Thank you Bunny for your thoughts;I love your replies because you are always so sensible and to the point.
I haven't replied sooner because I've been thinking over your suggestion that I could try pretending that my ex is boring. I was thinking that that would be a very difficult thing to do.That was because I used to feel so intensely alive and excited for much of the time when I was with him.It was a real adrenalin rush,and he made me believe that I was fascinating,beautiful and wonderful company.However I can see now that it was really a sick,unhealthy kind of excitement,not to mention the fact that during my time with him I was constantly lurching between that hysterical excitement,and the other extreme....a feeling of intense hopelessness,of being in a cage because of the incredible hold he had over me. (Funnily enough he sometimes used to tell me that I had brainwashed that what is meant by projection?)
Anyway,my memory seems to have recently flicked the 'off' switch, in that I no longer miss his company like I used to, and so perhaps in my own gradual way,I will reach a point where (amazingly) I will be able to see him as boring. If I recall our 'happy' times together,but without taking much pleasure in the memories,I hope that I will think about them less and less,because there will be nothing in it for me.
Hope this makes some sort of sense!
Thanks again Bunny,