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'23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« on: January 13, 2023, 09:46:48 AM »
I remember 1971 & '72, as grueling years. Yeah, it was high school - but outside of school, life was pretty bleak & dreary; politics an absolute shitshow; a gas shortage & deep recession. But in 1973, things started to mellow out - cheer up a little bit. National mood-wise. Maybe that was a cycle that will repeat, all these decades later? I don't think I'm actually HOPING that's the case, but I see a sliver of possibility that it could happen - instead of dire & doomy predictions all around us. OR, perhaps the mood will lift because if the doom-predictions become a reality, at least THEN, there will be more things in the control of individuals again, to manage and arrange their lives.

I dunno.

But it's that time of year when I hop on the mental/imaginary cosmic visionary flight way outside of the mundane to TRY to see as objectively as I can just WTH is going on right now, what consequences these actions are likely to produce, and to assess where, in & amongst all that, I can continue creating a life in this existence. And that's where "the list" of projects comes from.

I mentioned on CB's checkin thread that B now has the appt for part 2 of his pain mask. Since '94, he's had multiples of this "mask", with varying lifespans. Battery technology is better now, so the stimulator (for his spinal nerves) is expected to last 10 yrs, instead of 4. For the last 7 years - he's muddled through without ANY of it, due to bureaucratic snafus/glitches and what constitutes medical negligence or malpractice (IMO) at the other end. But a lot of his frustration there is due to an association of the pain itself (which, unmanaged, is out of his control) with the recent "modernization" of healthcare/insurance utilizing many many digital/telephonic "gatekeepers" and people who never see or speak to the doctors themselves. Which association, means that the simple process of seeking & receiving treatment, feels out of his control to him. It just dawned on me a couple days ago, that this association was a real thing he experiences. I wonder if pain management docs KNOW THIS?

The bio-neuro connection with pain is common knowledge. That's the reason "pain" is subjective; everyone feels it differently. But add in the further psychological neurology... and that seems to be out beyond the knowledgebase of the doc's experience. Curiosity - along with finding the "sweet spot" for B's wellbeing (yeah, a lot of this is his participation) - is fueling some cross-referencing research.

The medicinal herbal stuff is big on my "list" right now; focusing on the growing part of it -  and dabbling in the application of them, as indicated/needed. We're possibly going to change the garden location; discussion continues.
Making things - sewing, possibly some furniture design/building - is also on the list; but it's an "as life allows" priority.

Business stuff is the main "project of the day", with taxes being prepared (and that's always a shell game, guessing game as to how much that's going to cost), choosing a new bank for most of our financial business, and beginning to talk about and design a succession plan.  My bro's kids are 20 years younger than Hol, so there's a disparity in maturity levels & experience there. I'm hoping to kick that project off this spring. No idea how much my bro actually understands or has explained to his kids... or what they actually want (at this moment in time) for themselves. I'm not looking forward to the travel involved; but I did want to take B through Amish country.

Hol & I have worked through issues (both personal & interpersonal) and are at a pretty cozy plateau. She & S seem to have found more common ground also and he's finally feeling secure enough to open up more. This year, he bought her the 8 Hannukah presents and she was pleasantly delighted. And he participated more actively as host, during her party last weekend. He's even speaking to B! Who projects "grumpapotamus old man" to keep annoying people at a distance, and it's starting to work NOT in his favor. He is making efforts to get to know the people who are around here though.

Amber is..... just letting things change, be different. And having fun in the process. Expectations have been traded in for discovery & exploration; a bit more openness - even tho I still cherish my privacy nature a lot. Quiet time is still very much needed. But that's balanced now with a lot more energy & activity.

I don't have to have detailed blueprints prior to going out & just "doing" or "being".

So, it's all one big WHEEEEEEEEEEE! right now.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2023, 09:50:22 AM »
I am pondering how quickly interpersonal relations can go from relatively smooth to everyone feeling they've been wronged somehow. Part of it involves exact words used - and then individual's perception of some motive or subtext behind that word greater than the meaning intended. Sensitivity seems to lead people to take personal offense sometimes.

B found someone selling a couple of 10 yr old 4-wheelers, that had sat out a couple years and weren't running. He's worked on these a long time and has a lot of spare parts already. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the money (and his time) so I asked Hol if she and S were interested in one, if they weren't in too bad shape. S agreed immediately. These are economical on gas and with this much property, they're great for getting around. B even pulls my trailer with the side by side Ranger.k

We set a day to go look, went to the bank, and made the drive - a couple hours. The jeep I bought doesn't have a lot of oomph up hills and on the highway, it was getting nerve-wracking with all the big trucks. So, I got off a town shy of our destination for the two-lane that parallels the highway. Found a lovely 50s diner with excellent food - and jukeboxes! - for lunch. Then, we got lost because my dowloaded directions were as outdated as my knowledge of that city (like, things change a LOT in 30 years)... but finally made it to farm field to check them out. Surrounding by cows and new calves... cuties! We negotiated a lower price; he agreed and B & I loaded the trailer.

Drove the 2 lane more of the way home, rather than the highway because it was getting on toward rush hour and I wanted B to see that this other road wasn't all that deserted.  All in all, a fun day out, right?

Well, S took a look at them the next morning and mentioned to Hol which one he liked (only 1 is 4x4). And he is correct, that one is better for their purposes. But B has the same purposes! ;D  And then, since he was in a grumpy mood to start with, that resulted in him spending the day in the shop and not saying much to either me or Hol. Hol took the silence to mean he was angry about something (he was; but not anything concerning her)... and then that turned into a whole cluster misunderstanding.

All because people took things too personally and viewed it ONLY thru their personal perceptual "translators".

I don't know if that makes sense to y'all; if you know what I'm talking about. But I have seen this dynamic before in groups of people that spend a greater amount of time working & living in close proximity. It's still easier to resolve & move on from this kind of thing in the small group than it is out in the "wider world". Out there, these kinds of misunderstanding take on a life of it's own and get exaggerated and become weaponized against whole groups of people.

SIGH. Humans haven't really evolved much, have we?
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2023, 11:48:40 AM »
SO much going on for you right now, Amber.
Between B, the kids, the mountain, the projects, and the company changes...OY.
It's just sounding like a LOT a LOT a LOT.

Hope the self-care will be steady and you'll see you can't manage it all. Dunno if it'll be WHEE any time soon, but you sound as though you're looking for the right perspective on things, and mainly finding it.

I loved your perception about pain and the system, and how the anticipation of the gatekeeping is actually part of B's pain. That makes total sense to me. Very smart.

I dunno if most people get their heads up in the fire tower and see things from a bigger picture perspective as readily as you can. It must be frustrating to feel alone up there. But if it comforts you to take the satellite view, then it's helpful.

I am more earthworm perspective these days. Just hoping when the hoe-chop finally comes, part of me will wiggle off to a pleasant new clod.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2023, 08:52:01 AM »
I am still finding WHEE... where I can Hops. Like every phase in life - this too shall pass. Things change, never were in our control (and we make ourselves miserable TRYING to control the uncontrollable)... and yes, getting far enough away to see a bigger picture helps me.

I abruptly stopped reading some total schlock (I've been hiding out there for years now) and grabbed a couple of Cormac McCarthy books; 2 part series. "The  Passenger" and "Stella Maris". I think these are more recent than his works I've read. Definitely more challenging. I'm still on the first book, and the only description I can give is that it reminds me of James Joyce - Ulysses. Plot-wise, there's a brother who's survived his beloved sister and isn't functioning too well, out in life. The sister was institutionalized (self-committed, I believe) and there are clues that both siblings are geniuses, but schizophrenic also. (The tendency for artists to be slightly mad is pretty well known so I'm wondering if this isn't a bit autobiographical.)

I USED to read a much higher level of fiction, on a regular basis way back when. BT - before therapy. When I was still on a quest for "answers". I was looking for clues and would analyze every breadcrumb I encountered. There USED to be a lot more of it maybe, or perhaps since that was what I was looking for - I found more of it. Anyway, it's probably been 20 years since I let myself enter the world of an author who is "difficult", in one way or another. Cormac is pretty bleak. Even "All the Pretty Horses" - with the gorgeous painted descriptives of the Rocky Mtn. landscape - was a bleak story. He wrote the post-apocalyptic book "The Road", too. THAT is a hard movie to watch; coincidentally Hol's boss was special effects on the movie version and met Cormac. The impression left, was that Cormac constantly thought he was smarter and better than everyone else. But I see more self-judgement/dislike coming through in some of the writing.

I'd have to get out my oxford dictionary, to look up some of the unusual words that get gratutitously strewn through the dialogue and narrative. I read mostly in bed and am NOT getting up to look up a word... so I just read the "sense" of the word, as it's used. The man seems obsessed with obscure language - as if he's trying to earn a merit badge. Or maybe that level of obsession is part of how his brain is mis-wired. I dunno.

But, it's interesting to see that I'm less susceptible to his bleakness, nowadays. It's "other" even as intimitely I engage his writing. The inquiry and search for answers of the main character, as I read, is generating some bizarre dreams for me... and I'm mostly understanding them, as my subconscious still processing some of the experiences I've lived and the relational, emotional side of things. There aren't any important "messages" for my conscious self in them. No revealed "wisdom" or insights. So, just acknowledging and letting them go.

This year, this is my winter "hibernation". Meanwhile, I'm starting this new relationship in the full "reality" (avoiding fantasy to the best of my ability) and helping Hol understand some of what middle-aged is like and teaching her some of what she'll need to know when it's her turn to guide the business. Yeah, I got my herb seeds & plants ordered too. Didn't need many veggies, I have a goodly inventory. B and I have been discussing orchard & berries - and planting plans. I'm also playing around again with a living room revamp; it's just a couple major pieces - carpet & sofa - but there isn't anything wrong with the old ones except wear & tear from dogs, cats & kids. But my choices are "meh"; nothing exciting, even though a thick wool red rug is definitely going to make a statement.

Looks like we're going to have a warmer February and then, March is going to bring surprises. So I've got a few weeks  to struggle through the tech glitches involved in me filing my taxes this year. (And that's another tale for another day.)
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2023, 12:03:25 PM »
So....Amber....does S believe the 4x4 should go to him, instead of the person who found the deal, pulled the trigger, loaded, transported and carried out the repair on these items?

Personally, I think repairing and selling the non 4x4, to offset the expense of the 4x4 resolves the issue.

S can find and do his own deal if he wants something specific.  He should have a 4x4.  I agree. Just no B's.

I hope things resolve and you're prepped for Spring on time.


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2023, 03:15:02 PM »
No, S was merely stating his preference. B, on the other hand - saw exactly that, that S was expecting to have his pick. Hence: miscommunication, with triggered patterns being applied on an ASSUMPTION/PERCEPTION that wasn't accurate... and absolutely no attempt to communicate about it and ask questions/clarify/ or anything. Just judgement...

and Hol & I were trying figure out just WTH was going on and why. Partly, B was grumpy over other things... and just pulled this reaction from his limited pocket of triggered reactions/"tricks". Sigh. Unfortunately, that IS the kind of behavior he's experienced from a LOT of people that proclaimed they were his buddies, or brothers in arms, etc. Hol & S are perfectly capable of getting their own - and that's the solution we settled on, between us girls.

No big deal between US. But for B, it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. And he hasn't really gotten to know S yet. S and he HAVE been cooperating on some projects around here... successfully communicating even... but B very much judges S on leaving Hol to do the physical work around here, instead of pitching in and doing it himself (and it's really none of his business; it's between Hol & S) and my very vocal, explicit D told him so, in no uncertain terms. LOL.

I THINK it's all growing pains - assimilation into the pack issues. And as far as Hol & I are concerned should be blowing over & everyone moving on. No reason to suspect otherwise... so far.

Obviously, there's some male ego involved. I know the background, the why... and I'm wanting to avoid any unjustified conflicts or territorial issues. Hol has the same interest... so until the boys spend enough time together to get to know each other better we're kinda comparing notes and supporting each other's wish to keep the peace and avoid misunderstandings that fester into resentments... that become issues to be resolved. B & S come from VERY different kinds of male experiences... so some translators are required.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2023, 04:48:29 PM »

Sounds like B is judging S on very traditional masculinity expectations.
And good for Hol for setting him straight.

head down, hoping for the best...
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2023, 10:31:47 AM »
In the big picture scale of things going on, the misunderstanding isn't very important or huge. It's going to happen, no matter the combination of people. Just one of the challenges of multi-generational "cooperative" living. That one resolved... and people moving on.

It's quiet days here, too. Projects waiting for better weather, etc. Still, there are things that can be done so we're plodding on. And tax season is a hurry up & wait too. A lot of stuff I have to pass on to CPA won't be available for a couple more weeks.

We're all in what we call "slug mode"; piddling around with things. Part two of B's pain mask is temporarily installed in a couple weeks; if that is satisfactory... then the full surgery will happen shortly thereafter. So, he's probably here till some time in March.

There are a couple more trips to get all his stuff here. I'm hoping we have room for it. Hol & I are gonna need to plan our run to MI, too. It would help if B were here, to manage the animal situation. But, we'll see what we can do. Once the gardens go in, then there's even more need to stick close to home. Juggling all that, is a bit of a trick. Yeah, there's zoom; facetime. But this kind of thing works better face to face, I think.

Today's gourmet delight will probably be a big pot of chili. Still consolidating and trying to finish off the product of my frenzy of holiday baking. Some things are keeping better than others; my toffee didn't quite set firm enough.

So, it's a very slow life around here right now. Soon to change! as soon as the weather permits and we get B running as smoothly as possible, physically.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2023, 01:07:35 PM »
Ohhh, chili!

We made a couple pots of chili mac on the island and it was SO good.  Didn't last an hour.

You're so right about problems popping up, Amber....the COWs.  Crisis if the week.

Good the last problem blew over.  I hope MI, animals and gardens get handled in the best possible way very soon.



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2023, 04:37:22 PM »
I didn't know the family enterprise was in MI, thought it was MD. Duh. Hope that trip goes well for you and Hol.

The idea of you having a slow time is really nice. And, to hear less of an overwhelming project list and more nice too.

The patience and commitment you've shown B as he takes freaking forever to get all the way moved has been nothing less than heroic. I'm figuring you really, really love this man. :)

I hope the rest of winter encourages the making of lots more slow-cooked nourishment for YOU.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2023, 09:23:28 AM »
So, B started a week's trial of the spinal stimulator on Wednesday. Only the leads (there are 12) are surgically implanted. And by Thursday, it was clear that another big chunk of pain had been lifted from him. :D  My energizer bunny is back!

The manufacturer's rep calls to check on him every day. We're going to try to expedite the appt for the full implant starting today. It's going to require driving into the big city again, but Hol said she'd drive. S understands her time/energy in support... B is really helping, even before getting the pain relief. And we're happy. This is the absolute easiest new relationship ever.

It's not lost on me, how much acute pain impacts the brain, and also the psychology of a person. And of course, people have reacted to B's struggle to live with it. Telling him all kinds of inaccurate & unkind things - attributing it to his character & personality... when he was simply coping and trying to live life, the best he could. For whatever reason, I could see him beyond all that -  and he's demonstrated his real self enough times  to me (and Hol) that we're truly impatient for him to finish up getting all his pain relief so we can start doing some other things. More fun things!

It's satisfying to watch the tangled mess of bureaucracy he's dealt with for years, finally get untangled and have the treatments delivered that he knows works. He is the last surviving member of a 10 person trial of this pain mask treatment, organized shortly after he was injured. He was told he'd never walk again, but that didn't work for him, and he proved those docs wrong in a couple of months. 30 years later, he's still pushing forward - one step at a time.

I'm spoiling him, as much as I can. It's going to be awful for him, after finally feelng this much relief - to have the temporary stimulator removed and then wait for the surgery appt. But we'll get through it; we'll figure out a way to keep his mind distracted, as much as possible. Looks like he'll be staying through March, this time. Maybe April. He can't believe I've stuck with him, these years, fighting through the tangles & confusion & days he just couldn't tolerate the pain...without going all demanding & selfish & blaming him, for what he can't control. He's had a series of crappy relationships and fly by night friends. I'm just a bit weird; different than that. It's not the way either I or Hol live; we're more choosy about the recipients of that loyalty these days. Reciprocity - not in a balance sheet fashion - but reciprocity of giving/caring is a requirement.

All in all, things on the farm are pretty good this spring.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2023, 10:10:11 AM »
That's all good, Amber.  What a relief to read B HAS a solution, appt and support for pain relief implant.

I see you're focused on the relief and forward you should be.  Well done.  Amazing and fantastical, considering the roadblocks you guys have overcome.

I'm praying this implant delivers all the relief and motion possible for B.

It looks like you're going to have a very productive Spring🌱🌻🐝


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2023, 03:32:40 PM »
I am awed, just awed.
And so happy for you and B.

The idea of that man getting out of the pain that has tormented him for decades is just joy.

I'm sorry about the necessary painful interval but he is so so so lucky to be going through all this with your deliberate and enlightened and detailed support.

Brava, brava, brava!

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2023, 12:54:30 PM »
Amber, this article is heavy and hard, but you and B will completely relate to the parts of it about the VA. And probably other elements.

It might be triggering so y'all may choose not to read it, but I thought about B's VA experiences as I read it. In some way it might feel empowering and validating for you both to read it, which is why I share it.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2023, 12:01:28 PM »
Yup, that's actually B's experience with the whole healthcare for veterans system, too. But one of the things that jumped out of the article at me - is the cognitive dissonance between "words being said" -- and the actual experienced reality, both in/out of active duty. There is an entire novel to be written about the level of obfuscation of this "caring" (HA) institution and how veterans are treated by the same gov't that promises them the world in benefits, for putting their lives at risk so the politicians don't have to fight their own fights.

Then, there's the issue of the type of care offered - if you provide feedback to them, that it's not helping or creating new, additional issues (particularly in the realm of Rx's) - then, you are effectively "resisting" and "refusing treatment". Essentiallly, the system is denying the patient any agency of their own body, mind and told not to question the so-called "treatment".

His current team of surgeon, NPs and nurses are at the other end of the spectrum. We like them a LOT; he can talk to them & ask questions and receive answers that are helpful. The bureaucracy side of things is still the trickiest for him. Any little hiccup, and he is convinced that all the same bad treatment is happening again. I refuse to let him settle into that black hole... and he owes me $20, since I bet him he'd have a surgery appt before Friday (yesterday). I mostly interact with the staff on all that kind of thing... and I made it a point to explain that a long duration between the test stimulator relief (which was very impressive) and the surgery for the implant would be excruciating -  the pain amplified, by recent relief. It's basic psychology and human experience, ya know?

So yeah, we drive to MD again for the implant surgery on 3/17. If the insurance doesn't approve the permanent surgery... we'll know 2 days prior to that date. Hol is driving because of DC traffic... and that lets me focus on him. It's a whole brand new experience for him, to have this kind of support and advocacy... and it's having a positive impact on his attitude toward a lot of things. I see him opening up more and interacting with friends more than ever before. He's got a lot to contribute.

And that week he rated his pain level a 1 instead of 8-9... (during the test)... he practically beamed in amazement. Everything about him relaxed, his gait smoothed out, even his hands didn't hurt (and yeah, he still has arthritis in his hands).
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