So, it seems like this is the year for second chances to "get it right" - whatever that is. That definition seems to be more of a moving target for me these days and that's just FINE. Really. I think I'm finally convinced that there simply isn't any one absolute "right state of being" for all times & places that endures for more than a NY moment.
Been using this past week to change some things up. Just enough that I can start to "see" from a different place. Buck has contributed to that too. He's had some Rambo moments lately; there is only so long you can treat a human being as an "asset", "resource", or property - and disposable - before that last boundary has been transgressed and in his terminology, one has to become "assertive". So, he got some things straightened out; got some straight answers that have gone a long way to explain (but not excuse) the medical nightmare he's been through the last 2 years. 7 major surgeries in 2 years, taking things out, putting them back - without ever completing the cycle.
I have to be a bit vague here, because this is leading up to him reporting for active duty again. Uh-huh. It seems he's one of the last alive with the knowledge needed to pass on to a new group of divers, so he'll be training for 3 weeks stateside. As soon as, that is, the recommended 6 weeks of antibiotics is done and he tests clear for the infection and he heals up enough from the last surgery to be able to enter a compression chamber. So someone pretty high up started pulling strings to be able to get him qualified for that training. Sigh. Yes, that's how this works.
Now, since it also contributes to getting him fully functional and healthy again I can't complain. I'll take my number and get in line. He's worth it. As he recovers, he's getting super sweet and romantic - and we're planning together. There is going to be a fair amount of unusual fun activities involved, not just being homebodies and living daily life. We seem to be catalyzing dormant aspects of each other and there is a depth, and breadth, to him that tweaks my curiosity and playful side. I seem to be opening his eyes to parts of himself he stuffed and swallowed, to be able to keep on going day after day. So we're both kind of dancing into the unknown, knowing each other to a depth that perhaps we wouldn't in the usual dating scenarios because we can talk, be emotionally vulnerable, and be there for each other with the usual life situations & struggles. Mr. Rambo really just wants to be allowed to be a big teddy bear and not be used and abused because he trusted someone. So, there's a need for absolute honesty between us. Lots of maybes, I don't know yet, or we'll figure it out together.
Now, the Hol story. The Hut is under roof. I can walk around inside and see just how efficient she was with space planning - but it's still going to feel small. Fortunately she'll have multiple outdoor spaces and the first floor. So far, they've worked fast and well. There was only one minor oops pouring the forms for the 2nd, main floor and except for some concrete on the ground, I can't see where it's going to cause any problems.
She is staying positive through the miscarriages. But there is a total lack of engagement/participation in the life of the farm from her sweetie. Like paying expenses, getting with the chore program - even directly asked, or contributing anything of value here. And he hasn't even gone to work in one of the busiest times of year in his career. Then, he simply drops trash wherever he is; or dishes and never cleans up after himself.

Sooner or later, she's going to realize she's already raising one child. And he's one that won't make eye contact or even speak directly to anyone BUT Hol... and he's pulling her into his orbit to the exclusion of her friends, me, etc. Buck and I have discussed this extensively. He is minding his boundary well, while being supportive of where I seem to be going as a way to deal with this. I will grant that he is feeding some emotional need she has right now. So confrontation isn't even on my list of choices about dealing with this. I will not support him to be a snuggly lump of non-communicative and self-absorbed comfort squeeze. Sorry. I have to draw a line at the old: you don't work, you don't eat demarcation. Hol cleans up after him, to mollify me, but oddly... won't acknowledge the problem or the extra work she's going to here. NOR, more importantly, how her other needs for social engagement are getting neglected because he might need her. "Codependence" is a fictitious concept to her. Her friend John and I have both tried to bring up the topic in general conversation. Denial is big right now.
I realize this is something that she has to do herself; make those decisions. And mom should mind her own business. But I see without doubt; that this is going to become another Bovie situation and end even more badly. So, I'm frustrated about not being able to point out the damned obvious and see what new excuse she makes for his behavior and treatment of the other people who are important to her. And ironically, she warned me to watch for red flags with Buck.... LOL.... as if that wasn't the first thing on my mind to address with him.
So, "doing" nothing right now, except waiting for an opportunity to discuss in non-personal terms the behaviors that are problematic and just let that sink in. She's smart enough to figure this out without being "told" this is what she is doing again. And also, spending a lot of time on me and my life. And she will go back to work this spring for a few months... so they won't even be here - either one of them. That might, all by itself, bring things into perspective for her.
Meanwhile........ the garden is already in planning stages. Seed inventory is done and I don't need much to get started. But I'll buy the basics fresh this year, to have extra in case something comes up that I don't get around to ordering next year. And I'm planning to teach Hol how to can. She's also never worked a garden so she doesn't know how much time/effort/work it takes, if you want more than a "sample sized" crop.
A full on metal shop is also being planned - for both Hol and Buck to work here. A garage for the Hut - so I don't have to share space with Steve in MY workshop. She'll vacate the studio with her sewing and quilts too. So I'm ready to do a bit of renovating here... remodeling the master suite to accommodate two of us... and eventually adding on to create a summer kitchen and extra work space in the office and replacing the roof. There aren't too many things on that list that have a deadline. And Buck needs to be involved too. And is already on some things.
We're still talking about timing for sneaking away to the beach. LOL.