Thank you so much, Portia.
I remember, as a tiny little child, I lapsed into this "fog", unable to understand why I was even born, why I was alive, who I was as though I was so alone in this big huge world, and I didn't connect with anyone, no one was there for me on an emotional level, I felt so insecure and it hurt. Even as a small child, I remember feeling that hurt, it was bigger than I could cope with, so into this fog, I went. I stayed in this fog, being abused, and horribly neglected and I could never concentrate in school, I never stayed in one school for more than 3 months at a time, so I never had a chance to become familiar, I was unable to find comfort. Then I was dumped off at my grandparents, who I stayed with for most of my remaining formative years, and they were very strict and religious, to the point of disastrous consequences for me psychologically. They would ritualistically beat "the demons" out of me. I was the offspring of a man who lead my mother into sin, therefore I was a child of the devil.
I went to this Christian school while I lived with them, and my grandparents even gave the school written permission to take the "Betsy Ann" to me, which was a rather large paddle, a stick with childrens names carved into it. I was beaten by the pastor for being accused of cheating on a test, which I know to this day I never did. Being beaten for something you never EVER did, with your grandparents full endorsement, left a lasting scar on me psychologically.
Today, I have come to terms with my abusive grandparents, who are still alive and still obsessive about their religion, and I"let" them forgive ME.
That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I did it to free myself, and be a bigger person.
Thanks for listening.