Stacey, I'm new to the N word and during my recent readings on the N behavior, this drug abuse is very common.
I read the following :
Freud said that drugs can give pleasure and a greatly desired degree of independence from the external world; drugs allow withdrawal from the pressures of reality (Khantzian, Halliday, & McAuliffe, 1990, opening page). Individuals with NPD will be attracted to drugs that support their inflated self-image and permit them to evade a reality they dislike. Independence from the external world (and its tenacious reality-based pressures) allow these individuals to be remain unaware of their failures, rejections, limitations, and inability to self-regulate. Drugs become an alternative to living life on its own terms.
Individuals with NPD are vulnerable to drug and alcohol abuse or addiction because there are drugs which support an inflated sense of self and drugs that interrupt or moderate feelings of depression and low self-esteem. Most of these individuals will use drugs that enhance their feelings of vigor, power, or euphoria. Cocaine is very effective for this goal. Individuals with NPD, to ward off unwanted intrusions of unpleasant reality, use denial, flight, and overcompensation supported by increased activity, overproductivity, and grandiosity. Use of these defenses can result in increased isolation. These individuals will use alcohol and other sedatives to facilitate this isolation. There are some individuals with NPD who prefer the autistic stimulation of hallucinogens (Richards, 1993, p. 253).
thought it was of intrest