Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 107656 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #660 on: August 31, 2021, 09:52:13 AM »
Gotta say, I'm grateful for the invention of modern medicines. I know they are sometimes overused and sometimes damaging. But on balance, I'm glad they exist. I'm grateful to scientists for doing that. On balance. (But we know that...LOL.)

My frail neighbor with Covid is getting a monoclonal antibody infusion today to hopefully prevent more severe disease. He's at very high risk if his condition escalates. This medicine may allow him to stay home to get well.

Fingers crossed.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #661 on: August 31, 2021, 04:50:25 PM »
So sorry to hear all the trials and issues with COVID impacting the lives of you and loved ones.  I got
 good news last night - no jury duty this week.  I successfully completed  my civic duty, and did not get COVID from the experience.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #662 on: August 31, 2021, 05:43:07 PM »
Glad to hear that, Phyl!

Stay safe now.
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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #663 on: September 20, 2021, 05:08:46 PM »
I had Covid for about an hour the other night.
Had spent an hour or so outside, well distanced, with my friend whose hubby is still recovering from it.

Later that night got a bit sweaty and had a mild sore throat. I'd already dry-coughed now and then for a few days (which I'd chalked up to sipping a drink in bed and having a wee bit go down the wrong pipe). But NOW...I figured I had Covid.

Spent an hour telling myself, well my house is a cluttered mess and I've GOT to tidy up before I die so let's hope I have enough energy after I wake up tomorrow....etc. And then I woke up the next feeling just fine, no symptoms of any kind, and felt like a fool.

IOW, all is well! I turned a new leaf today I'm happy about. Broke the spell and got up, took my first walk in ages with Pooch (slow crawl but who cares, we'll get stronger) and then came home and did shoulder PT, made kefir/beer/banana/greens/chia/turmeric/red pepper/few drops stevia shakes, drank one and froze four. tidiedup kitchen, and made my bed for the first time in AGES. Just had early dinner of garbanzo pasta and sugar free sauce.

For me, this was acutely healthy and productive. I'd read an amazing article (well the comments were super amazing) in the Post that triggered the whole thing. New mantra is Do It Anyway.

Send good energy for my next day of this awakening, and the next....

(What woke me up was seeing pix a friend took, and realizing I had no idea how much the weight I've packed on had changed me. It was a shock and a motivator.)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #664 on: September 25, 2021, 03:43:51 PM »
A propos of nothing, I just noticed I was bragging about having made shakes with:
kefir/beer/banana/greens/chia/turmeric/red pepper/stevia
What's wrong with this recipe, LOL? Errr, maybe substitute pea protein for beer. LOL!

Back to Covid thread:
Got my 3rd Pfizer (booster) shot yesterday. Uncomfortable night but not as strong as my reaction to shot #2. Feeling very grateful and relieved. Still planning to join the UU women at the beach next month (3 nights, everybody vaxxed and masking and conscientious, single bedrooms for all, huge house with ocean breezes and high ceilings. I really do believe it'll be safe and am feeling joy about it. Haven't seen the ocean in years. And have missed these good women, too.)

Resting off the reaction today and hoping all eligible for boosters will sign up as fast as they come available. Cases are still climbing locally so not letting my guard down. Neighbor-friend's hubby with breakthrough Covid has had a rough go but is feeling a lot better.

Occurred to me the other day that rather than the short-term experience of Covid, which I trust I'd survive given the vax, what I find more disturbing is long Covid. They just don't know enough about it yet but what I've read about long-term damage (cognitive, organ systems, more unknown effects) even if somebody had few or no symptoms when infected, gives me impetus to stay the cautious course until it's all the way behind us as is possible.

Chicken pox young became shingles decades later.
Polio after survival became post-polio syndrome decades later (friend lost a leg).
Ist hubby's "simmering" hepatitis since his 20s roared back to kill him at 50.

Viruses are wily and like to continue their work regardless of their host's dreams.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #665 on: September 25, 2021, 04:16:51 PM »
Oh, Hops!  I'm so happy to read you're going to the beach with the fall...... it's so nice to be near the ocean when it's cool and breezy and the bugs aren't bad, IME!

Congrats on getting your booster.  I'm glad you're feeling safer, if not "safe."



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #666 on: October 10, 2021, 09:44:54 AM »
I do feel safer now, Lighter, but am still wary of letting my precautions lapse.
Daily case rate is inching downward, thank god, but still we've had overall, 20K hospitalizations, 300 deaths. There are 86 new cases today and that's down. Hope the trend continues.

Heading over the mountain this afternoon since my local pharmacy PCR test got cancelled; snagged an appointment in a neighboring town. Never done the drive-through test. It's a gorgeous drive regardless so I'll be a happy testee. I'll know by Tuesday (they text in 1-2 days) and leave for beach on Wednesday. Can't wait.

Need to pick up wine, broccoli and a watermelon. My contributions to Thursday's dinner. (Watermelon with goat cheese crumbles and basil is dessert.)

Fall is here and as usual, really lovely. Probably the best season here. I used to think it was summer but this last summer was brutally hot.

Hope alla-y'all are well!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #667 on: October 10, 2021, 03:31:04 PM »
Hops your beach retreat sounds fabulous!  You are taking all the precautions, and I am sure you will have a lovely time.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #668 on: October 10, 2021, 04:56:53 PM »
Over the mtn to the other town and the CVS had cancelled testing
appts (not enough staff for the testing) and didn't notify people.
Grrr. Will have to scramble tomorrow to see if I can find a test.

Frustrating, but still a lovely drive. Stopped for fish and sweet
potato fries on the way home, which Pooch helped with.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #669 on: October 11, 2021, 01:37:24 PM »
I love sweet potato fries and you are the 2nd person in 2 days to mention them!  A friend told me she wanted to purchase an "air fryer" to make them, but alas the shipping delays....


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #670 on: October 11, 2021, 02:48:00 PM »
Enjoy those fries, Phyl.

I may take a break for a beat until folks turn up again.
I wrestle with silences, which are likely a healthy ebb and flow.
(My old stuff.)

So I'll pause and check in later on.

Hang in there,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #671 on: December 21, 2021, 07:13:14 PM »
I subscribe to the NYTimes coronavirus tracker for my metro area, which says:
The average number of new cases in the ... metro area was 66 yesterday, about the same as the day before. Since January of last year, at least 1 in 10 people who live in the ... metro area have been infected, and at least 1 in 756 people have died.

I read everything daily and omicron is going to hit like a hammer in the next two months. Every single scientific source and then some says: PUT YOUR GUARD BACK UP to where it was when the "original" virus began the pandemic.

Vaxxes of course, booster essential
Expect breakthrough infections even if vaxxed if you're not suuuuper cautious.
Masks (N95s) and back to the handwashing and disenfecting, since omicron is so extremely more contagious.
If you get a case, don't blow off the idea as guaranteed to be "mild" -- that's not certain.

My biggest motivation: long covid.

I feel prepared but am wierded out by my neighbor and friend who decided to have a jolly party tonight, inviting everybody she knows. She's lackadaisical about masks even though she reads the Times. So I don't argue but I stayed home. About six cars I can see parked nearby, so she's persuaded about 12-15 people, I guess, to attend. (I was grateful to be invited over Tgiving evening, but sat with her BF's son with no idea whether he was vaxxed or not, and nobody was at a 6' distance.) Not doing that again.

hugs and hang in,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #672 on: February 12, 2022, 01:07:10 AM »
DD21 picked up Covid from her job at the Eye Clinic. She noticed symptoms yesterday.  Their human resource dept said she can return to work on Wednesay. How do they know when she'll feel good enough to go back and IS she still contageous?  Hard to say.  I just don't know.  I can hear her coughing as I write this. Slightly elevated temp.  Her face hurts.  It sort of landed on her after she tested Positive. 

I tested Negative, but have some stuff going on in my sinuses. DD19 is holed up in her room..... with sense of humor in tact, thank God.... no symptoms. 

If L feels much worse tomorrow, I'll phone the doc who runs a nearby hospital and ask her to set up a "cocktail" whatever that is. Guess it's time to dive into research for a while.

What' everyone thinking about treatment at this point, if any?



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #673 on: February 12, 2022, 09:06:33 AM »
 I'm really sorry to hear your D has gotten it, Lighter. I think the best thing you can do is make her some awesome soup and another best thing is to take care of yourself so you don't get it too. That means isolate in a separate part of the house, be very careful when cleaning her room and bathroom and do those on an as-needed basis only, always wear your N95 in the house, and disinfect.

Best things I've read about treatment all say that you treat it like flu or a bad cold: rest at home, hydrate, and take fever reducers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen if you have a fever. The rest is just wait it out. The fancier meds or "cocktails" are for those at risk of severe illness or death so, ethically, a good doctor wouldn't give them to someone who isn't in that category, even if they know you socially.

This info has been updated a few days ago:

She should rest, hydrate and take ibuprofen as needed. She might get off easy or be miserable for a few days. If there's any concern due to underlying conditions that she might get more seriously ill, get her a fingertip pulse oximeter. There's no need to go to the hospital usually unless blood oxygen readings fall below 90. If they do, don't wait.

I hope she bounces back soon.

hugs and soup,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #674 on: February 12, 2022, 09:18:17 AM »
Lighter - the majority of people I've heard tell about their covid experience, treated it like they would any serious flu. We used to treat this at home, except for the most severe cases. Yes, many have bounced back within a week or less - but some haven't.

Sadly, we've lost quite a few of the older or comorbidity cases from my usual (2) forums. There's one right now I'm tracking who was last heard from in ICU, who was having issues getting his O2 back up and stable. Talk of venting him. He was last heard from 2 weeks ago. One couple reported testing positive and weren't heard from again.

So, use the OTC fever reducers - aspirin, ibuprofen, acetominofen, tylenol. LOTS of rest & hydrate (as much as possible). Bone broth, chicken soup... and in the helpful supplements: vitamins C, D3, zinc, and I see a lot of people recommending quercetin - which IIRC, is derived from grapefruit. Sambucol for coughs; Vicks on the chest for sinus congestion; perhaps a heating pad for muscle aches... or epsom salt bath soaks.

This is the starting point treatment. And I've seen LOTS of people report this is all they did and they recovered - the majority - within 10 days or less. Fatigue seems to be a longer lasting symptom, but it too, goes away; it just takes longer. My friend Deb got so bad, she applied for and got the monoclonal antibodies; her brother living in the same household didn't - and recovered in about the same amount of time. I therefore don't have enough anecdotes or evidence to suggest this or reccomend NOT to try it, if she doesn't start feeling better in a week or so; or takes a turn for the worse. (God forbid)
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.