Thanks ((((Tupp))))) and ((((Lighter))))!
AND ((((((Bettyanne))))) and (((((Amber)))))!
I'm still peeking in daily. Just not writing much as
when December rolls in, I feel a kind of folding-inward,
if that makes sense.
It started with protecting myself from holidays pain,
but has become more like a response to December. I've
realized my best way to get through the cold and dark is
to focus mostly on childhood spiritual experiences of this
Dark. Still. A star. Peace on Earth (within me if not outer).
I find myself still able to enjoy some of the formerly-religious
but now just ... spiritual vibes of the season. For me, nothing
to do with family or gifts or gatherings, just the deep core of
hope and love and peace.
I rediscover beloved music (subtracting the theology) that
still moves me tremendously. I reconnect with reverence,
that wonderful shard of religion I still can experience, even
as my agnostic self. I just make myself be quieter.
Here's a video I have sent out every single year. It moves
me no less this time than the first time I ran across it. don't think or believe or say "holy" in my regular life.
In dark still December, I remember.