Just had a text from a friend that said, "Are you bored yet?" and I realised that, for the first time in years I'm not bored. I'm also not exhausted, stressed, anxious (I'll edit that - I'm anxious if I think about virus related things but I don't have the constant underlying anxiety that I've had for years) or, interestingly, feeling lonely. It's just coming up to 7pm here and my level of tiredness is what I would usually have by 8am. I've done lots of little things that I wanted to do today, and because I've done things I wanted to do, the boring but necessary stuff - meals, washing, emptying bins and so on - hasn't felt boring. It's kind of hammocked in between things I do like doing so it hasn't had an impact, whereas ordinarily my entire day is one boring task after another, all of which are essential, and then I'm too tired to do anything I like at the end of the day.
I do think a lot is to do with the EMDR; I think that's shifted a lot of underlying stuff so my thoughts and feelings now are generally more immediate and easier to manage but I also think the rest and lack of stress has played a huge part in both myself and my son feeling so much better. I'm just coming up to the stage in my cycle where I'm often as mad as a box of frogs and the symptoms just aren't there right now. I feel like I can actually, really breathe and it's nice.