((((((((((((((((((((((Betty Anne))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I think, as kids, we have to normalise what we go through just to get through it. Abusive experiences are often mirrored in other areas, I have found - school, college, work places, marriages etc, or we abuse ourselves with drink, drugs, over-eating and so on. Which, of course, compounds all the earlier damage and just leaves us in such a huge mess in so many ways - although often with a glimmer of normality somewhere - our own kids, or jobs, or partners - that somehow makes it through all of that.
I remember when I first started to realise and understand just what I'd been through in my younger years and just how much my mum had done - how abnormal it all was, how hard it had been to get through, how much damage it did me. I grieved, for years, for missed opportunities, nice guys I didn't date because I only went out with people who treated me badly, money I'd mis-spent trying to block it all out, decades I wasted on people who just treated me badly and didn't want to try to help me to be a better version of myself. I ached for the little girl I was, who was shunned, ignored and mistreated - for us it was the dogs that took priority, and then the housework. I yearned for the day that my mum would ring and say she'd realised she'd not been well and that she wanted to get better and put everything right. I'm honestly not exaggerating when I say that I started on this journey twenty years ago and it's still hard, it still upsets me, I'm still working through it. But - thanks to therapy, this forum, some very good people, my son, and my own strength and determination I have and am getting through it.
For you to be unpacking all of this whilst going through Bill's illness is huge, Betty Anne. It's a monumental task and so hard to get through, however supportive other people might be. I'm glad you've got your T, and your kids around you, and this time to spend with Bill. Keep posting on here whenever it helps, because you know everyone here has been through similar and will understand. It's a very tough time but it will take a big weight of your shoulders eventually. And Betty Anne, please keep reminding yourself that despite everything you've been through and despite the way your mother treated you, you are a kind, compassionate, warm hearted human being. You didn't let what she did make you hateful or hurtful to others. You're dealing with life better than she ever did and that's something amazing about you, so don't let yourself forget that xx