Dig up some of your stems with roots around your hydrangea. They'll give you little bushes that will grow. I put new fall cuttings in a pot every year, so it gets more sun on the porch, then transplant in Spring. I decided to keep adding my cuttings to the bush in the front yard. It's right next to the dry creek bed, and is a very wet area with some shade, some sun.
The neighbor with the moss garden turns out to be new owner of house with HUGE yard. She has a back yard that's all moss, trees and paths or waiting to become that. They've bitten off a lot, but are committed and had good bones. Huge boulders in the front planting bed in front of the house are amazing. She's transplanted huge fiddle head ferns from their swampy area near the road. I can't wait to see how big those ferns get.... at least 4' tall.
They planted small flowering trees then put lights in them all with buried electric cables.... SO MAGICAL! Just amazing. They put in a long planting bench with a sink Martha Stewart would love.
She'll like my moss yard, but hers is going to be feature area after fearture area. So many places to create different plantings and so many tree stumps for planting ferns in! Just..... amazing. Fire pit area. Back patio area with a ring of large hydrangeas already happy and growing. She's also on a huge hill so it's easier for her to create more features, JUST AMAZING, I'm so happy I went.
Around the corner from her is a yard that's all moss... in the back yard, and mostly moss in the front. I should ask them how they did it... DID they use poison or do they hand pick their weeds? In any case, we all have moss in common and someone to chat about it with now.
At one point I felt like I was babbling and stopped talking. The couple looked at me like the world stopped, so I just started happily chattering on about how to transplant and anchor and create features, which honestly, is about the funniest part. It hadn't occurred to her to plant in her lovely tree stumps just begging for green things. They had the wonder of children... so satisfying to walk their lovely property, which is super special and "fancy" compared to mine.
Hops, the fig trees.... someone just honked a horn twice.... it was like being smacked in the head. Darnit. Things have been so quiet today. Just birds chirping.
Anyway, the fig trees grow well in Georgia. Not sure about where you are, but there's nothing so satisfying as harvesting fresh figs every year. Our fig is at least 20 feet tall now and gives loads of fruit.
I might go and take a big bucket of cuttings and roots to plant somewhere around here and at the new moss friend's house.
Happy gardening!