MyhusbandandI and MyWifeandI,
I know my post came across harsh. I didn't want to acuse, but it came out I could not stop the words and feelings. It was as if my parents were writing asking why I didn't love them anymore. But here's my 2 cents after reading the later postings.
My H and I have spent the past 2 years wondering what comes next. We have refused to be enmeshed with church for over 5 years now and have been so busy with kids sports and school and life that we realized we were forgetting ourselves along the way. In doing this form of thinking was when I stumbled upon the realization that my Nparents tried to trap me into their world so many times because I and my siblings were all they had. They lived their lives around us. They only made choices for us they wanted - never considered our wants, but every move in their mind was for their children.
When we grew up and moved away, they were hurt that we had the nerve to pull up roots and explore a life for ourselves. Sure college was ok, but leaving town, being on our own, never needing them anymore was more than they could take. That's when the adult to adult-child abuse started. Because I didn't need them as a parent anymore, they wanted to punish me.
When I married and moved to Alaska, they took it personally because they needed to be needed.
When I had my first child and refused to let them take him for their own, they said I didn't love them enough.
When we moved back to their state, but refused to live in their town, they took it personally. When I had 2 more children and knew how to be a mother and didin't need them anymore in that realm, they took it personally.
When we moved across the country they took it personally.
The trend here is that when you enmesh yourself too much with your kids and depend on them to continue to bring you happiness later in life, when they are just discovering their own lives, they can become angry, feel stalked, feel smothered. And the reaction to a parent can be a mature discussion, or can be a child lashing out because they want to grow up and be an adult themself, but feel their parent pulling them back, begging to be needed.
An adult child does not want their parent to act like a needy child begging them to be loved and needed. They want to see their parent move on as mature adults and let the adult child discover their own lives. When the adult child feels stable they will return, but do not want to be shamed or reminded of their weaknesses as a child. They want to be discovered as another adult, respected for having reached this season in their life and addressed and respected as any other adult in the parents lives.
That does not happen very much. My MIL treats my H and I just like the last paragraph and we love spending time with her. My Nparents treat me husband and I as 2 year olds and we refuse to be around them.
Who do you think we want to spend time with. Who do you think we want around our children?
After my H and I discovered we needed to plan a life for ourselves for when our children do not need us anymore, we stopped at that moment depending on them for our happiness. We started pulling away a little and continue today pulling away, forcing our children to start making their own decisions, forcing them to not be at our heels needing us for entertainment. We started planning vacations without them in the near future.
They will leave us soon and we do not want to look back and say we lived our entire life for our children and they left and do not need us anymore - bad, bad children. We want to say, they left, we're free again, and lets go have some fun!
We do not care what anyone around us thinks about our decisions. We are still responsibile parents, but will not allow our children at this point in their lives to be 100% dependent on us.
We bought Harleys and plan on exploring the nation on 2 wheels over the next few decades. Our kids are jealous of the bikes, saying we love the bikes more than them because we will go on rides without them. Guess what - I'd rather they see we are separate individuals now rather than later in life and have the issues you now face. They are getting over this little jealousy, but there will be others. The thing is, we don't care if they do not approve of our decisions fro our lives. It our life - theirs is their life.
My kids will have kids and they will be my grandchildren. But I am not planning my future living with and around grandchildren. I don't know where my kids will live - near or far away. I do not want to be let down thinking I was to be the nearby granny taking care of the little ones. To tell you the truth, the church people I grew up with think this way. And my mother thinks I am lesser of a mother because I do not want to raise my grandchildren. I want my kids to raise their own kids. My mother stole and adopted my sister's child because she doesn't want us girls to grow up and taking our children is a way to deny we are adults and mothers.
I see ways in my daughter that mimick my mother and sister. I have to leave the room because I want to scream at my daughter to stop being my mother. But, my daughter has to make her choices - whether to act in a way not acceptable to her family and friends, or to be loving and kind. I hope she will be loving and kind. I love my daughter dearly, but if she decides to follow a pattern like my parents, I will put a distance between us, but I will always love her. I will never give up loving her but I also will not beg her to change. But my daughter knows that! That is the difference. She does not want to be ailienated. She makes an effort to swing back to us because we will not support any form of demanding children, nasty, violent attitudes, martyr personality, or any other ways that are harmful to others.
We are teaching our kids, and ourselves to become separate individuals. Sho knows what the outcome will be. But...... we will have our lives still and will not try to follow our children for our happiness.