on our own... there's no denying life is more pleasant and our capabilities exponentially increase being together.

I appreciate his story and what/how he chose to move through it. I've always admired that kind of male energy. But he is also able to be open about the emotional side of things. He knows what I've been through too; how much I loved Mike - despite his idiosyncrasies that drove me crazy. He knows I didn't run - or even tried to compensate for how much I was giving, by trying to "get back" somewhere else. This is the kind of level of knowing each other, that couples don't hit for a few years, in most cases. That's why I kid him about we're doing it all backwards. LOL.

I think what I'm most impressed with, tho is his understanding and practice of maintaining boundaries. I might learn more about this from him. And for an old man, he is dang fit and HOT... even with the ongoing health issues. (you guys seem to have this idea sometimes, he's an invalid... and perhaps that's due to my description of his issues; they have been serious and acute... but even during hospital stays, his strength of personality & will power him through any pain/weakness in his body) LOLOL, I find have to "protect" his reputation by not letting on how funny, erudite, and absolutely sweet he is... coz he's such a "guy's guy".

I mean, it was 20 years ago he was blown up; told he wasn't going to walk again, after the corpsman said he wasn't dying on the chopper... and for 20 years he''s done more, better, than guys younger than him. Including walking.

:insert googly-eyed drooling old lady:

Guys like that never looked twice at me. I'm not going to miss a chance to slide into home plate with this one. But he already knows I'm not gonna become something I'm not, to "keep him". Just the way it has to be.  And he expects the same back.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 08:20:41 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #93 on: April 02, 2020, 03:40:44 PM »
That is such a beautiful, elegant portrait of both the man you love and the way you are loving each other, Amber. What a drink of water to read. Lovely.

When you say he wants space/place of his own (I'm getting all bourgeois here), does that mean you and B have no interest in living together at some point? Or does it mean a separate building project on the mountain so B has a man cave?

You might not know the answer yet. And it might be a rather premature question.

You just seem to glow when you talk about the essence of Buck. Like just being in relationship with him, however parallel and independent, is giving you renewed life force.

It sure sounds like he's worth the wait. I hope his "needing space" doesn't reflect problems making commitments. I hope he will commit to you fully and there won't be obstacle after obstacle.

One big thing is when two older lovers are each financially independent and secure, if not financially equally well off. It would make it a lot easier to maintain autonomy and feed healthy interdependence.

I so hope you get a chance to fulfill this dream.

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #94 on: April 02, 2020, 04:12:31 PM »
Thanks Hops. Maybe it will brighten someone's day today - seems like a lot more of that is needed right now.

By "space" I mean more autonomy, than physical space. But we ARE talking about another shop specifically for metal work. He'll end up teaching Hol a few things there - since she welds already. My guy is used to being deployed for a year or more at a time. Often not able to say WHERE he is, as a consequence. And while he's hoping to retire once and for all from that - he's been on his own for 20 years. I would be NUTZ to expect the same kind of constant contact Mike seemed to want/need - when I was asking him to please give me "space" because I just felt "hampered, stifled, just want to go-do on my own..." So I can appreciated B is going to be more oriented that way too. I call it "divide & conquer" tactics - we'll get more done that way that if we're both working together. At least sometimes. It's a flexible fluid thing.

No way, no how he has commitment issues. Of that I'm sure.

There are income differences - but he's remarkably self-sufficient and multi-talented. I'm not so dependent that I can't let him do what he needs to do for himself. Probably more independent than what he may know from the past, actually. But that doesn't mean I don't know the meaning of loyalty & commitment. It's born of respect for him and love for what we're like together. I rather suspect I'm gonna get my socks knocked off by how much fun this is gonna be. LOL.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2020, 05:19:09 PM »

I'm glad B got an update about his dd living abroad.   That would be so scary to not be able to reach her, find her, figure out what's going on with her,  IME.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #96 on: April 06, 2020, 10:06:44 AM »
Yes, it was scary - and he reacts to those things with a superhero cape on. (I've told him after he moves here, I'm ritually burning the cape. LOL)

About to head out for parts even more rural than here - and pick up my plow.

Friend asked about a rumor that WV was stopping people at the borders and not letting them in. LOL. Maybe they are; I've been suggesting it for years. LOL. Guess I'll delay my monthly trip over the mountain for another couple weeks.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #97 on: April 06, 2020, 10:54:32 AM »
Yes to delaying trips anywhere, shopping anywhere, as much as humanly possible.
Been reading that rural areas will be among the hardest hit, proportionally, because of less medical resources. Fingers crossed.

How long was it for B since his last real relationship?

I know it was one big difference between M and adapting to anyone in my life, expecting regular attention, much less coming into the space of my home. After 20 years alone (including Nmom time in that) these were trying adjustments for me, despite the parallel positive feelings. He had been alone for six months when we met. But now it feels better. Much more relaxed around him, as he's behaving less invasively. Knock wood.

I'm sure you and B in all that gorgeous mountain space and with your independent spirits, will adapt more easily. Just want you two to get the chance!

Still don't grasp how a medically-unstable "old man" can be "called up" but B must have highly specialized expertise that's just not available elsewhere. It is just all very mysterious. That's the only bit that worries me a little. But I'm projecting from my own experience with special mysterious unusual unprovable tales from my ex2, inappropriately. Doesn't sound like that is happening with B's military status. And you clearly trust him.

I love the idea of him welding away and you farming away, and both of you connecting freely when you want to. Sounds amazing.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 12:51:22 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #98 on: April 06, 2020, 12:37:23 PM »
Lord, I just want to read about Amber and B sharing meals, burning capes and sharing space... generally.





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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #99 on: April 07, 2020, 11:39:28 AM »
Amen, Lighter!!

Hops, it's very much like the beach & ocean... we pull back into ourselves... and then return to us... sometimes there's an event that affects the timing of it, sometimes it's just like breathing of the earth. He's been alone 18 years; 4 for me... depending on how I count. Sometimes I count it 6 years, because of how Mike withdrew from me.

It's common for military guys to not be able to talk about what they're doing or where. A good part of the "scandal" surrounding Ollie North, was he broke that code. In addition to revealing what the US was up to with the whole Iran-Contra mess. As for not being medically retired already, his records being screwed up - apparently lost - that's also a common thing. He did find out that his active CO, is the one who pulled his records. In his case, it's his hands on skill and particular knowledge set that was a scarce commodity. So someone somewhere in the course of things, decided to hold onto his records - just in case. He is the last one left with this knowledge that is anywhere physically close to being able to "train the trainers". As it turns out - yes, they DO want to preserve that knowledge & skill. And pass it on.

There is NO ulterior motive or game-playing involved in this, that I can find. I'm just as able to see red flags as you are even if fewer things are on my "serious problem" list. There are things I'm keeping an eye on. The disparity in finances is one of them - both his sensitivity to "making his own way" and my ability to solve roadblocks by writing a check.

For this particular national crisis to hit - at this time - its stressing my patience. Whether it's true or not, or just plain fear... my need to have him here, even if just for a visit just went off the chart in the past week. I was able to put it in simple language - strip out the crazy emotional janglies associated with it - and just let him know. I am perfectly capable of doing what needs done around here... or I would be, if I wasn't spending all my time required to pay attention to the stress, upset, disillusionment, and existential angst of the younger set around me.

This week, I'm taking issue with that "requirement" part. Remember all the comic strips with some guru on top of a mountain or in a cave... and a seeker, asking "what's the meaning of life"? Yeah, I feel as though my daily existence is a constant IV-drip of trying to teach that to these adult "kids". They are trying to work it out amongst themselves, too... and I'm being more selective about when I participate. But I'm starting to resent it. It's kinda like what GS talked about years ago - about obligation; one that was simply expected and not negotiated or agreed to.

So, I'm giving myself enough time/space to let all the psyco-babble die down out of my head... look at MY requirements... and then I'm going to present my case for changing a few things up, for the duration of this lockdown. WV isn't ALL that locked down. Commonsense measures are being taken all around, but the main one, is that we simply don't go out gallivanting around much. We're homebodies. And someday soon, this lockdown is going to be over. While I don't expect things to go back to "normal" - the way it was before, 100% - there's a D, that I know NEEDS to go back to work, of one sort or another. Same with her pathetic excuse for a boyfriend who isn't really meeting her needs. She also has more requirements of her, due to her DUI. We're not entirely sure how much is OPTIONAL, and how much is mandated... and nothing is really functioning in Va. So - in limbo mode for the time being. Her friend John, while willingly and pleasantly helpful, also a has a life of his own to start moving forward on.

IF Hol & Steve choose to stay together, then I have a very specific list of do's & don'ts which I expect to be maintained religiously. It's a matter of respect - for our tools, our work on projects, and each other. If that can't happen... then I'm tempted to kick them all out. LOL. Even with the Hut nearing move-in ready completion. (I so sincerely HOPE.)

The reason for all that - is because I was hoping to have my OWN life; separate and apart from being "mom" or the "matriarch" who is making all this possible. And it doesn't involve nurturing the neuroses of these GenX cynics, who are still not really get that life doesn't ever really CHANGE. It's just changes it's appearances. What was true a thousand years ago is STILL true today. Despite theories of "evolution"... the human condition and human frailties and human creativity & capability are STILL the same.

I don't where they got the idea that an "ideal world" could be made possible... but they sure don't want to hear anything that I KNOW is reality and just accept that. It has to become a cause, a movement, to change things. Just doesn't happen at any level that is perceptible to people.

I'm also getting more than a little tired of the canard, that online friends aren't really your friends. Witness our little group here. I really HOPE Hol in particular, is required to do 6 months of therapy with this woman T that confronted all her hostility right from GO. Hol can't stand her. I think that's absolutely a really good thing to being working through some of Hol's deep issues and is what she needs. Hol NEEDS to be more actively engaged in her OWN life -- and keep her nose out of other people's lives -- since she doesn't appear motivated to change any of the things in her own, to create more balance for herself.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #100 on: April 07, 2020, 12:39:33 PM »
Well, Skep, I am glad to read that you're not willing to carry on endlessly being mum to all the other grown ups there.  I'm very much looking forward to reading about you and Buck having fun, whether it's going away together, getting on with your own projects on the farm or just hanging out - without stress, drama or other people's problems going on around you :)  I'm looking forward to reading that update.  And amazed that the army is crap enough to not secure the knowledge they need way before personnel are of retirement age!  Surely someone could have got him to do some training tapes years ago?  It baffles me - but we see similar madness here so I can say I'm not entirely surprised.  Wishing you both well xx


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #101 on: April 07, 2020, 05:03:41 PM »
Maybe it was my "mom reflex" - that initiated the expectation that I would be on call 24/7 for such things. The expectation that I could solve self-created problems. Dunno.

But I'm very conscious of resisting that expectation and even some days resenting it. It seems short-sighted and unfair to me. But I've been in a mood of being able to chew nails the past couple days. And it turns out that's kind of a recognition of my own needs. And even vision for this arrangement.

This doesn't seem healthy for anyone. And that's really bugging me.

So, I guess I'm just going to manage my own time/energy given to this crap better. And withdraw into my own space - and do what's on my agenda. Others can participate as they want - or not. While they're sorting their own flies from pepper. I'm over it. Been over it. For some time.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #102 on: April 07, 2020, 07:05:19 PM »

I'm so sorry. I completely get how you're feeling and how oppressive it must be.
I think when one sees oneself as a matriarch, a source of wisdom and learning for young adults (and some not so young), it's very hard to find your own children rejecting it, being immature and selfish, entitled, whatever. It sure wasn't your original idea in trying to pass along what you've learned, for their benefit.

Maybe the Matriarch of the Mountain is REALLY going to retire now. And just pursue projects and plans because they're fulfilling. I say, tough love time. Toss the little buggers out so they can start growing up. Couldn't agree more about Hol and T, but of course she'll assert her own choices in that regard too, regardless of impact on you.

CB, I really felt this is extremely wise:
I could never have given them what they have forged for themselves in the past decade. I remember a saying that when a child is born, so is a mother. I think when a child grows up, so does a mother!

Amber, remember that your value is NOT exclusively in your capacity to be strong, to lead, to sit under the banyan tree dispensing advice or wisdom. You are valuable without a shred of wisdom. You are valuable as a friend, a partner, a good soul, a creator.

Matriarchs have one thing in common: They're all exhausted and resentful. And nobody thanks them.

Big hugs,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #103 on: April 08, 2020, 09:24:57 AM »
Yes, Hops. I would absolutely pursue my plans & projects IF:

my tools were put back - or not "lost" - because someone else used them and isn't considerate enough
my studio wasn't completely filled with other people's materials
my kitchen wasn't cluttered with the kinds of things I don't cook with (and they don't either apparently; they graze all day long)

And I am denied control over my own stuff - "because" this or that justification or excuse

I have my "cave" - the master; to hide out in. The work in progress has made the door to the back deck available to me now, so I've also created a small sitting area there too.

It will HELP, when the Hut is completed enough for them to move into. AND they buy their own tools. :P  We estimate maybe another month. And when I'm finally able to talk to her again, I'm going to impress upon her the need for both of them to go back to work... as soon as that restarts.

The lack of consideration and the absurd expectation that I have all the answers to why their self-created lives suck... and what to do about that... as if I don't have my own life is enough of a burr under my saddle right now to make me BLUNT, TO THE DIRECT PERSONAL PAINFUL POINT, and keep me on the edge of being swept away by all the pent up anger over the behaviors I was directly told would change, or wouldn't continue being a problem for me.

I've suggested that she start packing this last month. :D

Rather than just drift around having her attitude... and proclaiming how "unevolved" or "unfair" I am.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #104 on: April 08, 2020, 12:11:58 PM »

I was struck with several thoughts while reading your post.

1.  ALL the clutter and crap the kids have in your home should BE IN THEIR SPACE or in the barn or the shed to whatever spaces aren't YOUR LIVING AREA. 

This is YOUR home, not their dumping ground, grazing ground, complaining ground, blaming ground.  Why do they feel it's those things? 

2.  IS this YOUR problem?  Really?

Your post reminded me SO much of the first conversation I had with my T about my problem... codependence. 

It was MY problem, not the people I was frustrated with. 

Hell, just tell them what needs doing.  Packing... yup.   Pack it all up.  Move it to the space of your choosing and let it be so.  Now.  No time for yammering, complaining, dwelling on YOUR life and choices. 

The last thing coming up for me is the feeling you have about the kids expecting you to have all the answers for them WHEN obviously they aren't open to much, if anything, you have to say about.

Whatever dynamic is going on here isn't working for you, or them IMO.

Whatever you want to create, before B arrives is up to you.  It's your home, your property, your rules or the kids can go where they may create their own rules, which is how growing up works, IME.  No upset or bother..... go in good faith, with best wishes, you believe in Hol and know she'll figure it out, bc she's competent and capable enough to do so.

Make a list.  Make a copy or two.  Give Hol a list, put one on the fridge, and one in your safe space.  Require they check boxes off daily.

If they complain, refer them BACK to the list and stay focused on your own business.

They have their business.

You have yours.

THAT ONE LITTLE THING made all the difference for me in the world.... frustration evaporated, I was lighthearted toward the folks I was so !UPSET!! with and MY stuff was easier to focus and work on without all that codependent chatter in my head and body.

Just say'in...... this might be easier to solve than you think.

Take what makes sense and ignore the rest. 

I know you'll figure it out, bc...

you're competent and capable; )
