Author Topic: Developing A Personality  (Read 4731 times)


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #120 on: February 06, 2025, 10:32:00 AM »
I hope you listen to the part that wants the safe spot to rest, Tupp.  She deserves that and it won't matter in 20 years that she took that rest. 

Maybe she has something she needs you to know....more important than daily chores. 

I'm so happy you like your T, Tupp. 



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #121 on: February 06, 2025, 01:26:55 PM »
Cheers to your inner cat, Tupp.

I'm gently disagreeing with Lighter (with big hugs to her), about imagining the right questions, however insightful, that could be asked of your dysfunctional friend, because I'm a fan of you not seeing yourself as her counselor or inviting yourself to analyse her. Takes too much of your emotional energy to spend time imagining a deep dive into or rescue of someone else right now, when you're doing real work on recusing yourself.

Right now, I think the best thing is to back away. It's about setting a wise boundary between yourself and a person whose issues trigger some of your own, imo. If it were a very close or important friendship and you were comfortable trusting her with the truth, you could tell her the truth gently: I'm sad about it but I've realized that your situation is causing me a lot of anxiety, because it triggers bad feelings in me because of things I'm working on. I do wish you the best with it all but can't be a good listener right now. I'm getting counseling now after years, and I've got to concentrate on keeping myself focused on the things I want to change for myself.

That imagined, I think it,d be wiser to retreat. If you're not listening to her stories of how she won't assert herself with her partner, you can't be upset or destabilized by them.

None of my thoughts are about judging her. Just reacting to her weather. She's stormy and rainy and you don't have the bandwidth now to run around in the wet with her. She needs counseling herself,and it's not fair to expect a friend to serve that role, which is both triggering and draining for you. Zillions of people are in this exact same dilemma, all over the globe, and that's why the lawd created therapists and counselors.

To be clear, Lighter is so perceptive in her insights. I'm just voting for you dragging your thinking and attention completely away from that friend until you no longer experience her as quicksand.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #122 on: February 07, 2025, 11:39:10 PM »
Thank you, both, it is much appreciated (I think that has become my stock phrase for now lol).  Things have settled down in me now; I really noticed how strongly I responded to her and was trying to figure out why.  Not sure I really got to the bottom of it but I am focusing on myself; I've not contacted her since and will keep my distance, although will tell her it's because I'm working on myself.  Which is true; she is a good friend and I like her a lot, I don't not want to have her in my life (although from past experience I generally lose people when I prioritise myself over them but we'll see what happens).  But her situation sets me off in too many ways so I'm avoiding.

Things don't feel great, I'm not sleeping well, have another cold coming and I didn't restock the elderberry syrup after the last cold so I'm hoping it won't come to much.  I'm finding the realisation of how cruel and heartless my mother is hard to take.  Not that I didn't know the things she's done were cruel and heartless, but I've generally taken them to be lack of awareness/self development on her part.  I'm feeling more that she was deliberately cruel and heartless and enjoyed seeing us unhappy and knowing what harm she was inflicting.  That's not sitting well with me.  I'm also struggling not to focus on how our childhood affected my sister and how her life is now because of it.  I don't want to focus on that, because I know what I'm like for avoiding my own problems by focusing on other people's, but I'm really feeling broken at times for these two little children and the empty, lonely lives we've created as adults.  But I'm trying to stick to my routine and not let myself get bogged down in too much wallowing.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #123 on: February 07, 2025, 11:50:22 PM »
Don't think you're wallowing, Tupp, just confronting the sorrow.
It's real and imo, better for you in the long run to accept the
Reality of her limits and her destructive nature as incurable.

You are on your way to wholeness now. I can't imagine how
Much she hurt and neglected you, and I'm so glad you're out
Of her reach. You deserved so much better.

I never stopped needing mothering, and still need it from myself.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #124 on: February 08, 2025, 08:25:57 AM »
A gentle correction if I may...

what WAS was. You now recognize you have a choice to be something more yourself. It's a creation that happens slowly, playfully, with trial and error and in baby steps. You'll probably both look back and forward at the same time - answering some "what happened" questions and asking what can now be different. Some of the things you "try on" won't feel "right"... it's OK. Simply try on something else!

We change every day, even if we don't notice those miniscule shifts. Just breathe, be today... for awhile. Relax and feel YOU. Careful not to trip over your superpower which has been waiting there!
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #125 on: February 08, 2025, 08:39:20 AM »
((Tupp)) you're stronger and ready to rescue little T, or you wouldn't be facing this now.

A bright red cardinal just flitted from Hemlock to porch, his little head cocking this way and that ...trying to see what's there.

You're learning to see what's there.....but through new lenses. 

Drop judgement.
Shift into observer mode.
Engage PNS as needed, bc darling, you can and you deserve to....with living kindness for yourself.

Little T wants you to see your mum.... remember your tools.  Use them.  Keep going back and trust them, bc release from your childhood suffering will be justice, imo.

You deserve to move through and out the other side.

You aren't alone.  You have a T, abd you have us.🐦



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #126 on: February 09, 2025, 04:55:14 AM »
Hopsie, do you know that this morning that I realised when it comes to 'mothering', I think where I've gone wrong with it (in relation to mothering myself), is that the sort of gentle, maternal self talk (there, there darling, it's alright kind of thing) just doesn't really do it for me.  I realised I am a more practical, getting on with it sort of person, not in a being commanded way, but for me 'care' is someone saying, "yes, I know you don't feel like going out for a walk but in the long run it will make you feel better so up you get, get your shoes on, I'll come with you".  I don't think I've realised that before; I can 'mother' myself in a practical way, it doesn't need to be the polar opposites of either constant criticism or nothing other than total acceptance.  There's a place in between that suits me better.  Hmmm.  More to think about lol.

Thanks, Lighter and Skep as well.  I've been trying today to have a dialogue between the external me, who wants to protect and prevent harm, and the internal me, who doesn't really have a voice and just gets sort of shushed away if she trys to peek her head out.  One example I wanted to run past you all, to see if it makes sense (!) is this:

Our bathroom needs decorating.  I've stripped half the paper off the walls but it's been in this half done state for months now, as I haven't had another free afternoon to get the rest of it done.  There also comes after that an argument with the landlord to get it replastered so it can be painted ( they've already refused once, I've had advice from a housing organisation and now need to go back to them quoting this, that and something else.  It's a pain)  It could also do with a good clean and it's kind of disorganised as we don't have any real storage beyond a few basic bits, as I didn't want to start putting things on walls that will need to come down again to replaster and decorate.  So in essence, it's a mess, and because it's a bathroom, I'm in and out of it all day long so I'm constantly reminded it's a mess and it needs sorting out.

So my external thought to it is that the condition it's in shows I'm slovenly and lazy.  That's the way I would perceive someone else looking at it would think of me if they saw it.  But when I sat and thought about it internally - what does it really mean, what does it really show? (and it took a while, I find it hard to tap in to that 'who I really am' stuff), I thought, actually, the reason it's not done is because I'm exhausted, unsupported, my priorities change not just daily but through the day, as I respond and adapt depending on my son's needs and, where possible, my own, the thought of having to argue with the landlord to get the work done really puts me off sorting it out and most days I don't have an uninterrupted chunk of two to three hours to work on it.

Now none of those internal thoughts are unreasonable, are they?  Because I've never had them before.  I always feel like anything I haven't done is a reflection of 'fault' on my part, in some way.  But now I'm thinking, no, it shows I've got no help, I prioritise my son, and myself most of the time, over the house because we are more important, and how my energy levels are low - not to mention how many houses we've lived in now that we've had to move out of again after I've spent time and energy making them better.

I'm carrying on with it through the day, I'd be interested in other's thoughts?  I'm looking through what I've written this morning and it's honestly like I've got two completely different people living in my head.  No wonder I'm always tired.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry really.

I'm just editing because it's getting worse and I sometimes feel so angry that I don't notice this stuff about myself sooner.  Why don't I see it? I want to blooming slap myself sometimes.

I went into the kitchen and it's similar to the bathroom - it needs decorating, I haven't cleaned the windows since the storm so they're still dirty, the whole room could do with a good clean, there are dishes that need washing, there's a blind in the corner waiting to go up on the window and again, it shows I'm slovenly, lazy, can't be bothered.  Have sat and had a think trying to tap into the 'internal' me, and do you know what I didn't even notice?  What didn't even register in my mind at all?  The loaf of bread on the side that I baked yesterday, the cupcakes I made for my son because they're his favourites.  The meal planners up on the wall that I use to make my son nice dinners that don't cost too much and avoid waste, the charts I've got up for him that show what food is in season and when, the utensils that are all arranged so they're easy for him to get to, the recipe cards that I've written out by hand in a way that he can follow more easily, the lists on the doors so that he can see what we need to buy when we go shopping and add to it if he sees we're getting low.  I paid no attention to the view from my window of what was a very overgrown garden when we moved in and is now cut back and tidy, full of birds enjoying their breakfast, borders on to another garden of a neighbour who is nice to me, the cat who we took in, full of fleas, worms and ticks, anxious and skinny, who is now lounging around like lord of the manor, getting a bit on the chubby side and who is up to date with all his treatments and vaccines.  Why didn't I see any of that?  Why have I never seen any of that?  It's all there, just as much as the walls that need painting and the blind that needs putting up, so why do I see those and not everything else?  Blooming hell.  I need to give my own head a wobble.  Right.  I'm carrying on, I won't come back with an update for each room though lol.  I feel like I need to go back to bed!  Lol
« Last Edit: February 09, 2025, 05:14:03 AM by Twoapenny »


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #127 on: February 09, 2025, 08:26:54 AM »
Tupp, you're a genius orchestrator if your son's life, but you're not omnipotent and all powerful.  You can't do everything, so you've chosen to prioritize your son.

I'm glad you found the perspective to see the entire field, bc it must have been so hard to notice only what was undone while judging and beating yourself up about it.

I did want to helps me to validate little L......
"Of course you feel that way, you're entitled and those feelings belong," rather than the "there, there darling, it's all right," bc it's not all right.

Little T has justified outrage and it's scary, but she'll feel so much better if she can just get it all out.

Loving, nonjudgmental kindness is your friend and you deserve it. Compassion is your stolen birthright.  Reclaim it....extend it often, if that pathway strong.

I love seeing your garden, kitty and home through your eyes, (((Tupp. ))) All the mindful accommodations for your son's best life.

Makes me feel better about my two bathrooms in need of renovation.  There's wallpaper ripped down in one, if I'm being honest....and I've done three huge renovations and helped my brother on a small renovation.  It's difficult to keep all that in focus, at once, without judgement, IME.  Difficult to find enough distance to see the entire field, yup yup yup.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #128 on: February 09, 2025, 11:08:55 AM »
Well, Tupp...

That blind in the kitchen is "work in progress"; so is the bathroom. I tend to take my time with design ideas - and allow myself to change my mind if something better or pleasing or easier comes up. It took both Hol & I a year to get the studio space mostly redecorated. Still have the powder room to do - but we've identified a quick & easy "motivational" trick for us, that will also let us get on with finalizing the working space of the room.

Stripping wallpaper is physically taxing but mentally monotonous. But that's a great time to see your space in a new way and think about how you would LIKE your storage to work in there. What's easy and practical and tidy. Baths tend to be small rooms so the plastering should go pretty quickly - once you address the obstacle of who's responsible. And yes, I think a solid paint scheme will make the room feel a little bigger; same if you storage - shelves, dressers, cabinets are the same color (or a similar tone) as your paint.

Then I would add a little quirky charm in curtains, rugs & towels. Maybe as you transform that room - you can also silence that inner critic some more!
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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #129 on: February 09, 2025, 06:36:18 PM »
I GOTTA go before Pup eats me but just want to say....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing you offering this sane and KIND counter-observation to your compulsive inner critic. That boring bitch has lived in your head long enough.

Oh yay. This is beautiful.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #130 on: February 25, 2025, 06:23:08 AM »
Hi, Tupp:

I'm suggesting checking out
THERAPY IN A NUTSHELL, How To Turn On The Parasympathetic Nervous System to calm Anxiety video, bc it explains so many things I try to say, but more succinctly, imo.

Just Google it and take a look if you're in the mood to mine for coping strategies, in the moment.

I wrote 2 long responses, but they were lost.  I hope this goes through.  I'm thinking of you, dear.



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #131 on: March 02, 2025, 02:37:20 AM »
Thanks, Lighter, I will have a look for that.  Things are fairly steady at the moment but I want to be well practised for the next time something happens so I'll practise while all is well!

Have some posts vanished?  I thought I'd written more but can't remember now.  May have imagined it.

Anyhoo.  Have realised over the weekend that my sister is a carbon copy of my mum and it's scared the crap out of me, to be honest.  I've had inklings of it over the years but knowing the hell she had to grow up with, I've always seen her more as 'traumatised so can't help it' rather than anything else.  But I'm pretty certain she is deliberately worsening the health problems of two of her kids, and I'm pretty certain she's doing it to claim disability benefits - which ironically is what she and my mum (falsely) accused me of doing to my son.  I know the benefit system very well because of my own son, and I know the reality of their conditions (including hers) don't entitle them to the level of benefit they're receiving.  What's worse, in my opinion, is that the eldest child is over 18, so any fraud would be attributed to her, even though she's doing it at her mother's behest.  A vehicle was provided through the disability scheme for the eldest one, there are strict conditions to claiming one and having one (we have one, so again I know through personal experience), and one of those is that it's used for the benefit of the disabled person and no-one else.  My sister uses it as her own personal vehicle all the time, the child it's actually for rarely leaves the house.  There are a number of very simple self help methods she's been told by various medical professionals to employ for all three of them - very simple, lose some weight, go swimming, get up in the morning so you see some daylight instead of lying in the dark for days at a time - she refuses to do any of them, including those for the children.  She's made a number of claims to me about disability provision in their area which again, through my own experiences, would be illegal if true.  I've checked the websites of two sports centres she claims are inaccessible; both are not only fully accessible, one actually offers free swimming for children so she wouldn't even need to pay to take them.  But she doesn't.  She's constantly requesting more medication for the teenager; I've had mental health problems for all of my adult life and I've never taken the quantities of meds she's insisting her daughter needs.  Her kids are all bright, intelligent and have so much potential and she's destroying them.  I genuinely think she can't bare to see them do well, the same as our mother couldn't with us.  I feel really disgusted and appalled by her as well.

I'm not willing to abandon the kids.  I'm aware how much it's stuck with me that no-one cared enough about me as a child to even bother to keep in touch, so I'm doing what I can to keep in contact with them independently of her.  The oldest one is very enmeshed, as I was with my own mother, so I'm not doing anything confrontational, just chit chat and dropping hints that I hope she might pick up on (such as how much better I feel now the days are getting longer) and hoping that if I maintain contact with them, it at least means they've got some contact with someone outside of that bubble and if the time comes they do want to get out, they've got at least one person who can help them.  I feel furious with my sister and with myself, for being reluctant to see it sooner.

Like my mum, she's very vague and there's no real proof so there's nothing official I can do - plus if I did report her, it would tip her off and then I'd have no contact with the kids at all.  Her story changes constantly; I was reading back through old text messages and, like my mum, she lies about things she doesn't need to, never takes responsibility for anything and changes her story about what's going on all the time.  How ironic that they constructed an entirely false narrative about me that was believed and acted upon in the most damaging way, and now I see that reality playing out before me there isn't enough evidence to do anything about it.  When she talks it's all about how everyone else's problems affect her, rather than what she's doing about any of it (other than screaming at doctors and constantly having rows with reception staff - again, this is my mother all over).  I really can't stand her but want to be around for the kids so I guess I'm playing the long game with it all.  Definitely keeping her at arm's length though, she's poisonous.


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #132 on: March 02, 2025, 04:27:09 PM »
Whoo boy, Tupp.

I guess I'm trying to figure out...
what CAN Tupp do? 

You're going through old conversations and texts, verifying facts, and documenting, enough to know.....with all your experience...
you can't prove what you know.  You can't stop your sister from harming her children and collecting benefits.

About the car, your sister would simply say she's doing things for that DD....or whatever she'd have to say.  In any case .... that's more proof sis is gaming the system, imo.  It's not something you need to act on....not sure, but seems that way to me.

You're doing what you can .....reaching out to the kids, staying neutral/safe and available, if and when, they need you.

That's enough. It has to be, bc beating your head against the wall accomplishes nothing.  Well, it tears you down and makes you less responsive and able to respond in the best possible way to help the kiddos, IME.

You're not a superhero.   You're a seasoned, competent warrior and I know you'll do everything you can do.

Just don't forget to accept the truth, finish accessing options, then put the story on the shelf once all actions are acted upon.

It's crucial to calm your brain & body, over and over, so you're strong, rested and able to act, should it be required, IME.

Release outcome, Tupp.  Drill down on facts. 

Your POV continues to expand, imo.  What will it show you next, I wonder?



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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #133 on: March 03, 2025, 09:30:42 AM »
I'm sorry for the disappointment in your sister's moral character, (((((Tupp)))).
That really hits hard.

But NOT becoming the one to "fix it" (either positively or negatively) is the one and only way to stay potentially in relationship to the kids. AND YOU'VE ALREADY FIGURED IT OUT.
Just as you've done with various toxic or draining friends.

No drama needed. Sane Tupp is in charge of you, and Son, and doing what you believe is right in your own life. Analyzing sis isn't worth your peace or precious time.

Toxic people, relatives or anyone, become boring. And, truly Tupp, by now the anchor of biology needs to lift off you fully. You're driving the boat of your life, and your peace. You don't need to welcome an angry walrus on board. You don't need to placate her or lie or pretend to her, because she's biological.

It's not fair that life hasn't given you a healthy, honest, supportive bio family. But there's no way in heck that you can reverse-engineer one.

I have an empty gorge where I used to think some form of family would always be. And where my Dad, in spirit, does remain. But I know that no-family emptiness. It's still a fact of my life, the way weather is. But it's no longer causing bleeding grief or anger. Part of my reality in the world, is all. I'd rather continue with my very small chosen family, knowing I can gradually still add a few new members as friends, if the sun shines.

And if it doesn't, I'll get a second dog. J/K!

big hugs,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Developing A Personality
« Reply #134 on: March 03, 2025, 04:02:00 PM »
I think you were ready for that thing to shift and move, ((Tupp.))
Trust it's gone.

 Reading your post brought on an add some EMDR to my time with Whirlie...brought it up like a lightbulb turning on.  Not sure why, but I'm looking forward to it🐦
