Hi Bkkbri,
I was thinking about you the other day when listening to the Genesis album I received for Christmas. With prompting from Portia... (music) the following lyrics just fitted your dilemma as I see it:
MANY TOO MANY Written by Tony Banks
Many too many have stood where I stand
Many more will stand here too,
I think what I find strange is the way you built me up
Then knocked me down again.
The part was fun but now it's over,
Why can't I just leave the stage?
Maybe that's because you securely locked me up
Then threw away the key.
Oh mama,
Please would you find the key.
Oh pretty mama,
Please won't you let me go free.
I thought I was lucky
I thought that I'd got it made.
How could I be so blind?
You said good-bye on a corner
That I thought led to the straight.
You set me on a firmly laid and simple course
Then removed the road.
Oh mama,
Please help me find my way.
Oh pretty mama,
Please lead me through the next day.
I thought I was lucky
Oh I thought that I'd got it made.
How could I be so blind? Oh no...
We fall in love with a shell sometimes and put our own imaginations into that shell.
Now you know you were locked up, you'll know to search for the key....
The shell has removed herself from you and left you with only what you imagined to be within it.
I hope you find someone who can be real for you and encourage you to break out of this. I can see you're confused, but it's not your fault she is the way she is.
As the title of the song suggests, you probably won't be the last one who is left feeling like this by her behaviour. From what you say, nobody will ever measure up to her father and that's sad for her and any man she ever meets.

She's probably more stuck than you seem to be.
She won't be the one to release you, she appears to have moved on.... You have to start looking around for the key yourself and get yourself free.
Be gentle with yourself, close the door on this person and learn to be with people who are more whole again. Open your windows and let in some fresh air, have a good spring clean of those memories, be ruthless with the cleaning and don't keep anything which holds you locked up. It might be hard to begin, but once you get into the flow you should feel much better. Happy New Year!