Author Topic: I'm new here  (Read 8905 times)


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2021, 10:44:42 PM »
Reading these quotes and going back over my story writing I think, "Did I write that?"  I have been pretty busy the last week or two. 

W's attitude has returned.  He seems to cycle.  Likely has more than one personality disorder going on.
He gets very needy - first thing in the morning he is talking, talking, talking - before the ADD med kicks in, and before I pour a cup of coffee.  He is always up earlier with the dogs.  With my sleep apnea it takes me awhile to wake up.  That is when he wants my undivided attention, criticizes me if I get distracted, if I express an opinion he gets mad and accuses me of arguing with him.  Then I cannot get one word in when he interrupts. His criticisms sound like a projection of himself, not me when he accuses me of being self-absorbed.  If the news is on he talks over the TV about what he thinks.   He gets mad when I ask him to let me listen , to not talk over the TV, or to at least pause the program if he wants to say something.  With the news, I prefer to chew my own food - not swallow his regurgitation of what he thinks is news.  He groans and complains over the commercials, the coverage..... I often will give up on the news and crawl in the bathroom and play a game on my phone to get away from it.  He controls the TV, what we watch and when we watch it. I don't really care - I would rather read, do some art work, or write to friends (like you gals). He also does all the cooking, decides what we eat and when.  I let that go too, he is a good cook but then complains cuz he does all the work.  When I traveled for work he would ask me what I ate for lunch.  No boundaries with him.  I would tell him what I eat is not his concern.  It is all about control. This past week I hardly got time to read my e-mails before he would complain that I was isolating upstairs.

Much of this was triggered over his seeing a new doctor.  Our doctor left her practice suddenly.  He needed someone to prescribe his prednisone for his polymyalgia.  Turns out his blood pressure is sky high. No wonder all the pressure he puts on thinking he has to run everything. 

Then there was the other neighbor who comes up on weekends - burning toxic crap in his camp fire 24/7 - making W sick. Not sure if he is disposing waste oil for beer money or getting rid of meth waste - the smoke is blue and it stinks.  Cannot get the DNR or the Town to investigate or make him stop.  It began last summer when W got really sick, after the neighbor bought the property.  He tore down an old trailer on the property, and made it disappear by burying it and burning it - siding, insulation and all.   

Initially I found myself walking on egg shells, then getting really rageful and yelling back at W. Then I worked on adjusting my attitude.  He does work hard around here, is still building fence around our property, and finished building the deck and back yard enclosure within our 6.7 acres.  I focused on helping him with the fence and staining the decks, showed concern over his health problems.  If he said I was arguing, I ignored him and walked away.

I have always been too good at understanding why a man in my life was being abusive.  I thought I was so clever to figure those things out, and to have the capacity to have such insight.  It has taken life-threatening conditions to realize how much denial I was in about the damage that abuse was doing to me. 

I have done so much work in this area, yet here I am.  Learning to live with it because I don't want to face the guilt if I left after all the work he has done (all the money I spent) and now his health is bad.

I do appreciate the support I am getting from this group.  But then I feel like I am taking hostages because I am unwilling to leave him to change the situation that brought me to need the support in the first place.

Guilt, shame and unworthiness.  Hmmmm .... I don't like the sound of that.  I don't conclude with that.  I am a strong, caring, loving, and worthwhile person with much to offer.  Thanks for being here.  Goodnight.


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2021, 12:42:39 PM »
I think understanding why people are abusive (or addicts or anything else that they may be) can quite literally be the death of some people.  I've slowly come to realise as the years have gone by that I can understand why someone is the way they are, without having to fix that, deal with their behaviour, accept what they dish out and so on.  I think it was hardest with my mum.  I knew how much she'd gone through as a child, and then there were many problems in her adult life (I completely understand why she drinks - it's a very effective way to just block things out quickly).  I've always found it much harder to get away from people and stay away from them because I can 'get' how people are the way they are.  Do you think growing up in certain kinds of families makes you very resilient, too?  I'm amazed at how much I've coped with at times - way more than a lot of other people I know could have done.  But I had to rely on myself from a young age, I'm used to my needs not being met, I'm used to feeling bad about myself and sad, lonely etc.  So I've found it hard to extricate myself from situations - I'm used to coping, rather than being happy.  Does it feel like that for you as well?

Your rubbish burning neighbour sounds awful.  Is that the same one that you have the restraining order against or is this another crazy one?  People can be so thoughtless.  I think some people equate 'rural' with 'I can do what I like'.  No thought for how it may affect other people.  Sounds revolting.

W's behaviour sounds very tiring to deal with.  Do you think the blood pressure meds will calm things down a bit again?  It sounds very difficult for you to keep coping with.  I'm sorry you're having to deal with so much xx


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2021, 12:57:15 PM »
Thank you for your reply Tupp.  Yes, it is hard to extricate myself from these situations, for many of the reasons you described.  Especially when the house is in my name and they won't leave.  So  what did I do?  I married W after living with him for 12 years!  I don't think the BP meds will make a difference, but I hope you are right.  He has not started on any yet. 
Last night Peanut (dog #3) came upstairs to get me because she had to go out.  W fell asleep on the couch.  When I came down stairs he started yelling at me to get upstairs - that he would let her out.  He scared Peanut and when I tried to coax her to go out with W he yelled at me some more. I don't know what else I should have done so I yelled back and went to bed.
The burning guy is not the same neighbor as the one with the restraining order.  We heard back from the Warden.  After talking with his Supervisor (who we talked to the weekend before last), he said to call or text the next time the guy is burning and he will check it out.  Hope he can  catch him in the act.  It is not wood he is burning.  The smoke is blue, hangs in the air and stinks.


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2021, 04:17:45 PM »
I sure hope you can trap Sir Stinky in the act and that the law will deal with him, since a neighborly conscience is missing. UGH. Wouldn't be surprising if that's added to W's medical woes.

Speaking of woes, I don't think any amount of helpful manly work compensates for yelling and being emotionally abusive any time he's triggered to (sounds like most triggers are in his head, as well). I think you need a domestic violence hotline not because he would be beating you, but because they understand also and are trained to listen and help with the issues of emotional and verbal abuse.

They can damage you just as much as blows, some DV survivors say. Words and volume can be used in a violent way. I couldn't bear being yelled at, and it was the number one reason I left my first husband.

I hope you'll decide to be a survivor, Phyl.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2021, 10:39:14 PM »
I know you are right Hops.  The yelling is a huge cost to my physical and emotional well being.  I will get the hotline number a try.  I have not used it since we moved here over 6 years ago. Thanks.


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2021, 06:51:29 PM »
I'm glad you'll reach out for human-voice support IRL, (((((Phyl)))).

You're gathering courage.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2021, 03:04:32 PM »
I'm glad you'll reach out for human-voice support IRL, (((((Phyl)))).

You're gathering courage.


Your post above was a good reminder and the nudge I needed to actually look up the local crisis hotline number and add it to my cell phone.  I also reviewed the websites and local resources available. Thanks!


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2021, 06:04:21 PM »
Glad you've connected with LOCAL resources too.
Other human beings exist, good ones, to help.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2021, 03:26:30 PM »
Although the ongoing pandemic has kept me physically isolated, the Zoom meetings have kept me social and in close contact with other humans.

 Our book club gets together about every 3 weeks and while 4 of us have moved away from where we all met now we can do it by Zoom.  These gals are all aware of what has been happening with me.

I also have 2 regular Zoom AA meetings each week, many of the members I have known for years. 

Another friend of mine and I joined a weekly Zoom AlAnon meeting too.

 I just got off the phone with a friend I made up here - she was checking up on me.  :)

I joined a FB group but mostly monitor the posts on there.  This message board seems more secure.  I truly enjoy the connections I have made with all of you.


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #54 on: October 12, 2021, 06:24:34 PM »
Hi Phyll..
I lost my husband  a year ago which is what I am dealing with now.  But I wanted to share with you that my husband had 35 years sober in AA.........His family were all alcoholics and his parents made there own booz........
I hope you are doing the best you can as I know it isn't easy.......
Best to you, Bettyanne


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #55 on: November 01, 2021, 03:29:39 PM »
Was not sure where to put this update.  This looks like as good of a place as any.  I have not been as active on here lately, although I have kept up on reading posts.  I have joined AlAnon on-line with a sponsor, and started therapy (also on-line - virtual visits).  Doing okay.  Have to run, will write more soon.


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #56 on: November 01, 2021, 04:06:45 PM »
Bravo, Phyl!

Both your decisions--to participate in Alanon with a sponsor and with therapy.

Those're huge. You sounds to me like a woman who WANTS wholeness and the chance to be happy or find a serene life. You deserve all of that. It's hard work but so worth it.

Hope we'll hear an update when you can. Sending you support.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2021, 09:14:57 AM »
Hey Phyll, how's it goin?
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #58 on: November 14, 2021, 01:14:23 PM »
The ups are outweighing the downs, so that's something!  The AlAnon participation helps, doing more with my Women's AA meeting, and I really click with the therapist!  I feel mutual respect and understanding from both the AlAnon sponsor and the therapist.  The experiences have added more tools to my tool box.

The downs come mostly through W, however I get a sense he tries to do better from time to time, and I am learning how to not make his moods determine my outlook on life.

Also, one year from the initial attack by our neighbor this month, W has completely fenced in our 6.7 acres + a fenced in side yard.  This has been a project of major proportions and W did it in a way that the fence should last beyond our years (with repairs as needed from fallen trees or wandering bears).  It looks nice too.  We are able to walk with our dogs on our trails off leash and let them out at night in the dark free from worry of intruders - both 2 and 4 legged kind.  The deer of course have no trouble hopping over the 4 foot high fences, but that is okay so long as they clear it without banging into it.

We also have a new security system with wiring in buried conduit so the red squirrels cannot chew through the wires. It all may seem to others a bit silly and possibly paranoid.  With the political climate these days - I can see things like fights between neighbors occurring on a more frequent and  vicious scale. I think we may have experienced civil unrest sooner than some others.  I dunno - it is hard to stay optimistic.

Thank you for asking and for your continued interest in me. I need to get caught up in seeing what is happening with you - been a week since I got on here!

 am not convinced


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Re: I'm new here
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2021, 02:00:56 PM »
I'm glad to read your update, P.  I hope you're staying in contact with your family.  You seemed so happy to spend time with them.  I hope that continues.

Your security measures sound solid, considering the neighbor's unstable behaviours, imo.

You did what you could, then turned back to joy
It's perfectly logical, ime.. 
