Just getting used to this concept.....as a real thing that I have dealt with for so many years........have been trying to figure out the best possible response to my ex.....who just wrote to me after leaving 12 years ago....and after much deliberate destruction........suddenly I get a letter which to my eyes reads practically like a love letter!!! It is so shocking...but then I remembered the therapist I saw while going through the divorce mentioned Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcisissm.....once we parted.........I kind of forgot those terms.....but they came back to me and found this board while looking for info online. I had never really been able to articulate the hell I had gone through....couldn't even articulate it to myself.....the therapist must have known some of it.....mostly I was just scared and hurting.........but online in the last few days since I got the letter...I have found so much info about this........it seems like a miracle that someone somewhere really knows what I experienced.........and can explain it in terms that make sense........for so long none of it made sense to me.....why would he do the things he did....? They seemed so....diabolical.......I didn't get it.
Now I get it. But........there is still my own nature and damaged self to contend with. Have been trying to figure out the perfect response to his letter..........one that can't be used to hurt me or my kids...........and have had to conclude that there is none. But I worry that not answering him at all...............will also be used to fuel some plot. I thought I was done with having to deal with him. Now he pops up...........wanting some kind of "reunion" and plug back in to a supply. You don't even want to know the stuff he did to me! Still.............after all that...........there is (and he's counting on that) this little part of me that says........he's hurting.....this is all so sad.........after all....this kids.......(all in their 30's)
the grandkids............BUT the healthier part blinks that big neon sign:Danger!!!Danger!!! Then I let out a big sigh. Still....if there was a way to get help to him or for him.........in some intervention....or 3rd party way.............well, I guess he would just erupt all over somebody.....SO, somebody tell me.......do I just ignore this letter....and consider his beseaching me to let my feelings overcome his mistakes?(his words...not mine)I see this as his asking me to carry the burden for all the stuff he did.......to do the emotional work that he won't own....BUT how does one forgive such a person..........doesn't the recipient need to be aware of the forgiveness? This is all so confusing. Still, I am terrified of this man. Thanks for any input. kap