Author Topic: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days  (Read 1870 times)


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Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« on: August 05, 2020, 06:38:29 PM »
I mean... she's whining and barking for food... day and night.  Typically, she doesn't do more than whine a time or two toward her bowl.   Now... she's escalating before we can get to her food, and give her some.   

She's also used to eating in the evenings.  We're used to her not asking for good until then.

I've been mixing green beans into her food for the last 3 days, btw.  I mean.... I almost went through a 28oz can this afternoon AND her entire daily ration of grain free dry food. 

I gave her FOUR plates of beans and Canidea.... one after the other with her devouring them, then whining and pushing her plate around and biting at it and barking hungrily for more.  I gave her 4 plates, today only, just to SEE how hungry she feels she is.  To see how much her stomach could hold... to get more information. 

The vet said she's not overtly concerned.  She wondered if Pug's been more active.  Definitively not, since she's been put on a bit of bed rest, bc of the paralysis that's doing better, btw. 

After the pug ate today, she was super frisky and playful...  just tore up her toy.... I mean she thrashed it around like a shark with a fish.  If I ate that much, I'd have been in a food coma.   

So, any ideas or experiences with increased appetite in a canine best friend?

I'm concerned it could be parasites, frankly.



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2020, 07:38:13 PM »
Yes, trying to put her on a diet... or rather... stop her from eating all kinds of human food, and cheap dog food and other dog's food around the clock at the permissive neighbor's house. 


Will see at her upcoming check up.  We're moving it ahead a month. Thanks for the comment, CB.



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2020, 08:47:18 PM »
I got nothing to suggest Lighter, except a Google search for terms like:

sudden appetite increase pug

appetite increase in dogs

This vet's post about it says you should not delay going to the vet:

Good luck to you both,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2020, 09:10:37 PM »
Ok, Hops.  I'll move the appointment up as quick as I can.  Pug gets her summer shave on Friday and a nail trim too.   

So.... Pug ate an entire 28oz can of French-style green beans AND about a cup of her dry food. 

I won't give her anything else, but I wanted to know just how hungry she was.

Every single bite she ate was like she was starving.




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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2020, 09:48:23 PM »
I think since it's been 3 days, I'd make it happen tomorrow.
Most vet offices will work in urgent care visits and she's a small dog of a vulnerable breed....

Just wouldn't wait until Friday, fwiw...could of course be wrong, and likely am....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2020, 12:56:08 PM »
Did you ever find out if Pug is okay, Lighter?

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2020, 02:33:01 PM »
Pug seems fine, CB.  Her appetite normalized, thank goodness. 

Thanks for asking: )



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2020, 12:53:40 PM »
Pug scarfing down grass yesterday.  DD needs to take her to the vet and SEE if there's parasites.  I suspect that's the problem.

I'm trying to get DD to begin caring for the Pug in all the ways she's capable.  I set a boundary and put vet appointments on her plate.  I'm experiencing a bit of distress over it right now, though Pug seems fine, and her appetite is almost back to normal. 



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2020, 12:26:58 AM »
Pug had her yearly physical today.  She's experiencing some generalized allergic reactions...  itching.... ear producing dark wax trying to get whatever is bugging her... out.   We have anti-inflammatory drops for the ear over next week... to be given daily and massaged into ear canal.  It went fine today.

All tests were Negative, except her fecal test.  That comes back tomorrow and I half expect there to be some parasite... a tapeworm or something, to account for her increased appetite.

Not long to wait now.

Pug did well on a long walk today.  It was overcast and not too hot.  Just muggy with many steep hills.  She goes into the creek, like a little champ.  I think it cools her off.



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2020, 11:09:44 AM »
Pooch eats grass too. Especially nice young sprigs near the library. Here's a good overview.

"Dogs eating grass is actually quite common (it has been observed in wild dogs, too, and may be completely natural) and this form of pica does not usually cause too many problems. In fact, most veterinarians consider it a normal dog behavior. One small-scale study of 49 dog owners whose dogs had regular access to grass and other plants found that 79% of the dogs had eaten plants at some time. Another survey about plant-eating dogs found that grass was the most commonly eaten plant."

This overview is more thorough (also from a dot-org):

I always think, since it just goes on for half a minute or so, that she simply likes the taste. When I see new grass in spring I'm nearly inspired to eat it myself. Salad!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2020, 02:46:30 PM »
Now that you mention it, Hops, Pug eats more grass in certain areas.  Not sure it's new, but there are areas I can hardly walk through bc she wants to stop and graze.

Thanks for the links.  I'll look those up.

Fecal test came back negative for eggs or parasites.  I sometimes wonder just exactly what they're testing for, and if they don't test for smaller,  non egg laying varieties of parasites.  There's NO WAY dogs don't have parasites of some kind, IMO. 

I mean,  humans tend to have parasites... small non egg laying variety,  when they hang OUT with dogs, so..... just say'in.



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2020, 02:53:53 AM »
No clue, I just thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. Perhaps a deficiency or hormones/in heat or blood sugar. Never heard of a dog eating loads of canned green beans, has no nutrition. What if some of the human food from the lax neighbors contained an appetite stimulant of some sort, um artificial sweeteners, random guesses here.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 03:06:07 AM by Garbanzo »

cats paw

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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2020, 11:21:47 AM »
Your talking about about the green beans reminded me of my friend's dog. He would get green beans as a treat. He loved them! He's been gone a while, and I still miss my "nephew".

As I told Tupp, I haven't written for a while.  I don't remember what thread you mentioned it on, but you said you hoped you didn't upset me years ago. The overall remembrance I have from interacting with you was feeling supported. Just wanted to respond briefly to your saying that, and thank you for asking.

Glad to hear everything's ok with Pug right now, and I know you'll keep a watchful eye on her.



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Re: Pug experiencing increased appetite over last 3 or so days
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2020, 12:22:07 PM »
CP and SM:

Our Pug has allergies....her ear had dark wax....sort of smelly.  We gave her a week of drops for inflammation relief.  She gets bathed more often too....who knows what she's reacting to.

Her anal glands fill up more quickly....I guess it's the general allergic reaction, but Pugs have troublesome glands, teeth and habits.....they circle and circle, getting just the right stance, shifting and circling often, before peeing or pooping.  They never pee AND poop in one go.  It's a ritual of careful site selections that goes more quickly if one turns their back to give privacy.  Pug prefers bushes and tall grass....trees.  You might not see her go, but she makes tiny straining noises while pooping....adorable little grunts while pooping. 

We add green beans bc she was overfed people food by neighbors and is hungry all the time while we normalize her back to dry, grain free food....under a cup a day.  She's used to snacking and eating from her friend's plate as well.  Pug also takes her Pit friends larger bed, while friend resigns herself to tiny bed.  So cute.

Pug had neck stretches chiro prescribed.  Pug hasn't been paralyzed in front legs, when getting out of her bed, in weeks.  It only lasted a minute, but was so alarming.  It was the extra weight she carried and pressure on vertebrae.  She's been losing weight and feeling more energetic again.  Longer walks.  Frolicking in the creek.

We don't let her playdate very often anymore, bc the other mother can't help feeding Pug's happy food motivated little face.  It's difficult to resist, I understand, but I also deal with the health issues and the other pet mom doesn't.  Pug not demanding food much anymore, btw.  Almost back to normal routine.

That was likely tmi, but that's baby girl pug's update. 
