Author Topic: House Stuff  (Read 2214 times)


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House Stuff
« on: October 15, 2020, 11:48:01 AM »
Oy. Dunno if I shared my hot water heater saga. Plumber told me the original 32-gal size was no longer available (got the impression they are no longer manufactured which seemed plausible, which I later found out isn't true, it was just that their company didn't have them in their warehouse or wouldn't warranty one the original size). So he insisted I had to get a BIG 42-gal one. I hate the thing.

Anyway, after it was installed the floor began sagging (the heater's literally leaning against the door frame, quite unlevel). So same plumber who assured me everything would be made right brought by a carpenter--and I need jacks installed under sagging floor joists. Got a reasonable sounding estimate from the young carpenter but not very professionally written and I don't know anything about him. He seemed nice and honest (but so did the plumber originally).

Read up on the problem for a 1955 house and I need a structural engineer to devise/approve a plan. This thing may wind up costing thousands. So I'm unhappy.

I'll do it and survive it but there are so many instances where I think contractors take advantage of single elderly females .... I'm pretty careful and insistent on quality and references and so forth. But I feel betrayed by that plumber, who swore up and down he'd make everything right. Chances are VERY slim I'd prevail if I took it to court and can't afford that either.

Anyway, it's not uncommon in homes this age so I'll just face it and take care of it. Also, my piano caused a small gap under baseboard after I moved in, so in fairness, this little house never expected the weight of a parlor grand (or a huge water heater) and it's just something that's happened. Homeowner's insurance won't help.

Bleahhh. Goodbye emergency fund. Severe frugality time. But I can do it. Just need to vent. Thanks for listening.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 12:37:39 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: House problems
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2020, 12:08:48 PM »
Hopsie have you had others in to look at what needs doing and quote for the work?  Can taking the big tank out and putting a smaller one in again make any kind of difference?  I'd not be asking the original plumber or anyone he recommends to involve themselves in it, to be honest, particularly as he's the one that caused the problem.  Can you get others involved?  Any kind of professional body that can investigate for you?


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Re: House problems
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2020, 06:11:37 PM »
You have my sympathy Hops.

My life has been full of contractors recently. Even the good ones have their idiosyncrasies - which become annoying and tiresome after awhile. But this is where Tupp's technique of attaching to how good it'll feel once something is done - is useful. I don't know if would be any help - but you might talk to your convenant group for who they use and are pleased with the work.

Ugh, on the issue of taking advantage of older single women. It's for sure a reality. Even Hol experiences this. And I'd say she & I are more assertive than average. AND have a better understanding of construction processes than a lot of people. But the whole demeanor and attitude and promptness of contractors change when they're dealing with a man in the picture. And for sure I know that. That's another thing that if I was still in reactive mode, would make me want to rip my hair out and scream and write nasty Yelp reviews. But I'm not going to do that.
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Re: House problems
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2020, 06:53:27 PM »
THANKS, you two. Such a exaggeration. I really appreciate you noticing and caring. Muchaaaaas.

After feeling (and venting here) a bunch of fear and worry, I got in gear and in touch with friends. Now I'm set with a contractor who works for someone prominent I have a close connection to for a 2nd opinion; he sounds like a gem and comes tomorrow. Wrote the plumber a summary of events/promises/expectations, so now he is pledging (in writing) that they'll pay for it all--and get rid of the huge heater and install a correctly-sized one. (I dropped some "online testimonial" savvy....a great detailed review if they fix what's wrong properly....and from our previous conversations he understands that I was a Marketing VP and believe in the power of reviews positive OR negative. He's smart and clearly got the hint).

So for now, things are looking up. It's amazing what a network of friendship can do for even we old solo ladies. I'm pretty assertive myself, just have fears around the too-small emergency fund. This is a good wakeup all to keep up frugality, stop buying fire pits! Back in the saddle and I know I can save more every month.

Many grateful hugs,
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Re: House problems
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2020, 08:05:07 PM »
That is terrific news, Hops!  Wahoo hoo!

I know I have a jack installed under my least 1.  I hope it all works out quickly!



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Re: House problems
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2020, 10:55:27 PM »
Thanks, Lighter.
This little 1955 house was actually well built, inspectors say. It's just that (I believe) for lifestyles at that time, nobody would've expected a grand piano and also a monster water heater. Those two things aren't far from each other in the house and I think the weight was just too much.

I read some alarming stuff on the consequences of not correcting a sagging floor joist and also how expensive it could be. Fear-thinking really got me going.

I feel better now. Still have to confirm that I accept the plumber's offer, depending on whether his carpenter/contractor will follow a detailed plan and do a serious job. Wouldn't do me any good to have a "free" job if it's done poorly, is my only remaining worry.

But que sera. Doing the best I can to stay atop things.

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Re: House problems
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2020, 07:17:05 AM »
That's great news Hops. Good on you for pursuing it.
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Re: House problems
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2020, 11:02:57 AM »
Whole new opinion from carpenter #2, my friend's...doesn't believe a big joist job is needed. He says the flooring was only resting on a joist a fraction of an inch. And when they put in the huge heater, the weight pressed it down to the point that it slipped off the edge of the joist (too much pressure for a nail to hold). Not an enormous fix.

I liked and trusted him and his experience (and reputation). So I'll tell the plumber that I'd prefer this man do the repair and we'll coordinate. There's also a possibility, though not a big one, that the water heater could have been installed into a cramped basement in the first place....but it sounded like an elaborate job to install venting.

Whoo. Not my favorite stuff but it will be sorted out soon.

Thanks for the support,
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Re: House problems
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2020, 11:33:24 AM »
I'm glad this now seems an easier fix than it was, Hopsie, and hope stupid plumber will be replacing large boiler with a smaller one and paying for the work that needs doing as well (through your other guy, who sounds much better).  Stupid man.  Stupid or deliberately trying to rip you off?  What do you think? I'm glad you were able to get someone else out xx


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Re: House problems
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2020, 12:21:33 PM »
I don't think he was stupid, but was caught in a very corporate company that is slick and wily. He's a good person. I just think he gets stuck between corporate-think and his own integrity-think.

I'll get in touch with him today and let him know about the alternate carpenter and see if he'll deal with him instead. If not, maybe have to hope that the younger one can have it explained to him (I'd pay second carpenter for his time doing that) so younger one will know what to do. I don't doubt that he'd be capable of it, but the second guy's diagnosis sounds much more accurate.

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Re: House Stuff
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2020, 07:04:42 AM »
I see what you mean, Hops.  There seems to be a lot of that sort of thing these days (corporate orders versus personal behaviour).  Very unpleasant.  Is it nearer to being sorted now?  I am lucky that with renting these sorts of problems aren't mine to deal with - very grateful for that as I find dealing with people who know more about a situation than you do can be hard.  I hope it gets sorted out soon xx


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Re: House Stuff
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2020, 09:47:46 AM »
Still waiting for the older contractor's quote...bit nervous about how long it's taking him. But then again, he's in demand because he knows his stuff. Left him another message and have fingers crossed.

May take a while to line up all the pieces but I'm sure it'll get done eventually.

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Re: House Stuff
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2020, 02:35:50 PM »
:: crossing fingers too::


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Re: House Stuff
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2020, 06:32:04 AM »
Also hoping it goes smoothly now, Hops!  Does this mean you're without a working boiler at the minute?  Or is it working but the floor can't support it properly? xx


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Re: House Stuff
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2020, 08:39:05 AM »
The latter, Tupp. It just needs to be done. Not fully safe on a tilt like that because gases don't flow exactly as they should.

The older contractor told me yesterday he'd get the written quote to me pronto so I can forward it to the plumbing company. His quote turns out to be $1,000 less than the young contractor the plumber brought over, so they can hardly refuse. I let the plumber know and he's fine with it. (It didn't come last night though--do ALL contractors need nagging?)

Anyway, I can see light at the end of the tunnel and will be very relieved when it's all done.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."