Author Topic: how was christmas?  (Read 2088 times)


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how was christmas?
« on: December 26, 2004, 07:40:15 PM »
Thanks all who bolstered my confidence when I felt low earlier this week.
The emotional-n-roller-coaster sure takes it out of you sometimes...

How was everyone's christmas?

Ours was surprisingly fun and peaceful, felt like a normal family.

There were a few n-moments, but we are getting better ( on good days ) at recognising them: even n-h occasionally ( not enough for me to consider returning to the marriage, but enough for me to hope he will continue therapy and at least try to change )

Here's to 2005. Onward and upward...!


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how was christmas?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2004, 04:45:33 AM »
Thanks for inquiring about Christmas, write. Glad to hear yours was normal. Mine was N-less -- quiet, a bit solitary, but much better than the chaos of Christmases past . Yesterday a year ago I remember a grim, silence-filled ride to Denver to visit my family after visiting my ex-Ns. I was ready to bolt, hop a plane and head home because things had gotten so strained and weird. Of course, the row had been all my fault due to not being a mind-reader! Not so this Christmas. Thank goodness those days are over. Peace to all posters in the coming New Year!



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how was christmas?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 12:05:29 PM »
My Christmas was going very well until my N-mom showed up at my sister's place (where our family was spending the day). She was absolutely miserable to be around and snapped at me when I gave her our gift.  :evil:


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how was christmas?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 09:12:42 PM »
Of course, the row had been all my fault

Same here.  Last year my mother did everything she could to start an argument with me and I refused to participate.  I have to admit, it was exhausting not to take the bait and I had to stay on my toes and be very vigilant.  Finally, the rest of the family moved to another room and left her alone.  After a few minutes she screamed from the other room that my very old, very gentle cat had bitten her.  I said "Really?  I've never known him to bite anyone."  And of course she screamed "Well, I have the bitemarks to prove it!" So I asked to see them and she jumped up, put her coat and gloves on and left.  

Things were much quieter and peaceful here this year!  



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how was christmas?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2004, 09:19:13 PM »
After a few minutes she screamed from the other room that my very old, very gentle cat had bitten her. I said "Really? I've never known him to bite anyone." And of course she screamed "Well, I have the bitemarks to prove it!" So I asked to see them and she jumped up, put her coat and gloves on and left.

Hee hee hee. i know what happened was very annoying but it is very funny in one way too. they are just like little kids-arent' they!!! incredible how an adult body can contain such a childish mind. what a phenomenon is NPD.