Bunny, Mum, Brigid, Bludie,
Thank you all for the reality check. I wonder why it is so hard to keep my brain engaged because when I do, I am FINE. It's just when my emotions kick in, I get confused and sad.
All of you who pointed out that he lives in fantasy are SO RIGHT. This guy was seriously exploring getting breast implants just a week before he met this new woman. And in his transgender ad he says that he's never been with a man or a t-girl (a man who dresses as a woman) before but he is beginning to realize that this is what he is truly seeking in a romance.
Some of you mentioned that he probably feels a certain amount of conflict and possibly guilt over what he did with me (though, supposedly N's don't feel guilt). I think you are right. The reason he ran away from me so fast is because I was TOO appropriate for him. We were HUGELY compatible, (apart from the fact that I am relatively sane he is a nutcase

Yes, his fixation on the woman from 10 years ago is an excuse. It is a completely asexual fantasy. I've read that N's sometimes compartmentalize women into ones they love that they don't have sex with, and ones they have sex with that they can't love. I think that's what's going with this 10 year woman.
Bludie, you suggested that I am too grounded for him. I am pretty grounded and self aware and responsible. I have my financial act together even though I have never been in a high paying field. I think it's entirely possible that he envies me. My net worth is 20 times his even though he's made hundreds of thousands of dollars more than I have. He just blows it with his impulsiveness. That is the one thing that I am consistently happy to have avoided through marriage to him: merging my good finances with his reckless ones.
Bunny, please point me in the direction of your original story on this board if there is one. You consistently nail things right on the head. It makes me wonder what your N experience was and how you understand these N behaviors so well.
I really love it when all of you point out what a whack job this guy is. HE IS!!! Why do I keep forgetting that? What's really odd is that he has people that like him and that confused me (when I was still reading his mail). How can all these people not see through his stuff? Of course, he lifestyle is such that he travels a lot and sees these people very infrequently. Maybe that's how he can keep up the facade of being a good guy. His son doesn't think much of him and his ex-wife won't even talk to him.
Bludie, it's so true what you said about him carrying that much more unpacked baggage with this new woman. I am part of that baggage. You are right. He IS trying to rewrite history when it comes to me. I am the first woman since his wife that he brought to meet his large family that he's very close with. He didn't even bring the 10 year "fantasy" woman home.
Brigid, when you say your soon to be ex is a total and complete coward who avoids talking to you because he's afraid you'll tell him what you think of him....I can well relate to that. I think my ex is also a coward. In fact, he DID write to me a few months ago. He tried to come off loving and magnanimous and spiritual but since I'd been reading his email, I knew his words were false. Besides, he sent the email to me through some mutual friends of ours in order to save face with them. Long story short: I told him exactly what I thought of him in a pretty controlled way and sent the letter via our friends just as he did. No wonder he's afraid of making further contact with me.
Bunny, my best friend also thought it extremely odd that he didn't even suspect "Lisa" was me. I asked specifically about the dog. It is a web site for vegetarians and vegans and there aren't that many of us. He should have figured it out.
About my dog, the reason it is such a violation is that my dog is like my child (since I have no children and ADORE this dog) and he knows it. She is a strikingly beautiful animal and he is essentially exploiting her to get attention for his ad. Women like men who like dogs and this photo is one I took of the two of them when we were just newly engaged and at the height of our love. Why is he using that photo? Is it just another F.U. to me?
Thank you all again for the therapy. I feel much better. I will print out your letters and hang them on my refrigerator.