Well, I'm leaning toward tan walls - it's tan with enough pink shade to read "warm", not blah. Ceiling will be a soft white and trim/doors will go sort of grayed down burnt sienna or mahoghany color. But I have time to change my mind - need to get drywall on site for the walls under/around the windows and pegboard downstairs for B. We're going to raise & box in a section of ceiling to mount a ceiling fan. Ceilings are too low to just surface mount. Originally, I was thinking white walls & ceiling - to give the most neutral "tint" for painting... but I then realized, I'm not planning on doing much painting. Sewing and perhaps some images in pencil or watercolor. But mostly sewing. I've got 3 projects waiting on non-dusty conditions in there.
Then, the old very cheap kitchen cabinets need to come down & go buh-bye. That will open up a big chunk of wall & floor space. There is a corner next to the bathroom that'll become a functional "tiny kitchen" and big broom closet. Open shelves for the glassware I keep; some mwable fiesta ware... have been looking at looking at invection burners and convection/air fryer ovens. We don't really cook out there - but we DO indulge in snacks!
Gigantic chocolate lab brown sectional sleep sofa is gonna go away and Hol's more mid-century black sofa will come in. Pub table is either getting cut down to coffe table height (Hol wants to keep the poor scarred up thing, because of the "history" of all the marks...

) And I have at least 2 (for now) big cozy leather chairs for the bi-weekly "connection" & "catch-up" meetings we have around here.
All that is going to only be 1/3 of the space - the rest is actual studio. I may have room for some kind of sleeping arrangement, but I already have a double sleep sofa that might get added, opening up more space in the office. Decorating around here is constant "tetris".
B is still here. He finally had his PT range of motion test. Took 2 hrs, but lots of good news out of it. Even with his back issues, he's kept himself in good enough shape that his body is younger than his chronological age. But we STILL can't find the sweet spot on the stimulator. Because the leads are attached at S1 and S2 - the last 2 nerves on the spine, in him it's spawned some unwelcome and uncomfortable - and potentially dangerous - side effects. In that, he's so nauseous he can't keep anything down, and his sensory urge to empty his bladder & empty his bowels is gone. He can't even concentrate and "will" it to work.
Only the very first post-op program for the stimulator provides some relief without generating those side effects. Manufacturer's rep doesn't really believe us that within 12 -24 hrs after initiating any other program, the side effects return. So currently, the stimulator is off for a week. She asked for a month - and I negotiated it down because as of this morning, his pain level is way up again. Charging up the TENS unit, for use during this "time out". The side effects began after she programmed a different section of the lead to the nerves. We weren't even out of the parking lot - and he got zapped in the testicles. And it was a big zap. I pulled over and immedicately turned the controller down.
She is ignoring my suggestions - and our first-hand testing - that it's the stimulator causing these side effects but any quick search on the bodily sensations controlled by S1 & 2, quickly LISTS precisely those symptoms. Yeah, they're rare - but we already know his brain is wired differently. At least, I do. So, this rep is getting a taste of just who the "shield maiden" is and what her role is, in the patient - med provider relationship. I am not hostile or unreasonable, but I don't take not being believed sitting down, either.
He sure isn't one of those people who whines over every ache & pain; but within the constraints of placement at the time of surgery - and the type of stimulator - there should be a decent amount of pain relief without the side effects. And better education of these reps, wouldn't hurt either. It is not acceptable for any quality of life expectations to have to choose between even MORE Rx/life limiting "treatments" for the side effects or a high level of pain. He did have the NP (who I like very much) bump up the pain pump a smidgeon, while we try to figure the stimulator situation out.
I don't think it's too much to expect that he feels well enough, on a usual daily basis, to do the things he enjoys doing. And of course, these issues affect his mood. He's frustrated and not persuaded that he just HAS to become a recliner wart for the rest of his life. And he will push through and endure the pain to live his life.
There IS one more possibility, which involves another surgery - and the regular kind of stimulator. But that requires an orthopedic surgeon this time, due to the scar tissue around his spine. I don't think he'd consider that until after he finishes moving here. But at this rate - he can't clear the appt. schedule to get back and get another load.
So, there are good days - and no so good days. Some nights he can't sleep because of the pain. And we keep looking for those "simple things" that bring pleasure, laughter & joy. I'm right here, going thru all of it with him... so yeah, it's affecting me some days too. I'm reading and falling asleep early; trying to keep my energy levels up. We're watching favorite movies & series - right now, into Deadwood again.
Looks like the contractors might be done before Halloween. Starting on the 2nd set of steps (1st & back deck is complete) and siding the 2nd story.