Yes Lighter - for the workpants, it'll absolutely be "bespoke"; made from scratch & tailored to someone's unique body shape... and even preferences. For instance, Hol doesn't like baggy/wide legs because they snag on equipment & such when working on set. (There's a whole Rube Goldberg setup for lighting, cameras and special effects "off camera" she climbs around and hides in) Pants are the trickiest garment of all, because of all the places they need to give, have some room to move in - but still hang pleasingly while standing.
I'll admit, she & I are persnickety about some things, about clothes - almost autistic picky. But she's been customizing her wardrobe since middle school and living out in the boonies, "attire" simply isn't as important as function and comfort. I'm going in a bunch of directions on that topic. Wearing leggings & tunics again; oh! Sweater-weather is almost here!... but I'm liking long skirts too. Cloaks. Elven fashion - or Viking, it varies. Very simple sewing there, but plenty of accessorizing/embellishment opportunities.
I deal with the issues of being a little TOO well endowed - and she's just the opposite; but bras are another topic of "problem-solving" on our workboard. They are uncomfortable for both of us - and we've tried many versions. So now, I'm looking at various periods of stays, corsets, and such. For ideas. They would've been unbearably hot in the weather we had the past couple months - so, definitely trying to re-invent the wheel in that dept.
And at this point, it's become impossible to find patterns that is exactly what we want... so patternmaking - a specialty unto itself - is on the "learn it better" list.
First thing up on the table, is patching a pair of motorcycle jeans for B. Odd seaming makes it challenging. Then I'm going to make myself a pair of moccasins. I can't find the style of short boots I like, made commercially anymore - and Hol brought home two bison hides, different colors, to go with my white deerskin. I wore out two pair like that in HS.
I like making complex things - like bags & functional purpose-specific clothing. Household stuff - cushion covers, duvets, curtains... too.
Like any seamstress, I have a pretty big "stash" of fabrics. I'll need to retrieve those totes from the studio attic and reacquaint myself with what I saved.
I think Hol & I both were looking for building/decorating projects to get to a plateau... a solid functional resting place, so we could shift gears into some of these ideas/challenges.