Author Topic: Socializing in the time of COVID  (Read 836 times)


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Socializing in the time of COVID
« on: August 07, 2020, 05:37:24 PM »
My new moss friend, L, invited me to a little gathering at her home last night.  I wasn't sure if it was outdoors, or indoors, or really laid back or a little dressed up, so I was 10 minutes late, bearing a bottle of white wine (everyone was drinking gin, vodka, or really good red wine, btw) a plant and cuttlefish bone for her tadpole tank, and mask, just in case we were indoors.  I parked in the street, bc I didn't want to get blocked in, then enjoyed the lit trees, and lovely boulder garden, moss gardens and flowering bushes lining the driver and surrounding the house, as I circled the property, which I've done many times.  I never noticed the electric gate before.  Hmm. They have an electric gate.  Why didn't I notice that before?  Oh...  bc they have a little creek and lovely prehistoric looking GIANT ferns about that point, and in the day that's all I see.  The plans and rocks and lovely creek. 

I heard cheerful chatter coming from inside the house, which I've never really been in before.  I've been in L's workroom, in the basement,  but only for 10 or so minutes.

Turns out there were 4 couples, MAYBE 5, and they were all
1.  Wearing their shoes inside the house
2.  Not wearing masks

That answered those two questions pretty quick.

I headed to the bar, first thing, with L and she doesn't drink, so I had a fizzy water with lime and a handful of really great cherries I enjoyed very much.  Staying sober  was easy bc I immediately was introduced to a guy who lives in Miamin and owns a boatdock on the island where my cottage is.  We had A LOT to talk about.  He's going to help me find another renter for my boat slip.   I'm going to try to help him sell his boat dock, or maybe help him in other ways... not sure yet. The slip is at the expensive compound on the other side of the island from me, btw.  It's worth a fraction of what he bought it for 7 years ago.  He sold his boat and stopped thinking about it.  Forfitted his deposit for the condo her refused to buy, but the boat slip was his. 

THEN I moved into the kitchen where L's dd was talking about her 12 yo son and his recent ADD dx and relief he was accepted immediately into.... wait for it.... the school my youngest dd goes to... the school oldest dd graduated from.  We had SO much to talk about.... the problems of having kids who have dx's, getting the dx made, figuring out what the child needs..... and she was so nice and so fun and her 20yo dd was there and as engaged as she was... just lovely, both of them.

While we chattered like monkeys another guest piped up with her ADD dx, which went undx'd most of her life.  She doesn't have children, BUT she had lots to say about having ADD.  This was the be the most colorful, talkative, interesting person at the party... and she had a lot to say. 

At some point a guy came in and I met him at the bar..... he poured a gin and tonic, I had another water and he shared he lives in SC but is renovating a home nearby... gutted it  I wanted to know what he was doing, exactly. He shared WHY he'd done it... he had a gf, they broke up, now he's not so keen to finish then it became apparent he was interested in L's dd, and I drifted into the screened porch area.  All very comfortable.  Enough seating.  Well thought out.  The night was stormy..lightening and rain and a lovely breeze keeping everyone cool and happy. 

On the porch it became evident who was the outgoining mate in each marriage.   Lots of great stories and travel.... I mean working for Sheiks who were the bankers for the King of Saudi Arabia on private planes with bags of money totaling over 50Million getting dropped off in the dessert and Irish room mates who knew how to have a good time, to flying rock bands all over hte world then Bin Laden's father's body from the US back to Saudi Arabia, bc they ahve to be buried in 24hours or less.  Just.... one story after another, then Irish stories... everyone had been there, even though they'd gone on their own, for their own reasons, and then they were complaining fairly bitterly about a neighbor's dogs waking the three outgoing members of 3 of the marriages up the night before,  which happened all the time, leading to discussions of the high pitched noise deterrents they'd each mounted to a tree, pointed at the dogs, and how they'd spent lots of time sneaking around making adjustments to get the signal point RIGHT

L's husband, one of the leaders, kept glancing nervously at me.... was I judging them? Did I have a dog barking all night long?  He's been jumped on and barked at by the Pug, twice, so they COULD be talking in front of an enemy.  Who really knew? 

I was amazed at their commitment to climb trees, likely ON the dog people's property, and wire up those devices.  Did you know you can get different skins for them?  One had the Pine Tree skin on her device. ::nodding::  They were strategizing... they were enjoying the sneaking and striving in unity.  I enjoyed watching them BE who they are.  Apparently one of the couples has a really big house with an amazing chicken house that's like a little home.  L committed to help care for the 2 remaining chickens, as these folks typically stay in Miami most of the time, but not with COVID.  L will help another neighbor care for the chickens, which have a predator proof enclosure.  Very fancy.  Can't wait to see it. Apparently we may add more chickens, if we wish.  Another neihbor intends to.   I do not. 

I went to get another drink and eat nummy food when L's dd followed me and started chatting about kids again.  She also has an adorable 2yo toddler dd, not at the party, with a man who's not particularly stable.  She just bought a home and moved in last week, which was exciting and everyone was excited for her.  She told me how she stripped 3K square feet of wall paper from a different home, and answered every question I have about that task.  I have lots of wallpaper stripping to do soon at the farm, and upstairs bathroom here. 

L's dd is loving her new home and has her realtor's license with a little boutique real estate company.. can't remember it.  Never heard of it before, but it's going International, and she's excited about that.  She's also sure more nad more people will want to move here, which is sort of daunting, bc the traffic is getting so bad already.

5 hours later, I had 3 glasses of really good red wine stretched out through the night, lots of food, and L's dd followed me to the food table where we began talking about our kids again.  At the bar, L's husband..... the dd's step father, joined us and we started talking about green burials.... they read a book on how bodies are handled, very graphic is how they put it, and suggested I read it too.   They weren't squeamish folkes.  They believe in green burials and that's what L's husband has been looking into recently, so that was interesting. 

STOP POISONING THE EARTH was something we could all agree on.

One couple's 17yo Eagle Scout son is heading into the Navy,  bc....
get this....
he;s a good leader, the Country needs good leaders, when future tough choices have to be made, he wants to be there to ensure the right choices are made. 

I have to tell you... it gave me hope. 

Things don't have to stay the same.  The next generation can make changes.  Things don't have to remain so broken,  IMO.

One last thing about last night.... L pulled me away for a tour of the home.  BOTH L and her h are super organized, orderly people.... likely see themselvs as OCD,  but enjoy the silver linings, and one silver lining is a super comfortable, attractive easy to live in home. 

He collects books... thousands. She collects art supplies, in fact they look so much like mine, but well organized... we SEE that in each other and it's a joy we can't stop smiling about. 

So.... there are plans to have more gatherings, and I'm not even torn about attending.  I want fellowship.  I assume we're all practicing social distancing and wearing masks bc I see everyone, but the tourists practicing in recent weeks.

When we said goodbye, the funny wife lady did the elbow bump roll around the back to bump the other elbow, which was fun and I can see how my very shy introverted friend enjoys having so many entertaining guests in her home.  L sits back and enjoys whichever show she wants to watch. 

I noticed I was quiet when the LOUD spouses were holding court in the same room, vying for attention.... just not something I'd ever jump into or care to shift attention to myself in the middle of so much ME ME look at ME going on.  I don't like it when people ask me if I'm OK, bc I'm being quiet.... I mean...  I was chattering like a monkey in smaller groups about things we had in common.

 I really enjoy talking to one or 2 maybe 3 people.  when it gets to 4 or 5 or 6...  or more...  not so much. 

L and I are a lot alike in our social habits AND interests.

Hmm... she also has a son who works for the FBI.  I wonder if that will come in handy too.  Lord, I hope not. 
