I clogged the toilet this morning and was unable to dislodge the mess myself. This is the kind of thing, anything at all really, that gives W a reason to rant, rave, berate, and verbally punish me. I cannot listen to it. If I do, I am tempted to hit him or myself. These thoughts escalate in me towards suicidal and homicidal thoughts. I got dressed to leave, but he reminded me the new windows he purchased were in the back of my car, and the strap used to secure them has been removed. I pictured me trying to remove them or strap them down to turn into a physical altercation. My other viable choice is to don my head phones and listen to music while writing this out. I feel so much better. I cannot tolerate that abuse. My heart rate goes up, my breathing becomes faster and more shallow.
I am scheduled for a stress test the end of this month. I had a CT Calcium Heart screening. It said my score was in the 99th percentile, meaning only 1% of women my age scored higher than 319. I don't know how accurate this test is, because the cardiologist said they have had people score into the 1000's. The Doc said my heart, lungs and coratids sounded fine. I told him how I break into a sweat just washing dishes, and after a walk I generally must change my clothes as they are soaked with perspiration. My Mother told me Dad's Mom was like this too. She wore a headband while ironing. The cardiologist said he thinks I am just out of shape.
We screwed up our finances. Had to pay taxes and likely a penalty. Did not know to take withholding on SS. I thought I could depend on my deferred comp fund to supplement my pension. It seems I cannot afford to increase my income.
Beginning in mid-January the full cost of my monthly health insurance premium is coming out of my pension. I dropped dental coverage since I did not use those benefits the last 2 years, as I did not want to expose myself to COVID. Last week while eating some nuts my lower molar cracked in half and a filling fell out. I drove to the city (3 hour round trip) to see my dentist. Over $300 bucks for xrays and a referral to an oral surgeon to remove the tooth. Who knew a dentist would not extract a tooth!? The root is still there. Lord knows how much that will cost.
Rising fuel and food supply prices too. I am stressed. We are meeting with a financial advisor on Wednesday.