This discussion helped a LOT, guys! Thank you all.
Tupp, thanks. I share your worries about mask behavior--at another level when I think I need to bring a person indoors for an extended time.
Lighter, you described her attitude astutely when I was trying to PR (public-relation) it to myself. (realityismyfriend....) My neighbor is more casual than I am and has gotten in trouble with her hires before. So I'm just uncertain I can trust this woman to be serious. She's pleasant and got the cleaning done, but I want to feel at ease about her, and I don't.
Cat I hear you. You get it too. The real deal is, I'm going to have to discipline myself as soon as injury heals which can be a couple months, is to get serious about doing all I can do myself, a little a day. I can do more than I have, that's for sure. And once my body's able, the remaining issue is corralling the ADD enough to see a chore through.
All will be well either way, but I think I'm going to let go of the new person and hunt for another. Have a query out to my previous dog-sitter who's much in demand for cleaning and takes science and evidence and experts as real and worthy of believing. (Incredible to say, isn't it.) My doc is very smart and he told me the new emphasis is less on disinfecting (though that matters too) and MOST on wearing masks ALWAYS when around others not in your household...but even a housecleaner in an empty house should, because of newer research on how the microdroplets are exhaled with every breath in wide plumes that linger aloft for several hours. So an asymptomatic carrier near you, or who was where you are now walking/breathing an hour or so previously, can give you Covid.
That got through to me! Back in my quarhog hole. But with a plan. Thanks again everybody.