Hi Mr T.
Glad it is over with. Your parents talking about trucks and home improvements sound like my parents. Denial with a giant capital D the size of Mount Everest. Last summer my dad kept wanting me to get over my problem with my mom so that I could come see his new deck.
Anyway, I think I *may* understand the baseball bat thing. It is like these people are in so much denial we feel they are capable of anything. But they don't ever go that far - we hope. I think it is their lack of conscience and/or sensitivity that causes this fear to rise up in me. At one time I was afraid to eat at my mom's. I think my reaction is a response to the coldness and unrealness of the N person. Of course it may be that your dad abused you in the past. I think the fear the sting of my dad's belt and my mom's silent treatment still echos in my emotions. I felt she was capable of destroying me by cutting me off emotionally.
P.S. You can always change your phone number if you have to.