Hi Write ((((((write)))))
I know exactly (I think!) what you mean re is the stuff real or not. I’ve struggled and really suffered in my own way with these issues in the past. I’ve actually had a day when I didn’t believe that what I saw on my own PC here at home was the same as the board on other PCs. Okay, how damn paranoid is that? How dumb and not close to reality is that? AS IF anyone would go to that kind of trouble and effort just to confuse meeeee? Am I that important? Haha. No!
I mean. Okay I went to the library and checked the board there. Hey it was the same!! What did I expect???
I told myself to get a grip on reality. Reality is weird here on the net. Invisible people and on a psych board too? Hey that’s sure to make us think right?
But wait. What if it is all real? What if these other members are all real, genuine individuals with real, genuine problems (both practical and psychological)?
I decided a while ago that the best way for me to behave and treat the board is as if it is all real.
Because if I don’t, if I spiral into thinking there’s some ulterior motives, that way lies nuttiness for me.
And: suppose everyone is real? Suppose people really are hurting that much?
It’s entirely possible.
And I wouldn’t want to be someone who doesn’t take anyone seriously, not now (I’ve done it before though).
I think, on balance, and looking at the alternatives, it’s likely that it is all real, as real as the posters themselves.
And if it isn’t, what benefit is there to be gained from treating people as though they aren’t real – what benefit for any of us?
Maybe it’s about trust. And wanting to give and take, participate and connect with others.
I am real. A real person and all my posts on this board are real stuff. It’s all true. God that makes me feel vulnerable!

But so what, who cares?

Nobody on this earth is as interested in me as I am. That’s the cold truth. Nobody cares enough to play games, there’s no objective and no incentive really, that’s the way I see it.
Gosh that hit a button didn’t it? haha. You’re not alone with your thoughts write.
Thanks for your post! :DGotta go.
Hopalong! Thanks for your words, I like them, I really do. Nice one