I met my husband over a year ago, through a friend. He said when he saw my name in an email he knew I was his wife. We fell deeply in love and had a long distance relationship for eight months. The whole time I felt overwhelmingly that we were soulmates (as did he). He proposed, and we eloped. It was so perfect.
About one month into the marriage his interest in sex virtually disappeared, (drastic change). He kept telling me that he was just adapting to the change of his 'new life', (leaving his home, etc). We talked about it many times. Something felt different, I told myself that I was just being paranoid. But my intuition is quite strong.
I found out a few weeks ago that he had been writing his ex girlfriend for the last few months. In the letters he expresses that he still loves her, thinks about her sexually. When I first confronted him he denied it all, saying she had created it, that she was crazy. The truth eventually came out, after days of painful discussions. I found out that she was not the only one. I was/am devastated. Our whole relationship was founded on a deep honesty with each other.
He tells me that she means nothing to him, that he does not/has never loved her. That it was an addiction. He admits to a form of 'fantasy addiction' and did cease all contact, also explaining the truth to some friends who he had lied to. I am unable to trust.
When I have intense scared moments he is at times frustrated and upset by my inability to believe him. I have huge bouts of paranoia, when he is writing, when he goes out. I can definitely relate to the feeling of "wallking on eggshells" and have actually mentioned it to him. He has feelings of guilt and shame, which are heightened when I express my fears. He expresses fears that I will leave him. It is a constant battle for me to stay, (there are other problems, money, etc). He really wants us to move to another country.
I explained to a friend a few months ago that I have always had difficulty sleep in the same bed with him, (the energy is strange). It feels like I have drank several cups of coffee. One woman described the feeling of "ants in your head", I think it is the same. After reading some of these posts I am starting to feel less crazy.
I have always been strong, happy, courageous, successful and talented. In the last few months I have felt myself turn into a different person, scared, moody, dark, sad, unhappy. There are many things that I tell myself,
I am adapting to the changes of a new marriage, I am doing a lot of my own healing (family stuff, hard work), we are still learning about each other and he brings up a lot of my 'stuff' (and i in turn bring up a lot of his), that these 'things' will make us stronger in the long term, that I am being taught all of the things I need to learn.
I really do love him. But I will leave if my emotional survival depends on it. Am I destined for more deception? How would one ever know?