I think I got Dr. Lee's attention. Told him it was Dec '23, when we had no choice but to turn the stimulator OFF. And in Jan. '24, the bolus controller (that delivers extra doses from the morphine pump) started acting up... and now needs to be replaced. B called the company support number that I found online, a new number, because the company has been sold... <rolleyes> and was told he needed a prescription from Dr. Lee to be able to BUY a new controller. Cool, he wrote it on the spot. When B called back, to ask how much and where to send the Rx, he was told Dr. Lee needed to buy it and then, B reimburses him. So: another month's time wasted on idiotic processes and poor communication.
All Lee could suggest was upping his oral painkiller dose - which isn't all that effective, but does help a little - for the time being.
As to the CTscan Lee ordered last month, I had to ask - what happens now? I understand the ortho surgeon needed recent imaging but will he call us or do we need to make an appt? We need to call for the appt. But, B sold a piece of property that is going to closing tomorrow... and being unfamiliar with the whole process is constantly upset by the realtor or lawyer's tone... scared to death of getting screwed by the boilerplate legalese that this state requires. So, the new Dr. appt has to wait till we get past closing.
Meanwhile, I have to get a jeep inspected. It's only going to be 25 degrees today. (We've plowed snow and had to troubleshoot Hol's solar & propane while she's gone.)
Hol & C are in Japan now; across the date line so it's Wed for me, today and Thursday for her. This week's housesitter is a contractor friend of hers. He's got Knuckles & Kiri down there, with him. So that's a little break for us. Next week, it's S and I'll have Knuckles again. They'll be back in country on the 26th.
I had texted her about the appt situation, which being horrible urban driving requires her to drive. It's also a couple hours away, at least. She told me they're already planning a trip the middle of next month!!! So, as to not freak her out while she's on vacation, I haven't said anything else about this. But I am NOT a live-in dog/house sitter for her... and resent being TOLD I have to hold down the fort, when we have our own things to do. Like finish B's move up here. And this week's housesitter has the ability to help him get moved. Given it's winter, he could use the work. (He has his own fraught life too; lots of irons in fires; so trying to pin down B on timing, and contractor's availaility... sigh.)
So, it's been more than a little NUTZ around here. Oh... and the little kitties are having their first heats. It's a LOT. But we're eating pretty good and getting our "long winter's nap" in. This contractor is also a vet; so B has been enjoying trading war stories. It's not just B putting up with "the system" and it's indignities.
I think it would be great for everyone and their mood, if it warmed up and the wind died down.