Does anyone else here wince when they see all the gifts,
little or big
that we have given the Narcissists,
in every room in their house...
My N-mother is the worst person to buy a gift for. She never likes it, no matter what it is. Year, after year, I would go out and carefully choose a gift for her just to watch her face fall when she opens it. She's often even come right out and told my father (on Christmas Day) that she doesn't like the gift he bought for her. She's the queen of returns. Yet she makes this big production of opening the gift, dragging it out to the bitter limit, as she ever-so-slowly unwraps it. Only to kill any joy we might have had in choosing the gift, wrapping it and presenting it to her by acting like a spoiled child who got a lump of coal in her stocking for Christmas.
Over the years, I've tried to be creative and do other things like take her to a concert as a gift, or something...Never good enough. And the gifts I've given her, I either never see again, or it's stuck away collecting dust in the spare bedroom.
Our tastes are dramatically different. I recognize that. But I dread the gift-giving occasions because of her. Let's see...what should I waste my money on this year?