Author Topic: Farm Doin's - 2020  (Read 70809 times)


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #510 on: October 26, 2020, 11:26:46 AM »
Well whatever is going on, Skep, I hope things settle and get sorted out for you, personally and with the business.  I think you deserve a bit of plain sailing from here on in xx


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #511 on: October 26, 2020, 12:25:03 PM »
ME TOO, Tupp!
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #512 on: October 26, 2020, 03:14:24 PM »

I feel like we have to talk. He's indicated he has some things to say too. Nothing "bad"... but ....

Maybe making "we have to talk" the backdrop tilts this toward a negative or something "bad"? It's a famous line for relationships in trouble or impending breakups. Of course you will talk, you both have a lot to share and catch up on. You'll know whether his messages are reassuring or the opposite. But imo, you don't need to know before it happens, hon. You are strong and mature and can take in the present. I think it's anxiety talking.

I'm feeling confused, I think I know why - but I'll only know for sure when he's right here. I've already started my "preamble" to that conversation.

Just an idea: doesn't a "preamble" perhaps tilt the whole talk in a shaky direction?
My thought is: just be present, be honest, be yourself. Perhaps: Don't prepare a strategy or a speech. You two CAN communicate. Let yourself breathe. Trust yourself that you can and will cope with whatever rises up. Preambles and strategems and speeches are for courtrooms. (Nothing wrong with thinking about a specific statement or two you want to be sure to get off your chest at some point. But remember if you forgot one, you could always come back to it, right?). Summit meetings are for countries, not happy couples.

To me, the following is where you got down to it, and I totally get it. This is real and so normal. And, simple, elemental, and so honest.

I'm excited to see him again; but I'm also holding back my feelings because I'm afraid of being disappointed again.

I know! I'll write you a script! No preamble, appointment or pledge needed!

"I'm so excited to see you again. I'm also holding back my feelings because I'm afraid of being disappointed again."

Genius. Whoever came up with this? Oh right, it was YOU. And maybe this is all you need to tell him at first.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2020, 06:19:57 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #513 on: October 27, 2020, 01:24:41 AM »
It's going to be OK, Amber.

Just go on and be your wise warrior self and B will be his.

All will be well, even if it's not what you were expecting.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #514 on: October 27, 2020, 12:51:08 PM »
Think I had a panic attack yesterday; or maybe just amped up anxiety is all it was. B called from the road already, and just talking to him helps me calm down.

Since the weekend, I've been busy, excited, planning little "surprises" for him... deliberately not putting together a "honey do list"... because unless he starts getting restless, I just want to spend time with him. There are a couple outings on the agenda - but they're optional and mostly just to get him acquainted with the area.

It seems whatever emotion I'm having - it's not just a mild feeling. It's intensified up to the maximum right now. Like a thousand volts of electricity running through me. I still have enough to keep me busy today - and not just let myself dwell on feelings. But I'm not ruminating on anything. Not even really THINKING right now. Just keepin' moving. It's not a state I'm in very often. New and different. No point in analyzing it either, I don't think. Just let it be what it is and maybe later on I'll have a clue or theory about what's going on with me right now.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #515 on: October 27, 2020, 04:49:06 PM »
You will.

It'll ALL make sense in time.

Wise move to channel that anxiety into action, girl.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #516 on: October 28, 2020, 02:02:26 AM »
And he's still on the road. I ate 5 hrs ago. I'm keeping the shepherd's pie warm for him. Made a pot of coffee (it helps him sleep in some strange way). I'm drinking most of that pot; with some Irish additive... otherwise the coffee will keep me awake. I'll make him another pot.

He's about an hour out now. Been on the road since 9:30 am. He isn't the kind of person that needs a LOT of sleep, but this last stretch through my hills has me sitting up waiting for him. He has to go slow with the load he's pulling.

I am crazy calm, now. It's all OK. He's coming home.

Hol gave me my birthday present early; she hit Vic's Secret when she was in town today. I have a weakness for satin PJs. They're just the right weight for fall. Not overly racy; but luxurious. It was a really nice thing to do. Despite her rough edges, she really is a good kid. She and S will probably go hiking tomorrow. So we can sleep in. She found out today that one of S's ex-girlfriends - that he's still friends with - has cancer. That "girl" can't be 40 yet. I've only met her briefly - but that's kinda hitting me. Why so many young people? Mike wasn't even that old; his mom was in her 80s when she passed.

And I've cycled back into being really emotional again. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I think I was afraid of being misled by emotions and not being "rational" - and so shut all that down for a bit... except it was still there subconsciously; and hence the strange panic attack yesterday. If I deny my emotions - I pay for it. Or so it seems. That might not be accurate - but sometimes the intensity of emotion is just too much for me. My imagination & flights of fantasy run wild & free... and I KNOW I need to be more balanced. Or so I've been told. Part of me thinks those cautionary limitations, keep people from actually LIVING life - meeting the adventure head on. Diving in; off the cliff. No risk; no gain. I think I'm about over playing it so safe, that I don't actually LIVE. So adjusting the line of the balance.

I've always had that wild hair side of me. But I've seldom given it free rein, because it didn't seem prudent or wise or protective. Maybe I need to drop some of the protective boundaries a bit. Not to the point of foolhardiness... but enough that I might actually have some damn fun? And feel ALL the feelings? And be as real as I can be? Instead of guarded six ways to Sunday - so that I don't get to enjoy anything. That doesn't seem like any sane way to live. Where I sit now.

I don't have kids to raise; Hol has a good head on her shoulders even if she is struggling right now. I don't have to make a living to support myself in my old age - if I outlive my current money, or some catastrophe strikes - I grew up dirt poor; I can do that again and still make "happy". By some odd coincidence, I've met someone on the same wavelength at this age... and I "KNOW" him. And vice versa. And he makes me giggle like a school girl. And he's all man... and while I still have my issues with that, they're known & minor. He's not going to stifle me - au contraire, he empowers me to be more me. Witihout doing anything except being him.

OOOOHHHHHHH..... and he's close now. I know he's tired; he's sore from sitting all day. God bless him, I've got dinner, coffee & cognac, and a shower for him.

Anddddd... scene closes.  I'll be back later girlfriends.  :D
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #517 on: October 28, 2020, 07:09:49 AM »
I can hear you purring from here, Amber.
I'm glad you two are going to have this time!

Meanwhile, just so you know....alcohol doesn't counteract caffeine.
You just have caffeinated alcohol. LOL.

I think you'll work out the balance of listening and letting all your wild hair fly just fine. I don't blame you for some last-minute fear but don't believe it's running you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #518 on: October 29, 2020, 01:10:33 AM »
this is happening!
Just keep breathing, Amber: )



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #519 on: October 29, 2020, 09:13:59 AM »
Questions... answers... calmness...
and some amazing unprompted comments.... so that I don't care that it's raining all day.


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #520 on: October 29, 2020, 09:25:49 AM »
Big smile for you!

So glad.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #521 on: October 30, 2020, 07:01:50 AM »
I'm glad there is a smiley face there, Skep.  I hope you and Buck are soon in a more permanent situation together and that the talking through stuff yields good things (I'm sure it will) xx


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #522 on: October 30, 2020, 11:52:10 AM »
He's out working for a bit; rain stopped. But it's getting chilly - I'll be laying a fire from the kindling he split yesterday.
Yes, all is happy out here. So far. Only seen Holly briefly the last few days; she picked up some extra veggies for me at the store.

I'm finally getting rested. He induces the relaxation reflex for me.  :D  Even when he's doing something that I don't think he should attempt by himself. But, he's already proven that he CAN do it by himself - and as long as I'm paying attention, I can only speed up the job - my help is limited because I'm not strong enough or smart enough (on my own) not having attempted such things by myself before - but I can follow what he's doing and be that 3rd or 4th hand.

No med devices, except the cage that stabilized his spine. Pain is well under control... sans pharma... and even the infection markers are down by half now. He's probably going to try to put on a little more weight/muscle and get his strength/stamina back where it works for him. But this is the healthiest he's been in years.

He tossed me a future curveball idea to chew on last night. Talk about out of left field (yes, I was a left field outfielder)... it's wild & crazy, but rather than saying anything now, I said I'd have to think about it.* The last move isn't going to happen until after the first of the year. I've been able to say my piece about that and he's heard me. It's not "excuses" - it's life and the way he wants to do things, for his own peace of mind.

*more on this later - because it's such a huge deal and something that was totally off my radar screen; I was stunned speechless and I really DO have to think about it before I have any idea how I feel about it.

Life with this man is going to be a constant adventure. But his priority is taking care of me. Hell, that's unusual enough that I'm going to need months to process all differences I'm seeing... and how I feel (which is mostly cozy & comfortable & open enough to just spit things out for a change).

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #523 on: October 30, 2020, 05:28:44 PM »
That was an amazing update, ((Amber.))

Good on' ya for taking time to process before commenting.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #524 on: November 03, 2020, 08:49:43 AM »
WARNING: before settling down into this & successive posts - which might take all day, given I gotta vote & meet with contractor this morning - grab your tea & biscuits and get cozy. Verbosity forthcoming; processing is much simpler than usual for some reason - but still LOTS.


B took off yesterday afternoon, to make it back in time to pick up D at college in NC and take her back home to SC to vote (her first election; that state's rules) and the worst of the wind storm around - allegorical and meteorological - is starting to die down.

It was well after midnight when he pulled in last Tuesday. Then, after 12 hrs on the road - the last 6 after dark when it's hard for him to see - it took a couple hours to unwind enough to try to sleep. I had kept the sheherd's pie warm for him - but he couldn't eat at that point. So "fortified" coffee was substituted instead. I know better than drinking coffee any time other than in the morning... but by then, my nerves were shot too. It was almost noon before we started getting motivated the next morning.

This was the first time he's been here without the kids in the house. So when he was sufficiently awake, he started unloading while I futzed in the kitchen, to feed him. Then, I went out to help him finish up. Once he starts a task - he'll stick with it - no drink, no food until it's done - and that could be 3 am. So I kinda have to put my foot down, bribe him, and otherwise get his attention off the task enough to realize he has other needs. This is not a bad thing, per se; it just needs moderation for his own good.

I realized that "arrival day" that life with this man is going to be a constant adventure. LOLOL. He calls it needing adult supervision... but it's clear we can decide what needs doing and he doesn't need or want me around to do it. (Sometimes the two sets of hands is safer or easier or faster.) This lets me use the "divide & conquer" strategy that works so well on a farm. I wasn't that successful at getting Hol to see how it worked. Took longer. B just knows that system works real well.

Communication, privacy, time-outs/downtime vs togetherness... all that just naturally is a good fit between us. We are the same way as far as organization and habits. Because one of his eardrums is punctured (product of his work)... he is hard of hearing. That's kind of frustrating; plus he talks to me when I'm doing/listening to something else - so I don't hear him all the time either. But he isn't resistant to hearing aids. I spent too much time close to those big Marshall amplifiers back in the day but my problem is just focus. LOL.

We were watching some tv after dinner, and he just came right out with - "if you want to, we could adopt another kid". I was a tad STUNNED; coming out of the blue like that... my intuition tells me it's something he's given a lot of thought to and is drawn to and then waited to see whether that felt right, when he was with me.

So I told him as much of the truth as I knew right then - the thought had crossed my mind but I didn't know how I felt about it. I'd spent my 20s as a mom, and with Hol boomeranging several times - was still kinda looking forward to being footloose at this age. I can definitely see us parenting together; again that's just something that's naturallly there between us even though my experience is that my ideas on parenting aren't exactly compatible with many men's ideas. So, I told him I couldn't decide that on the spot and needed to think about it.

Explained how Hol and I have talked about it for a long time; not just since the miscarriages. And how sensitive that topic was for her. I can just imagine her reaction to an announcement like that! Even though I know she'd do her best to be happy for us, it would be a constant thorn in her side. My lips are sealed on that topic (with her) until I have sorted out his/my feelings on this. I'm picking up an inkling of an impression that he thinks women are always looking for the next little one to raise - and his nurturing side, goes there too. I want to untangle this some more and won't "decide" anything until he's been here awhile. It would make more sense, to perhaps educate Hol on the process and help her through her own decisions. But we'll see. That idea would take a major adjustment on my part; my previous planning.

So, he's used to shouldering massive responsibilities after raising his own adopted daughter as a single father in this society. (Lots of horror stories with the system in that experience. Tupp could relate.) Now that she's beginning her own life - he's facing the same kind of empty nest issues moms do. The "needing to be needed" is painted large there, I think. Plus he's a very active personality; prefers to constantly be engaged in something all-consuming.

----------flash forward to yesterday; leave taking -----------

He was getting awake after a rough night with his back pain, and intent on finishing one more job around here when he said he had something weird to ask me. I was already doing my organizational flitting around; tidying up. So, I stopped in mid-flight and said, "what's that babe?" He asked if I still wanted to do this. I had to sit down.

Halloween night, we'd built a fire pit blaze... and both of us relinquished some important aspects of our past that we'd been identifying with, clinging to for definition. And lots of truth spilled out - both the stories and the emotions. I didn't want him to leave so soon. The connection between us is that strong - but we're still just beginning to learn to adapt to each other and having someone like the other in our lives again. So there are strong feelings there.

He wasn't looking at me, so I put my hands on his face and made him look at me and said yes. The tears started to roll. The depth and kind of betrayals and abandonment he's suffered make what I've been through look like a cakewalk. The details about that came out after that, later in the day. He wasn't looking for a relationship when he came here to fix up my jeeps a year ago; after 20 years his life seemed all sorted out to be some solitary journey. But he's been strong enough to walk out of his own darkness toward the light and get physicallly more healthy over that time too.

Hol is already looking for a version of the "gory details" of what our visit consisted of... and she's bewildered by how mum I am. I haven't come up with a "reader's digest version" yet for public consumption and I don't know how much he's willing to be open about with anyone but me. So I don't feel at liberty to blab much about it.

Suffice it to say, that we both stripped all the ego-narratives away from our images (to the best of our ability right now) and showed each other exactly who we were hoping that we wouldn't be rejected. And we're both unbelievably shocked and immensely grateful that we found the opposite of rejection.

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