Author Topic: 2021 Farm Log  (Read 51151 times)


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #90 on: March 02, 2021, 01:30:54 PM »
Oy, stuck in mud or struggling through it sounds like the perfect metaphor for where poor B is right now.

The only time I got a workaround from usual government sluggitude was years ago when I discovered that for years before I moved home, my widowed mother had been unwittingly collecting my Dad's entire SS after his death instead of the reduced portion that was her widow's benefit. It happened because unlike the other organizations that had been properly informed, the Army had not received its required copy of his death certificate--the mistake made by her executor, a law firm. She didn't know, never having managed money before. I didn't arrive until eight years after his death and thought everything had been handled properly. I was no accountant but saw no red flags.

It looked to me as though her lawyer had set up everything correctly, her income streams were all being automatically deposited (and as we know, I ain't no paperwork genius). I forget how long it was, but one day I saw a letter to her saying that her bank account had been frozen by the Dept of Defense and she'd was thereby ordered to repay it all. Now. That would've wiped her out, made her unable to pay her mortgage, etc. It all left me trembling in my socks at the power of the government to just...DO.

Long story a LOT shorter, I eventually appealed directly to our senator (oh what a letter) -- explaining how in pure trust she thought everything was right, and in her late 80s, she had carried along innocently, not understanding she'd been awarded more than she was entitled to, and what did they want from this saintly elementary school teacher and oh-so-Christian widow of a much-respected honorable veteran who had been personally commissioned by Dwight Eisenhower and nobly served overseas in intelligence during the war....did they want to drive her from her beloved home? (I also asked a family friend at the JAG school to write them as well.) Not to be immodest, but my letter would've made Genghis Khan draw out a lace hankie to wipe his compassionate tears.

The senator's office stepped in immediately, the DFAS agreed to a small monthly payment, and that was that. All got repaid over the next several years. WHEW.

All this just to wonder if a senator might intervene for Buck. You, better than anyone, could write up a very clear and compelling narrative and timeline of his suffering. (With zero blame, etc.) Sometimes, that's exactly what Senatorial staffers love to do. FIX things for fair constituents who bring a painful injustice to their attention!

That's the GOOD side of government having the power to DO. Many individual human beings who work in government bureaucracy, including Senate staffers, find it genuinely satisfying to step in and make a wrong situation right. It's part of their job descriptions, to review constituent appeals and act on those they can. They take them to their boss for approval and sometimes they can get the lead out, even with the VA. Having a senator's backing for an intervention can give it rocket fuel.

Just a thought.


« Last Edit: March 02, 2021, 01:49:55 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #91 on: March 02, 2021, 07:31:31 PM »
Case in point: he just TODAY got the new status VA ID card they insisted they had to mail to him (status change due to retirement from active duty)... he started the process LAST AUGUST. This is an important milestone in the struggle. LOLOL. Even though it seems inconsequential and de rigeur... why should a simple thing like this take SIX MONTHS, to go through the process??

Oh, he's written his senators; Pentagon brass; the President even - and given media interviews. The "Buck" gets passed every single time. (And his senators didn't change in the most recent election.)

A bunch of us - online friends - have brainstormed all the ideas that exist for years now, Hon. At this point, I think it's sheer stubbornness and not giving up, that will win the day for him. Well, that and knowing how many people are in his corner and value his knowledge/expertise on all things mechanical and his remarkable wit, even in the face of such monolithic not-caring. Given what he's already endured - and overcome - we won't let him give up now, even if he wanted to. It's the old "outlast the turkeys" strategy - and it does work, as long as you don't lose hope or faith.

It's easier to keep trying - when you have people that let you know they support you in the struggle.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #92 on: March 02, 2021, 08:56:20 PM »
Whoof. Well, add me to his list of supporters....

I'm just so very sorry he's had to go through all this

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #93 on: March 03, 2021, 08:03:51 AM »
Thanks Hops, I'll let him know. He'll probably relay a "thank'ee" back...  ;)

For whatever reason, I seem to still be having a hard time over this. Maybe it's just 'coz nature abhors a vacumn. Still chipping away at the little things list, sorting out my head, and trying to keep up with everything.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #94 on: March 03, 2021, 12:43:11 PM »
I can imagine. I would be, too.

I know you care enormously about his health and frustrations.
But does it also feed into the whole waiting waiting waiting and delays?

I don't know how you manage to live in this ambiguity but am awed
that you do find ways to self-stabilize, no matter what goes on with B.

Say more about what's hard, if you like. It's okay.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #95 on: March 04, 2021, 05:08:05 AM »
Poor Buck.  It must be very draining for him.  Do they do it on purpose, Skep, to avoid paying for things?  Or do you think there's so much ineffective organisation and communication that it's more down to people not doing what they should, when they should?  Either way, I hope he gets some sort of useful event coming soon xx


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #96 on: March 04, 2021, 11:08:04 AM »
Tupp - the VA (Veteran's Affairs) has needed a complete overhaul for decades or longer. And what I see is typical bureaucratic behavior - so it's some of everything: people on a power trip, people not caring, incompetence and poor training/education -- and stereotyping, too. Way before I got involved with B, I was already aware of some of the problems via other Vets. I'd try to give them support, suggestions, etc. I can't possibly read the institutional mind, but the attitude seems to one of suspecting the worst motives from all the vets and the defensive posture they take approving anything kinda confirms that mindset. Animals are cared for better in this country. (Yeah, I occasionally entertain ideas about starting a non-profit to help...but I don't think I could take the "beat head on same brick wall and hope for a different result" experience.

Hops - the waiting has worn me right down, I think. Bless him, he tries so hard to connect with me during every day... but it's not the same. He's still a "virtual partner" - and as low as I'm feeling about a resolution to this distance - it's easy to accuse myself of manifesting an elaborate fantasy and that none of this - feelings, timelines, etc - is real. Yeah, I've continued to maintain my space and momentum of activity around the farm - even Hol remarked about how many things I've knocked off my list that for one reason or another I just didn't "get around to". I stay active witih my other friends too.. so I'm not obsessing on him/lack of presence.

But there are just so many little things about him that I miss - the little ways he "takes care of me"; none of it patronizing or dominating or possessive... it's just simple kindness coming from someone else (him) that is lacking in my self-motivated, self-busy world. Yeah, I'm strong - mentally, emotionally, physically (sorta). But even strong people need to be scooped up and held when they just can't go on anymore. Two years of holding it together, like this, and dealing with the various day to day stuff or crises as they occurred is a pretty good accomplishment, n'est-ce pas?

So, I took a time out yesterday afternoon with Hol... and wound up crying out all the frustration, confused feelings, and the end of my patience. And I'm going to extend that to today, too. There is absolutely nothing that "has to be done" today... and I'm dogsitting Knuckles - my buddy. It's not his fault; there is no blame -- but I feel how I feel, right now. Maybe when that's all emptied out, I'll be able to get back up and at it.

I just don't have the energy right now; I'm sad and feeling like he'll never be here and it doesn't matter what he says; I know he believes what he says. Fully intends to carry it out. I think I still have half a pint of ice cream, and habenero chocolate sauce...

I'm gonna go bury myself in how-to videos for growing, processing, spinning and weaving linen and maybe just pull today over my head like blankets and not even adult today.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #97 on: March 04, 2021, 01:03:59 PM »
Good for you, Amber.
I'm glad you stopped asking yourself to be unrealistically (or maybe just unfairly) self-controlled. Good that a lot of it came out. Strong women weep.

I think you said something important, that B "believes what he says" about when he'll be with you. He might be fantasizing too, and that's something to process. Not necessarily a happy something, but...reality is our friend. I know all his obstacles and medical issues and D delays and house preps are real and legitimate, but maybe his follow-through on everything sounds better than it actually is, or than he can actually accomplish. Some dreams do collapse under the weight of expectations and abilities. And fantasies.

I really feel for you in this. It would be a shame to feel you've been nourishing your hopes on well, hope, rather than ... on enough actions to make them real.

Pass the ice cream.

Would it help you to instead of kicking up the communication, to explain to B that the protracted delay is causing enough pain that you might do better putting a pause in the dream-sharing for now...maybe pick it up in three months after he has time to focus and you have time to calm the inner tension of ever-changing dates?

I just worry about relationships built on's like quick callouts from the id.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #98 on: March 05, 2021, 08:06:55 AM »
I can only respond to part of your suggestions right now, Hops. Our texting is more like conversation; a chat room vs discussion board. And since I despise touchscreens, some of my lengthy (rambling) texts are what prompted more phone calls instead. From his voice, I can pick up anxiety, frustration, joy... it makes a difference; it feels more real.

I'm still looking at everything else. Emotional storm has calmed down a little. And timing-wise, the storm might've been one of those "darkest before the dawn" moments. He has appts now - progress steps - toward the antibiotic treatment lined up now. (And it's not for his lack of trying or follow through... most of the time their excuse is covid.)

It remains true that my biggest fear is he may die before ever getting moved here. I've seen him take some serious curves with the progression of this infection. So, my feelings are (I think) more about me -- than anything he's done/not doing/is or dealing with.

I can see my brain starting to line up the list of "piling on" items... and truthfully, most of them don't directly impact me... so I can still shut that runaway train down before it completely derails. Knuckles thinks Gramma's house is for sleeping; he got in his chair and didn't bat an eye till Hol got back... calming energy. Stink is healing up from his surgery really well... and since it's going to warm up next week, Freddy and I can start introducing him to the outdoors. I need to start seeds, plow, make rock piles... and start dealing with yardwork.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #99 on: March 05, 2021, 10:17:15 AM »

I think a bit of a weep and a day or two off 'adulting' are very necessary at times (in fact I can remember how much I wanted to be an adult when I was a child and now that I am one I don't think it's all it's cracked up to be ;) ).  I'm glad Hol plus pets were around for a bit of comfort.

I think the situation you describe with Buck is similar here; veterans are treated terribly if they suffer any kind of health problem after service and so many are homeless and/or trying to cope with PTSD via alcohol and drugs because they can't get medical care.  It is shocking that in this day and age so many people are still missing out on the basics, particularly when they've done so much for their own countries.  It must be infuriating for both of you and I hope something useful happens soon.  And that the weather perks up, Covid buggers off and all the other things that are problematic at the moment start to settle down, too :) xx


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #100 on: March 05, 2021, 10:45:29 AM »
it's not for his lack of trying or follow through...

I believe you (and him). I'm just worried about the strain on you.

Glad Freddy and Stinker and Hol are all lined up, ready to take you out into the sunshine.

Thoughts with B, in hopes it begins to move--and with you, enduring this uncertainty.

I understand your biggest fear, too. Though he does seem to be part granite.

Hang in there, friend. I hope the earth and projects and the world coming alive again give you comfort and strength. (You have strength in spades, but it's good to let nature do some of the work.)

big hugs
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #101 on: March 07, 2021, 09:50:22 AM »
Strain is my exercise, Hops. I could've acknowledged that something was coming up sooner - but I didn't. Hol and I had a really good session talking through the possibilities (since I couldn't exactly NAME what was bugging me; just that it had to do with how long this is taking for us to come together). She and I spitball things like this pretty well.

Then it was B's turn. And - I was as impressed by what he didn't do, as much as what he said that helped.

Big clue came up while Hol & I were talking. I got on the topic of the garden - and how I always started with enthusiasm, but especially when working up the dirt - I kept hearing Mike, saying - why don't you do this THIS way (while he sat & watched - or complained that he was lonely, or Ex#2 insisting that his way was "correct" and telling me I was doing it wrong. And of course, that inner critic voice started when my mom was teaching me to sew - most of those lessons being that she was so impatient she took it out of my hands while criticizing me & my attempt, saying she'd do it herself.

There are a couple things that inner critic likes to harp on - especially during "downtime" if I've DARED to attempt to "do" anything on my own, my way. Abandonment issues, for one. Being involved with an emotionally unavailable person... never knowing my own worth - in my own eyes - since I was criticized, put down, and my accomplishments dismissed as insignificant/ugly/or my favorite one - that's not how I would do it. But to name a "category" for all of these things - it comes down to: what I want doesn't matter - ergo, I don't matter.

It is the same old same old issue rearing it's head again. And in a context, where my mind knows how false that picture is - I DO matter to Buck and there is no subterfuge, illusion, or game going on here. My mind KNOWS this; yet the feelings are there. I explained to him, that apparently those old wounds still hurt for some reason. Even though I was no longer dealing with those people or experiencing the same things in the present. (I realize now I was perhaps over-sensitive in the moments those things occurred; they hurt; the repetition was even more damaging to me.)

He didn't take any of what I had to say personally; didn't feel that he failed me or needed to fix anything - he let me get it out as clunky, chunky, and bassackwards as it came out. Then, commisserated - saying his first experiences of that were when he was young, and for some reason, he was able to take the lessons out of the experience with him and let the emotions go. Then, the miliary environment didn't leave room for attaching much emotion to experiences.

So, that's what I'm looking at now. How vulnerable, sensitive, or whatever adjective fits, was I during those experiences that I attached enough emotion to it to give it energy enough to sustain my sensitivity to it this long? When Hol first moved in - we had to navigate this same issue. She would say - why don't you do this this way? and I'd react (protecting my "self"; and that it mattered to me to do things my way)... and then we yelled at each for a while, till we giggled at ourselves... and then talked it out. The great vacumn cleaner argument is memorialized as a shared experience of this sensitivity.

Each of the incidents are all touchy & still feel as much of a "self" wound as they did originally - altho the anger has dissipated over them. Instead - I just internalized this crap and do it to myself. Or it comes up as an "echo" in new situations - B's delays - if I have enough time to do any navelgazing.  :rolleyes:

So, for awhile, I'm going to figure out how I can release those things - in those specific circumstances. Seed starting begins today. I mentioned the concept of "reclaiming" - like after a divorce or loss, reclaiming certain songs as "mine" instead of "his" or "ours". And Hol suggested it was like cosmetic tattoing - with a dry needle, the artist has to break up the scar tissue and then the skin needs to heal again before the tattoo to cover is applied. And the similarity between that and CBT isn't lost on me. ;)

I could go on some more on self issues and probably will later; better to start with something well-defined and specific first. The self-wounds, I feel, are what makes some people susceptible to co-dependency and choosing the same kinds of incompatible partners over & over.

But whatever cloud I was under is lifting - and it's sorting out.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #102 on: March 07, 2021, 03:11:18 PM »
I think this level of insight into how you tick (or clank) is outstanding, Amber.

And regardless of how the future shapes itself, it will always be good to trust that work. The inner work.

Squashing the inner punisher before it gets out more than a hiss.

Everything you wrote is my challenge too, in different forms.

It's heartening to read about B's understanding, the way he responds (and doesn't).

I'm feeling really good for you. It would be so nice if life weren't an FFFFing learning experience with so many of the FFFFFing lessons needing endless revisiting, but I guess once one accepts it's just the way life is, it gets easier to wade into the next wave of...stuff. Same seawater. Different wave.

(My endless lesson is not being so deeply drawn to intense and sparkly personalities that later, and predictably, turn out to be -- surprise? -- very narcissistic. You'd think I would have GOTTEN it by now....)

« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 03:26:49 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #103 on: March 07, 2021, 04:38:12 PM »
This long "courtship" actually is a benefit, in that I'm sharing in his personal experiences at a fairly intimate level and can see for myself (without as many of the sparkly butterflies) how he really deals with things. And vice versa of course. And there's the benefit of not being emotionally involved at a sexual level most of the time, too - because that can mess with one's judgement in subtle ways. At least, I've found that to be more or less true in the past.

Given the fact it's been awhile since either of us have had a relationship - and have the usual baggage from the last ones - things like this can come up in the "neutral zone" to be talked about and worked on.

These are real things for me. Not just optimistic positivity for the sake of putting that big smile on my face & faking it.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #104 on: March 08, 2021, 12:25:37 AM »
That makes sense, too.

I've long been a believer in the value of taking things slowly and developing them over time. Because if something's important enough to change your life in a massive way, it's important enough to build a foundation slowly and carefully. I completely agree.

In hindsight, I see that the whirlwind, all the hyperbole, and the intense pursuit by M was, as it really always is (was the same with husband #2)...a red flag. Excitement over insight won the day for too long.

I'm glad you feel this good about it, Amber. So hope things coalesce and soonish.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."