THIS thread, for me, speaks to operating outside fight or flight in a more "normal" zone. If you're/we're functioning in fight or flight survival mode, sensing the upside down of it, reacting/reactivity all the time, unable to understand it..... identify the moving pieces and understand what's hijacked your biochemistry in order to find ways to take it back....asking doctors, with little or no ability to SEE past the symptoms for help.....being told it's in our heads...
I guess those old fuckers might be right and yet..... they're so very wrong too, bc it's in our bodies too and they should be interested in identifying and treating causes, not identifying fight or flight trauma response as a "craziness" they have no responsibility or obligation to identify and certainly not treat.
Almost has a ring if truth to it, but not really.
If MDs have no responsibility to identify or treat a biochemical hijacking....and the worse thing they do is drug people up while telling them the problems are all in their head.....dismissing them.....bc the doc doesn't understand or typically care to understand, thus dismissing "alternative" treatments which possibly could lead to reinstated Harmony and balance of the whole patient.
And specializing doesn't help, though I understand the benefits, but all MDs shouldn't feel competent to dx the whole patient with such limited understanding and ability to discover causes of imbalances, ime.
"Normal" feels like having consistent access to our entire brain, ime. As I live in this amazing place and recognize it.....I realize it's true. I wonder why in the world it's so common yet so difficult to understand, dx and treat....mind AND body.....maybe soul too.
Eh.... it's greed and the patriarchy. Never mind.
I'm still typing with one finger so....not editing that.