Author Topic: 2021 Farm Log  (Read 51288 times)


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #390 on: August 30, 2021, 04:52:15 PM »
I guess I missed something regarding Hol's "other woman" in the jury pool? Did I read that right?

Congrats on overcoming the tech glitch. That's difficult stuff for me to wrap my mind around and it comes'round

Hops:  It looks like you'll have the support of the minister?  I guess I'm wondering if the elder net plan could or would go forward with or without the minister's support.  Is the minister's support necessary?  I don't know, so I'm asking.

It sounds like a wonderful project for you, your experience and talents. 

Good luck with that, for sure.



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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #391 on: August 30, 2021, 06:55:38 PM »
It'll make a big difference to have her support. She's doing a very good job as our interim and that unites the cong.

I was nearly blackballed after my 2-year involvement with the attempted coup against the previous miNinster (which was a decision of conscience I do not regret, but it made board members uneasy). So it'd be great to have a new project to head up that also has the support of leadership.

We'll see how it goes. If games begin, I can gracefully retreat.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #392 on: August 31, 2021, 08:33:18 AM »
Lighter - Hol's situation isn't important; to her. Involves former relationship. She didn't obsess over it, as much as I thought she would - so, she truly is past her feelings about that situation. (Which is good news.)

I've got a few things to put under cover today and take care of before we get the predicted monsoon of rain from Ida tonight. Some more little things to get ready for the weekend (back to "almost fall" temps!!!) Some shopping to take care of.

Then, I think I'm looking for some completely unstructured time to just let my brain unwind. I have a pair of pants to repair for Buck, and some other "bug" to do some sewing. One of Hol's friends is commissioning her to make her kids a large stuffed dragon for Christmas. I've made puppet theaters, bears, etc toys in the past so I said I'd help. I might have some patterns to jump start her idea-process. We're both in the decision process for dress forms, too. They've gotten pretty extravagant, compared to what I remember. Customizable, with arms & legs even. Might help with the "pants" project Hol & I are talking about.

There is an extreme vacumn in the category of women's work clothes. Duluth Trading used to be pretty good - but not lately. Too many synthetic fabrics - which are horrible for welders. Carhartt has expanded their women's line - but the fit isn't always workable in the general size ranges available. I tried overalls in both large & extra large - and neither of them fit me well - length of inseam is way long. Gardeners need different pocket setups than shop/fabrication pants... construction something else. So, we're thinkin' on it.

There hasn't been so many women in the trades since WWII. It doesn't get a lot of press, but they are definitely out there!
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #393 on: August 31, 2021, 09:11:25 AM »
I like the sound of Red Ants pants, since they have both a straight and a curvy option! Cool.

Love me some google.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #394 on: August 31, 2021, 09:17:23 AM »
I'm very behind Skep and have skipped through some bits but I am delighted that Buck got there and the two of you had a good time :)  Also that Hol seems to have got more on board with the whole thing.  Did an eek!  at the medical stuff.  Such a nightmare and so frustrating that it's just an endless amount of things to sort out, all of it avoidable if others did what they're supposed to, I presume?  And calling ex wife?  And was that the ex that was then staying at the house?  I'd have had a little meltdown, I'm glad all of that got sorted and she's gone off doing whatever she does.  I'm really pleased you got that time together and I hope the next visit comes around really soon xx


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #395 on: August 31, 2021, 09:21:15 AM »

Your work clothes complaint made me laugh and laugh, bc I look ridiculous in my Carhart overalls and regular Levi overalls....they absolutly don't fit me, but they do cover me up well enough while working.  Nothing as serious as welding, but I don't mind looking funny while getting jobs done.  Never have minded. I feel rather invisible in the country while wearing them to Lowe's, etc. 

It would be wonderful to have DD21 tweak the fit of the things for my shape.  She has a fancy sewing machine I don't think I could figure out...... looks like a computer, it does.  I've always wanted to take my jeans in at the knee and add hoods to coats and jackets I like.  Just LOVE hoods on everything, so I'm vibing with your sewing projects.  I don't have that skill, but appreciate those with the
 gift: )

I hope you and Hol enjoy making the dragon and work clothes.  Are you thinking of making workclothing from absolute scratch?




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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #396 on: September 01, 2021, 11:12:28 AM »
Yes Lighter - for the workpants, it'll absolutely be "bespoke"; made from scratch & tailored to someone's unique body shape... and even preferences. For instance, Hol doesn't like baggy/wide legs because they snag on equipment & such when working on set. (There's a whole Rube Goldberg setup for lighting, cameras and special effects "off camera" she climbs around and hides in) Pants are the trickiest garment of all, because of all the places they need to give, have some room to move in - but still hang pleasingly while standing.

I'll admit, she & I are persnickety about some things, about clothes - almost autistic picky. But she's been customizing her wardrobe since middle school and living out in the boonies, "attire" simply isn't as important as function and comfort. I'm going in a bunch of directions on that topic. Wearing leggings & tunics again; oh! Sweater-weather is almost here!... but I'm liking long skirts too. Cloaks. Elven fashion - or Viking, it varies. Very simple sewing there, but plenty of accessorizing/embellishment opportunities.

I deal with the issues of being a little TOO well endowed - and she's just the opposite; but bras are another topic of "problem-solving" on our workboard. They are uncomfortable for both of us - and we've tried many versions. So now, I'm looking at various periods of stays, corsets, and such. For ideas. They would've been unbearably hot in the weather we had the past couple months - so, definitely trying to re-invent the wheel in that dept.

And at this point, it's become impossible to find patterns that is exactly what we want... so patternmaking - a specialty unto itself - is on the "learn it better" list.

First thing up on the table, is patching a pair of motorcycle jeans for B. Odd seaming makes it challenging. Then I'm going to make myself a pair of moccasins. I can't find the style of short boots I like, made commercially anymore - and Hol brought home two bison hides, different colors, to go with my white deerskin. I wore out two pair like that in HS.

I like making complex things - like bags & functional purpose-specific clothing. Household stuff - cushion covers, duvets, curtains... too.

Like any seamstress, I have a pretty big "stash" of fabrics. I'll need to retrieve those totes from the studio attic and reacquaint myself with what I saved.

I think Hol & I both were looking for building/decorating projects to get to a plateau... a solid functional resting place, so we could shift gears into some of these ideas/challenges.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #397 on: September 01, 2021, 11:44:14 AM »
Tupp, you'll catch up in time. There's nothing major going on around the farm right now - even though I keep pushing on a few things on a regular basis to "get 'er done". No worries! It's time to start having some fun with your new place, eh?

Hops, thanks for that link. I shared with Hol. She's being as lazy as I am today. But her brain is in overdrive thinking, making choices, trying to suss out the right direction for her to go in, too. I'm not in the least bit worried that there might be bigger companies doing what we're thinking about. I think the trend across the retail spectrum is shop local and support local "makers". And we don't want to be "big"!! Quality matters more than quantity - function, then aesthetics. Craftsmanship versus artistry. It was something I predicted happening 20 years ago on an art forum. Pictures and knick-knacks are all well & good... but people's search for simplicity and qualities other than materialism/consumerism... are driving a search for the unique; handmade; built to last a lifetime.

Buck is looking to do more work along the same lines - but in metal and wood, leather too - again, with the same mindset of utility and durability. And I haven't given up the idea of getting some kind of good sized loom.

So many ideas; choices have to be made because there simply isn't time to do everything. Rome wasn't built in a day.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #398 on: September 01, 2021, 07:28:08 PM »

I think we share some similar traits of what might be considered pickiness.  Oh well.  I love reading about bespoke cloething items and finding a bra that's comfortable AND supports,  PLEASE.  If you figure that out, let me know.  I'm wearing a little support but I'd like to LOOK like there's a lot of support without the strain and cutting off blood and lymph supply. I know you know what I mean.  Just difficult and uncomfortable to get the girls UP in place and not do harm, IME.

Looking forward to seeing you post about replacing beloved shoes and jeans and work clothes and make things better than you can buy or adjust. 

I have things I've loved since HS too and can't replace.  The one pair of BBjeans have been replaced in the thigh area over and over again.  Now, broken down into a patter, I want to find several fabrics and have patterns made from them BEFORE having the jeans put back together in time for my being able to wear them again.... likely in the fall. 

The fabrics have to be a certain weight with a certain stretch....... the fabric the seamstress picked out was too thin, had no stretch, juat a fiasco fabric for all the money and time and hope I put into trying to replace those jeans as I gained weight.

Anway..... I'm ejoying this topic.  I hope Hol comes up with a pattern and choice of fabrics that solves all her work clothes problems. 



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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #399 on: September 02, 2021, 07:32:16 AM »
Lighter, I'd ordered some "patternmaking fabric" online.... what showed up was exactly a medium weight interfacing. More I pondered over that, the more it made sense. Takes sharpie really well, is KINDA see-thru, and because it's not woven, it's pretty stable.

As for the problem with the girls... I'm thinking a shelf might be the most comfortable. (HA!) But half my problem is the strain on my back muscles (between shoulders). Maybe a winch or pulley connected to my daruma doll butt? Sure there's weight training. Sure there's losing weight, too. But I'm already well on the way there (and the girls don't exactly shrink along with everything else).

I dunno. More thinking. More letting imagination run to sci-fi, the void, and garments from history.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #400 on: September 02, 2021, 11:00:53 AM »
My girls haven't just gone south, where they could simply be collected at the train station, but they've also split up and headed east and west, which is much more difficult to track. They're twins but not identical, so they won't stand out the way one might expect.

It's a great adventure for them, however. Their messages home are gleeful.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #401 on: September 02, 2021, 12:57:47 PM »
Ah.... WHEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!

And now we're off into giggly sillies-land. I keep seeing that aging isn't for sissies - and won't deny that. But we can AT LEAST LAUGH at the realities of it, as much as possible.

But if a fairy-godmother showed up and said she'd grant my erstwhile, sometimes wish to at least LOOK the way I did at 30... I think I'd have to turn her down. My vanity would absolutely adore that. For a short while. I spent a lot of time dealing with my middle-aged (and then older) body and accepting the authenticity of it as an expression of who I feel I am now. I think it might be some kind of twilight zone nightmare to be an old lady trapped in a younger one's body, ya know?

There was a LOT of stuff I worked on about that, being a rape survivor. Dealing with Mike's expectations & fantasies. It was complex and tricky and honestly, it still comes up for me from time to time. So, I'm currently looking for compromise: between how hard I'm willing to work for the standard in my brain which is unrealistic (and yes, one trades a lot of time & energy for that "standard") and just feeling comfortable in my own skin.

B has his own touchy areas - given the form of rejection he experienced from his ex. His scars really aren't that prominent or ugly. I spent a LOT of time in "life drawing" above & beyond requirements with both male & female models. And this man is ideally proportioned & put together. So he has scars? whoopdedoo. For all I know - the ex has some triggers of her own. But there was no crazy fantasy stuff for us, right from the beginning. We're old people, and like alot of classic cars we have rust spots, bondo, pitted chrome, & dings. There's only so much "cosmetic" work can fix... so why not just broaden that standard of physical beauty enough to include us "over 60" crowd?

LOLOL, even Hol is trying to figure this out. She has a friend from work; they get along very very well. He's in his 50s; so a decade older than her. She saw a guy on set (from the back) that got her attention immediately. He turned around and she had to smack herself in the head. "Of course, it was "so & so". But I think she's a lot more forthright, direct, and unencumbered by hangups than maybe our generation is (despite popular fiction about the "sexual revolution").

But the bra "problem solving" is more a functional issue for me & her. We do a lot physical work - so we're looking for functional; yet comfortable to wear for a full day.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #402 on: September 02, 2021, 02:15:29 PM »
I'm trying to take a practical approach, ya know, "the gift within the problem."

If the girls head much farther toward the coasts, they'll plunge into the sea.

I may loop them together at my upper back and use them as a modified backpack. Kind of a shelf design.

Very handy.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #403 on: September 03, 2021, 08:26:30 AM »
IMO, it should be common practice that after those "glands" are no longer needed for their primary biological purpose, they should be shrunk to be a reasonable representation of the female human form. Binding is starting to sound good, btw. Maybe they can be espaliered like some trees?

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #404 on: September 04, 2021, 01:14:50 PM »
OOOO! I love the creative thinking!!

Espaliered boobies, YASSSSS Amber!

I believe this could be the start of another farm microbusiness, eh?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."